Randy Flagg

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Name: Randy Flagg
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Flagg’s main source of pleasure come from the school’s Debate club, where he always plays the offense. He’s also a member of the running team, though most of his friends know him as more of a walker than a runner.

Appearance: Flagg can be described as average, with a long tan face. He’s always smiling with pearly white teeth, a smile the continuously seems to grow wider as things go in his favor. His eyes are a dark color, most people have simply stated that they are black seeing as noone has gotten close enough to him to look long enough to figure out the hue. His hair is a tangle of brown lustrous locks which always seems to look just right.

Flagg’s clothing consists mainly of a plain black t-shirt, denim jeans, and dusty old cowboy boots. However what some people say is the most strange thing about Flagg is his denim jacket, the front being covered in a large assortment of buttons. A pig wearing a police hat, a smiley face with a bullet hole right in the forehead, and the popular peace sign are there, all shined and relaying a statement which most people are unable to grasp (even Flagg doesn't know why he chooses the buttons he does, he just likes the way they look).

One thing about Flagg which most people can attest to is he is extremely calm under pressure, his smile almost never leaving his face. They can also elaborate to the fact that no matter what situation he can remain charming.

Biography: Randy was born Randall C. K. Flagg, but was otherwise always known as Randy. He was born to Frannie and Stu Flagg in the neighboring town of Castle Rock, he commutes from there to school on a daily basis. His mother was the overbearing homemaking mother archetype while his dad worked at the local post office, delivering the mail daily to their neighborhood. Randy grew up comfortably while maintaining his secrecy.

Such a boring life does things to a child, the same routine everyday led to a constant need for something to enter his life. Some form of the extra-ordinary, something unique only to him, it never came. He became disillusioned, and he receded into his own mind. The parents didn’t notice, only concerned with getting through the every day struggle (they thought he was just a rather dull boy.) Something deep inside Flagg grew, and he decided to be the one in control of his

Flagg quietly and complacently worked through school life, gaining the respect of his teachers through amazing school work and his quiet and respectable attitude. The other students payed no attention to him, h made no effort to garner their attention either. The one occasion that surprised everyone before his entrance into High School was his speech as class valedictorian upon graduating Middle School, an event which held no importance to Flagg whatsoever. What teachers and students described afterwards as powerful and frightening. Only the people in the small cramped auditorium know what happened in there, but so far none have even begun to speak of it (This pleased Flagg greatly, seeing as it gave him some form of respect among his peers).

By the time he reached High School he had it completely worked out. He knew how people worked, and he began to exploit that. His charisma and natural talents at public speaking he became a popular student to both his peers and teachers. Only few have ever seen the rage and greed behind Flagg’s usually cheerful demeanor, and most of those few are quickly destroyed by rumours spread by Flagg himself. He has set himself in a high position, ready to move on to the real world and spread real chaos.

Advantages: Flagg is extremely manipulative to a degree of professionalism, his unbreakable charisma keeps most people under his sway. Flagg, in reality, is a total sociopath with no care for his peers and is more than willing to kill to get what he wants.

Disadvantages: Those who know Flagg for who he is are deeply afraid of the obvious psychopath beneath the pleasant facade. If things don’t go his way, he steadily begins to unravel, say the right things and he could lose control, causing more trouble for himself than anything.

Designated Number: Male Student no. 43

The above biography is as written by ZigZaggerty. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Pickaxe
Conclusions: So he's a manipulative sociopath, eh? I must say, I'm quite intrigued by this B43. If he can manipulate his fellow students into killing one another off for him, he won't have to soil his own hands. And, we won't have to undergo that pesky little formality of announcing his name with his kills, so he'll be free to slaughter anyone that he pleases!


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons: Pickaxe (issued weapon)



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Coming soon...


Below is a list of threads containing Randy, in chronological order.

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