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Revision as of 01:46, 9 February 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Real Name: Adam Dodd

Time with SOTF: Essentially since the beginning, lurked for a week before finally deciding to join.

Internet Aliases: d0ddi0slave, has settled into using either his last or first name out of simple lazyness, also because everyone calls him by those anyways.

V1 Characters: Adam Dodd, Andrew Lipson, Cole Hudson, Amanda Jones, Gilbert Archambault, Sidney Crosby, Eddie Serjeantson, Arturo Villamor, Angelina Kaige

V2 Characters: Andrew Panturescu, Adam Amato, Sarah Dao, Rupert Stockton, Alexander Ovechkin, Burton Harris, Zilya Merchenkov, adopted Mariavel Varella during V2 Endgame.

V3 Characters: Adam Dodd, Burton Harris (under the alias Ken Lawson), Keith Jackson

Random Facts:

  • Has been playing hockey for about fifteen years.
  • Currently in his fourth year of study at York University in Toronto, Ontario.
  • Hates spiders and mushrooms.
  • Enjoys beer, primarily that of the Canadian variety.
  • Will be, as of Feb 17/08, unemployed.
  • Since joining SOTF in July of 05, has gone from 240 lbs to 175.
  • Often bases his characters upon people that he knows - Cole, Gilbert, Keith, Burton, Amanda and Rupert are his only characters who are not based off of a real person.
  • Popularized the 'music post' and considers it a trademark of his. Disapproves that it's currently being bastardized by its intense usage.
  • Favourite movie: Memento.
  • Lives with both parents, two younger brothers, and a dog named Maggie.


Born in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, Adam Dodd is, at 22 years of age, one of the older members in SOTF.

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