New NS Nation

From Roach Busters

Revision as of 00:57, 1 September 2009 by Knut (Talk | contribs)

Article 1. (1) ____ is and will always be independent. It is constituted as a unitary and indivisible state based on the rule of law and social justice.

(2) ____ adopts as its system of government that of a representative democratic republic.

Article 2. (1) All power emanates from the people, who exercise such power through their representatives or by referendum, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

(2) No group of people nor individual can be granted the power.

(3) The organization of a referendum shall be established by law.

Article 3. The government of the Republic is exercised by the legislative, executive, and judicial powers through a system in which the three branches of government are kept independent, balanced, coordinated, and with mutual checks and balances.

Article 4. The symbols of the Fatherland are:

(1) The national flag, consisting of three vertical stripes of equal width, of which the left stripe is blue, the center stripe is white, and the right stripe is red; the center of the flag is defaced with the national coat of arms.

(2) The national coat of arms is a blue roundel, in the center of which is a yellow five-pointed star, and around which are two wreaths.

(3) The national motto of the Republic is "Paz y Progreso."

(4) The national anthem of the Republic is "Himno Nacional de la República de _______."

Article 5. The official langauges of the Republic shall be Spanish and, in areas where they predominate, indigenous languages.

Article 6. The official religion of the Republic is the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religion, without prejudice to the religious liberty that remains guaranteed by this Constitution. The official relations of the Republic with the Holy See shall be governed by concordats or other bilateral agreements.

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