Editing Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay, 1967

From Roach Busters

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3) The treasury seal, which reproduces the coat of arms found on the reverse side of the flag, with the added inscription "República del Paraguay", on the border edge;
3) The treasury seal, which reproduces the coat of arms found on the reverse side of the flag, with the added inscription "República del Paraguay", on the border edge;
4) The national anthem, the chorus of which begins with the phrase: "Paraguayos, República o muerte";
4) The national anthem, the chorus of which beguns with the phrase: "Paraguayos, República o muerte";
5) The musical composition "Campamento Cerro León".
5) The musical composition "Campamento Cerro León".
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1) By loss of nationality; or
1) By loss of nationality; or
2) By accepting from a foreign government a political function in connection with intelligence, security, or defense, without authorization from the executive power, or by accepting an allowance or pension, which implies his submission to that government.  
2) By accepting from a foreign government a political function in connection with intelligence, security, or defense, without authorization from the executive power, or by accepting an allowance or pension, which implies his submission to that government.
<u>Article 35.</u> The Congress alone may grant honorary citizenship to foreigners who have rendered eminent services to the republic.
<u>Article 35.</u> The Congress alone may grant honorary citizenship to foreigners who have rendered eminent services to the republic.
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<u>Article 58.</u> Every author, inventor, or investigator is the exclusive owner of his work, invention, or scientific discovery for the period of time determined by law.
<u>Article 58.</u> Every author, inventor, or investigator is the exclusive owner of his work, invention, or scientific discovery for the period of time determined by law.
<u>Article 59.</u> Except when caught in the act of committing a crime, persons may be arrested only by written warrant issued by the competent authority. No person whatsoever may be detained for more than twenty-four hours without being advised for the reason for his detention, nor shall he be kept detained other than in his domicile or in a public place designated for this purpose. The detention shall be brought to the knowledge of the competent judge within forty-eight hours. If the arrested person is held incommunicado, this condition may in no case be prolonged beyond that period of time, unless by judicial order.
<u>Article 59.</u> Except when caught in the act of committing a crime, persons may be arrested only by written warrant issued by the competent authority. No person whatsoever may be detained for more than twenty-four hours without being advised for the reason for his detention, nor shall he be kept detained other than in his domicile or in a public place designated for this purpose. The detention shall be brought to the knowledge of the competent judge within forty-eight hours. If the arrested person is held incommunicando, this condition may in no case be prolonged beyond that period of time, unless by judicial order.
<u>Article 60.</u> In the investigation of punishable offenses, the accused shall have access to the charges against him in the summary hearing, and to all means of defense prescribed by law. The summary hearing is not secret, nor may it be prolonged beyond the legally established time.
<u>Article 60.</u> In the investigation of punishable offenses, the accused shall have access to the charges against him in the summary hearing, and to all means of defense prescribed by law. The summary hearing is not secret, nor may it be prolonged beyond the legally established time.
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<u>Article 74.</u> No person or enterprise that publishes a newspaper and no radio or television broadcasting station may receive a subsidy of public or private funds from abroad without authorization by the government.
<u>Article 74.</u> No person or enterprise that publishes a newspaper and no radio or television broadcasting station may receive a subsidy of public or private funds from abroad without authorization by the government.
<u>Article 75.</u> In suits brought on account of publications of any nature that may affect the honor, reputation, or dignity of individuals and that refer to offenses subject to private penal actions, or to acts of private conduct that this Constitution and the law declare to be exempt from the authority of the magistrates, evidence of the truth or of the notoriety of such acts shall not be admissible. Such evidence shall be admitted when the suit is brought because of the publication of criticism of the official conduct of public functionaries, and in the other cases expressly provided by law.
<u>Article 75.</u> In suits brought on account of publications of any nature that may affect the honor, reputation, or dignity of individuals and that refer to offenses subject to private penal actions, or to acts of private conduct that this Constitution and the law declare to be exempt from the authority of the magistrates, evidence of the truth or of the notoriety of such acts shall not be admissable. Such evidence shall be admitted when the suit is brought because of the publication of criticism of the official conduct of public functionaries, and in the other cases expressly provided by law.
<u>Article 76.</u> The rights to petition authorities, to associate for lawful purposes, and to assemble peacefully are guaranteed to all inhabitants. Meetings in public places shall be regulated by law to safeguard the rights of others and public order.
<u>Article 76.</u> The rights to petition authorities, to associate for lawful purposes, and to assemble peacefully are guaranteed to all inhabitants. Meetings in public places shall be regulated by law to safeguard the rights of others and public order.
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<center>b. Education and Culture</center>
<center>b. Education and Culture</center>
<u>Article 89.</u> All inhabitants have the right to education to develop their mental and physical capabilities, to build their civic and moral conscience, and to acquire the ability to carry on the struggle for existence. Elementary education is compulsory and freedom to impart it is ordained. The state shall maintain the public schools necessary to assure to all inhabitants, free of charge, the opportunity to learn and it shall endeavor, by all the means at its disposal, to provide equality of opportunity for students in all of them. It shall also maintain and promote, on the same basis of equality and freedom, secondary, vocational, agricultural, industrial, and technical education, and higher or university education, as well as scientific and technological research.
<u>Article 89.</u> All inhabitants have the right to education to develop their mental and physical capabilities, to build their civic and moral conscience, and to acquire the ability to carry on the struggle for existence. Elementary education is compulsory and freedo to impart it is ordained. The state shall maintain the public schools necessary to assure to all inhabitants, free of charge, the opportunity to learn and it shall endeavor, by all the means at its disposal, to provide equality of opportunity for students in all of them. It shall also maintain and promote, on the same basis of equality and freedom, secondary, vocational, agricultural, industrial, and technical education, and higher or university education, as well as scientific and technological research.
<u>Article 90.</u> The law shall envisage the provision of funds for fellowships, scholarships, and other aid to enable Paraguayans who demonstrate outstanding aptitudes, preferably those who lack financial resources, to receive advanced scientific, technological, artistic, or intellectual training.
<u>Article 90.</u> The law shall envisage the provision of funds for fellowships, scholarships, and other aid to enable Paraguayans who demonstrate outstanding aptitudes, preferably those who lack financial resources, to receive advanced scientific, technological, artistic, or intellectual training.
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<u>Article 94.</u> The state shall promote economic development by means of the rational utilization of the resources available for the purpose of promoting vigorous growth of the national economy, creating new sources of work and wealth, and ensuring the general welfare. Development shall be promoted on the basis of overall programs founded upon principles of social justice that assure to all persons an existence that is compatible with human dignity.
<u>Article 94.</u> The state shall promote economic development by means of the rational utilization of the resources available for the purpose of promoting vigorous growth of the national economy, creating new sources of work and wealth, and ensuring the general welfare. Development shall be promoted on the basis of overall programs founded upon principles of social justice that assure to all persons an existence that is compatible with human dignity.
<u>Article 95.</u> Private initiative shall be encouraged in accordance with the preceding article. All inhabitants of the republic may freely engage in the gainful activity of their preference; but at no time and in no form whatsoever shall mergers tending toward monopoly, artificially raising or lowering of prices, or restraint in any way upon free competition be permitted. Usury and unauthorized trade in articles that are harmful to health shall be sanctioned by criminal law.
<u>Article 95.</u> Private initiative shall be encouraged in accordance with the preceding article. All inhabitants of the republic may freely engage in the gainful activity of their preference; but at no time and in no form whatsoever shall mergers tending toward monopoly, artifically raising or lowering of prices, or restraint in any way upon free competition be permitted. Usury and unauthorized trade in articles that are harmful to health shall be sanctioned by criminal law.
<u>Article 96.</u> Private property is guaranteed, and its nature and restrictions shall be determined by law, taking into account its economic and social function. No one may be deprived of his property except through a judicial judgment, but expropriation by reason of public utility or social interest as defined by law that also guarantees just compensation is permitted.
<u>Article 96.</u> Private property is guaranteed, and its nature and restrictions shall be determined by law, taking into account its economic and social function. No one may be deprived of his property except through a judicial judgment, but expropriation by reason of public utility or social interest as defined by law that also guarantees just compensation is permitted.
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<u>Article 124.</u> In no case shall private interests prevail over the general interest of the nation. All the inhabitants should collaborate for its benefit and are obliged to render services to it and perform the functions that the law determines as public offices.
<u>Article 124.</u> In no case shall private interests prevail over the general interest of the nation. All the inhabitants should collaborate for its benefit and are obliged to render services to it and perform the functions that the law determines as public offices.
<u>Article 125.</u> Every Paraguayan citizen is obliged to bear arms in defense of the nation and this Constitution. Military service is compulsory for male citizens, and those who have completed military service shall remain in the reserve. Women shall not render military service except in case of necessity during an international war, and not as combatants. The law shall regulate the contributions of aliens to national defense.
<u>Article 125.</u> Every Paraguayan citizen is obliged to bear arms in defense of the nation and this Constitution. Military service is compulsory for male citizens, and those who have completed military service shall remain in the reserve. Women shall not render military service exept in case of necessity during an international war, and not as combatants. The law shall regulate the contributions of aliens to national defense.
<u>Article 126.</u> All inhabitants of the republic are under obligation to earn their living through a lawful activity.
<u>Article 126.</u> All inhabitants of the republic are under obligation to earn their living through a lawful activity.
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==<center>CHAPTER VI<br>AGRARIAN REFORM</center>==
==<center>CHAPTER VI<br>AGRARIAN REFORM</center>==
<u>Article 128.</u> This Constitution upholds agrarian reform as one of the fundamental factors for the achievement of rural well-being, which consists in the effective incorporation of the rural population into the economic and social development of the nation. To this end, equitable systems of land distribution, ownership, and tenure shall be adopted; credit, technical cooperation and social welfare shall be organized; the creation of cooperatives and other associations of a similar nature shall be fostered; and the increase of production, its industrialization, and market distribution shall be promoted, in such a way as to permit the rural population to achieve their economic betterment, as a guarantee of their freedom and dignity, and as a foundation of the national well-being.
<u>Article 128.</u> This Constitution upholds agrarian reform as one of the fundamental factors for the achievement of rural well-being, which consists in the effective incorporation of the rural population into the economic and social development of the nation. To this end, equitable systems of land distribution, ownership, and tenure shall be adoped; credit, technical cooperation and social welfare shall be organized; the creation of cooperatives and other associations of a similar nature shall be fostered; and the increase of production, its industrialization, and market distribution shall be promoted, in such a way as to permit the rural population to achieve their economic betterment, as a guarantee of their freedom and dignity, and as a foundation of the national well-being.
<u>Article 129.</u> The law shall specify the maximum area of land of which one natural or juridical person may be the owner. The relationship of the area of the country to its total inhabitants, the uses for which the land is naturally suited, and the necessities and provisions advisable for the even development of crop raising, stock raising, forestry, and industrial activities shall serve as guidelines for the establishment of that limitation. The areas in excess shall be considered latifundia and must be sold on terms and under special conditions to be established by law whenever uncultivated land needed for agricultural use or for the foundation or expansion of fixed population centers is involved. The latifundium shall be the object of a progressive tax system that will contribute to its elimination.
<u>Article 129.</u> The law shall specify the maximum area of land of which one natural or juridical person may be the owner. The relationship of the area of the country to its total inhabitants, the uses for which the land is naturally suited, and the necessities and provisions advisable for the even development of crop raising, stock raising, forestry, and industrial activities shall serve as guidelines for the establishment of that limitation. The areas in excess shall be considered latifundia and must be sold on terms and under special conditions to be established by law whenever uncultivated land needed for agricultural use or for the foundation or expansion of fixed population centers is involved. The latifundium shall be the object of a progressive tax system that will contribute to its elimination.
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<u>Article 143.</u> In order to carry out their duties in the best manner, the chambers of Congress may request the other powers of the state to furnish such reports on matters of public interest as the former may believe necessary. The reports shall be transmitted in writing within one month and, if they are considered insufficient, the minister of the branch of government concerned may be requested to appear, by means of a note transmitted at least five days in advance, in which the reason for the decision shall be expressed in detail together with the date on which he should appear. The ministers may have the assistance of advisers.
<u>Article 143.</u> In order to carry out their duties in the best manner, the chambers of Congress may request the other powers of the state to furnish such reports on matters of public interest as the former may believe necessary. The reports shall be transmitted in writing within one month and, if they are considered insufficient, the minister of the branch of government concerned may be requested to appear, by means of a note transmitted at least five days in advance, in which the reason for the decision shall be expressed in detail together with the date on which he should appear. The ministers may have the assistance of advisers.
<u>Article 144.</u> Ministers of the executive power, as well as advisers of government departments and national government or municipal officials or other salaried employees, may be elected regardless of the title of their post and the amount of their remuneration but, except for teachers or professors, they may not exercise the functions of senator or deputy while they hold those posts.
<u>Article 144.</u> Ministers of the executive power, as well as advisers of government departments and national government or municipal officials or other salaried employees, may be elected regardless of the title of their post and the amount of their renumeration but, except for teachers or professors, they may not exercise the functions of senator or deputy while they hold those posts.
<u>Article 145.</u> Members of the clergy and persons on active military service may not be elected senators or deputies. Neither may persons who are part of an enterprise that operates a public service or has obtained a concession from the government nor the attorneys, representatives, or advisers of such enterprises be elected.
<u>Article 145.</u> Members of the clergy and persons on active military service may not be elected senators or deputies. Neither may persons who are part of an enterprise that operates a public service or has obtained a concession from the government nor the attorneys, representatives, or advisers of such enterprises be elected.
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<u>Article 178.</u> The president of the republic may leave the country only for official reasons after due consideration has been given to the best possible way to carry out his duties, in which case he shall entrust the office of the presidency of the republic to one of the ministers of his cabinet. He shall inform the other powers of such decisions. A special law shall establish the functions of the minister in charge of the office of the presidency of the republic.
<u>Article 178.</u> The president of the republic may leave the country only for official reasons after due consideration has been given to the best possible way to carry out his duties, in which case he shall entrust the office of the presidency of the republic to one of the ministers of his cabinet. He shall inform the other powers of such decisions. A special law shall establish the functions of the minister in charge of the office of the presidency of the republic.
<u>Article 179.</u> In the event of the resignation, disability or death of the president of the republic, the minister of the interior or, in his default, any of the other ministers of the executive power shall immediately inform the presidents of the Senate, of the Chamber of Deputies, and of the Council of State of the fact, and shall convoke the National Assembly under the presidency of the first-mentioned to meet within twenty-four hours in order to appoint the person who shall serve provisionally as president of the republic. In the event that the disability is only temporary, one of the ministers shall be appointed; but if it is permanent, or in the event of resignation or death, any citizen who possesses the qualifications for this office established in this Constitution may be appointed. The provisional president shall, except in the case of temporary disability, and provided more than two years shall have elapsed since the beginning of the constitutional term under way, continue to hold the office until the end of that term. If less than two years shall have elapsed since the beginning of the term, the provisional president of the republic shall call elections to take place within three months, and the citizen elected shall immediately assume the presidency of the republic for the remainder of the constitutional term.
<u>Article 179.</u> In the event of the resignation, disability or death of the president of the republic, the minister of the interior or, in his default, any of the other ministers of the executive power shall immediately inform the presidents of the Senate, of the Chamber of Deputies, and of the Council of State of the fact, and shall convoke the National Assembly under the presidency of the first-mentioned to meet within twenty-four hours in order to appoint the person who shall serve provisionally as president of the republic. In the event that the disability is only temorary, one of the ministers shall be appointed; but if it is permanent, or in the event of resignation or death, any citizen who possesses the qualifications for this office established in this Constitution may be appointed. The provisional president shall, except in the case of temporary disability, and provided more than two years shall have elapsed since the beginning of the constitutional term under way, continue to hold the office until the end of that term. If less than two years shall have elapsed since the beginning of the term, the provisional president of the republic shall call elections to take place within three months, and the citizen elected shall immediately assume the presidency of the republic for the remainder of the constitutional term.
<center>2. POWERS</center>
<center>2. POWERS</center>
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6) He is responsible for conducting the foreign relations of the republic. With authorization from the Congress, he declares war and reestablishes peace. He negotiates and signs treaties of friendship, commerce, navigation, alliance, boundaries, and neutrality, and concordats and other international agreements, which he shall submit to the legislative power for approval. He receives chiefs of diplomatic missions of foreign countries and admits their consuls. With the approval of the Senate, he appoints ambassadors and ministers plenipotentiary of the foreign service of the republic;
6) He is responsible for conducting the foreign relations of the republic. With authorization from the Congress, he declares war and reestablishes peace. He negotiates and signs treaties of friendship, commerce, navigation, alliance, boundaries, and neutrality, and concordats and other international agreements, which he shall submit to the legislative power for approval. He receives chiefs of diplomatic missions of foreign countries and admits their consuls. With the approval of the Senate, he appoints ambassadors and ministers plenipotentiary of the foreign service of the republic;
7) He alone appoints and removes the ministers of the executive power, the councilors of state, and other government officials whose appointment and tenure of post are not regulated in any other way by this Constitution or by law;
7) He alone appoints and removes the ministers of the executive power, the councillors of state, and other government officials whose appointment and tenure of post are not regulated in any other way by this Constitution or by law;
8) With the approval of the Senate, he appoints the members of the Supreme Court of Justice; with the opinion of the Council of State and the approval of the Senate, he appoints the attorney general of the state; and with the approval of the Court, he appoints the members of the Courts, the justices, and other judges of the judicial power.
8) With the approval of the Senate, he appoints the members of the Supreme Court of Justice; with the opinion of the Council of State and the approval of the Senate, he appoints the attorney general of the state; and with the approval of the Court, he appoints the members of the Courts, the justices, and other judges of the judicial power.
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9) Upon the report of the Supreme Court of Justice and in accordance with the law, he commutes sentences and grants pardons;
9) Upon the report of the Supreme Court of Justice and in accordance with the law, he commutes sentences and grants pardons;
10) Each year he opens the legislative period, at which time he reports to the Congress on the activities carried out by the government and recommends the measures he deems necessary and desirable. He extends regular sessions or convokes special sessions;  
10) Each year he opens the legislative period, at which time he reports to the Congress on the activities carried out by the government and recommends the measures he deems necessary and desirable. He extends regular sessions or convokes special sessions;
11) He is commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the nation, but he may delegate the exercise of the actual command over them to a general officer. He issues military regulations in accordance with the law and he alone commissions officers of all branches of the armed forces up to and including the rank of lieutenant colonel or its equivalent and, with the approval of the Senate, the higher ranks. In accordance with the needs of the republic, he has the armed forces at his disposal, organizes them, and distributes them; and
11) He is commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the nation, but he may delegate the exercise of the actual command over them to a general officer. He issues military regulations in accordance with the law and he alone commissions officers of all branches of the armed forces up to and including the rank of lieutenant colonel or its equivalent and, with the approval of the Senate, the higher ranks. In accordance with the needs of the republic, he has the armed forces at his disposal, organizes them, and distributes them; and
12) He also exercises other powers assigned to him under this Constitution and the laws in the interest of effective general administration of the country.
12) He also exercies other powers assigned to him under this Constitution and the laws in the interest of effective general administration of the country.
<u>Article 181.</u> In the cases stipulated in Article 79 of this Constitution the executive power may decree a state of siege, in which case it must set forth the reasons therefor, the guarantees that are being suspended or restricted, and whether it is in force for the entire national territory or a part thereof, and may adopt the measures authorized in the aforementioned article. The executive power shall inform the Congress of the corresponding decree within five days following its publication.
<u>Article 181.</u> In the cases stipulated in Article 79 of this Constitution the executive power may decree a state of siege, in which case it must set forth the reasons therefor, the guarantees that are being suspended or restricted, and whether it is in force for the entire national territory or a part thereof, and may adopt the measures authorized in the aforementioned article. The executive power shall inform the Congress of the corresponding decree within five days following its publication.
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4) To exercise other powers assigned to it by this Constitution.
4) To exercise other powers assigned to it by this Constitution.
<u>Article 191.</u> To be a councilor of state a person must meet the same requirements as those for minister of the executive power.
<u>Article 191.</u> To be a councillor of state a person must meet the same requirements as those for minister of the executive power.
<u>Article 192.</u> The Council of State shall issue its own rules of procedure and appoint its officers. Its members shall enjoy the same immunities as those granted by this Constitution to the members of Congress. The general budget of the nation shall establish a daily fee for those councilors of state who do not receive other remuneration from the government.
<u>Article 192.</u> The Council of State shall issue its own rules of procedure and appoint its officers. Its members shall enjoy the same immunities as those granted by this Constitution to the members of Congress. The general budget of the nation shall establish a daily fee for those councillors of state who do not receive other renumeration from the government.
==<center>CHAPTER IX<br>THE JUDICIAL POWER</center>==
==<center>CHAPTER IX<br>THE JUDICIAL POWER</center>==
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<u>Article 207.</u> Members of the judicial power may not exercise any other public function or carry on any profession, trade, or industry, directly or indirectly, with the exception of teaching, the exercise of which shall be regulated by the Supreme Court of Justice. Nor may they participate in political activities.
<u>Article 207.</u> Members of the judicial power may not exercise any other public function or carry on any profession, trade, or industry, directly or indirectly, with the exception of teaching, the exercise of which shall be regulated by the Supreme Court of Justice. Nor may they participate in political activities.
<u>Article 208.</u> Judges, magistrates, and other officials and employees of the judicial power shall receive remuneration as established in the general budget of the nation.
<u>Article 208.</u> Judges, magistrates, and other officials and employees of the judicial power shall receive renumeration as established in the general budget of the nation.
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2) In accordance with instructions of the executive power, to exercise from the first instance until the termination of the suit the representation of the state in suits in which the state is the plaintiff or the defendant;
2) In accordance with instructions of the executive power, to exercise from the first instance until the termination of the suit the representation of the state in suits in which the state is the plaintiff or the defendant;
3) To take part in all matters in which a government interest in involved, unless the representation of this interest is entrusted to some other official;
3) To take part in all matters in which a government interest in involved, unless the representation of this interet is entrusted to some other official;
4) To take penal action in those cases in which, in order to bring suit or prosecute the case, the request of a party is not necessary, without prejudice to the judge's or the court's proceeding on its initiative when the law so determines;
4) To take penal action in those cases in which, in order to bring suit or prosecute the case, the request of a party is not necessary, without prejudice to the judge's or the court's proceeding on its initiative when the law so determines;
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<u>Article 217.</u> The attorney general of the state shall submit a report of his activities annually to the executive power.
<u>Article 217.</u> The attorney general of the state shall submit a report of his activities annually to the executive power.
<u>Article 218.</u> The attorney general of the state and the government agents and attorneys shall have the same immunities and be subject to the same incompatibilities as those established in this Constitution for members of the judicial power and shall receive a remuneration as established in the general budget of the nation.
<u>Article 218.</u> The attorney general of the state and the government agents and attorneys shall have the same immunities and be subject to the same incompatibilities as those established in this Constitution for members of the judicial power and shall receive a renumeration as established in the general budget of the nation.
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<u>Article 221.</u> The National Assembly shall be convoked by its president to give its judgment on the need for constitutional reform or amendment at the initiative of the executive power or of either of the two chambers of Congress, decided upon by an absolute majority vote.
<u>Article 221.</u> The National Assembly shall be convoked by its president to give its judgment on the need for constitutional reform or amendment at the initiative of the executive power or of either of the two chambers of Congress, decided upon by an absolute majority vote.
<u>Article 222.</u> Upon receipt of the declaration made by the Assembly, the executive power shall call an election of convention members to be held within the following six months. The National Constituent Convention shall meet within thirty days following the election.
<u>Article 222.</u> Upon receipt of the declaration made by the Assembly, the executive power shall call an election of convention members to be held within the following six months. The National Constituent Conventio shall meet within thirty days following the election.
<u>Article 223.</u> The number of members of the National Constituent Convention shall be established by a special law, but shall not be less than the total number of members of both chambers of Congress.
<u>Article 223.</u> The number of members of the National Constituent Convention shall be established by a special law, but shall not be less than the total number of members of both chambers of Congress.

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