
From Project Kombat

Revision as of 15:56, 8 January 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Fantasy Weapons

Name Properties
  • Standard starting weapon.
  • Rate of Fire is around 180 shots per minute. (use metronome to figure it out)
  • Infinite ammo
Machine Gun
  • Fast rate of fire
  • Heals teammates
  • Limited ammo
Ricochet Gun
  • Bounces off walls up to 2 times
  • Does not hit without bouncing
  • Limited ammo
Microwave Gun
  • Takes time to heat up target, target catches on fire
  • Combined fire increases effectiveness?
  • Limited ammo
Void Gun
  • Creates a spatial rift and sucks people in
  • Limited ammo
Recoil Gun
  • Throws user back during use
  • Limited ammo
  •  ???
  • Limited ammo

Regular Weapons

Name Rate of Fire Damage Clip Size Number of Clips Properties
Pistol 180 shots per minute (3 per second) 12 Infinite Standard starting weapon
Machine Gun Fast 30 2
Shotgun Medium (Slower than pistol) 5 3
Sniper Rifle Slow (Slower than shotgun) 1 5
Grenades 1 Max 3
  • Are thrown a set distance each time.
  • Can bounce off of walls.
  • Can destroy environment.
  • Drops close to whatever it hits. (makes for better functionality)
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