Great Plains

From Oklahoma

(Difference between revisions) (Talk)

Current revision as of 15:11, 18 October 2012

I am so glad you found this site and so grateful that you wrote in. I am prnyaig for you right now and will continue to do so and will look forward to others on the site prnyaig for you as well. If you don't mind, I may copy your post and put it in a couple of places on the site where those who are looking for prayer requests to pray for might immediately look. I started this site in the hopes that people seeking God in the midst of difficult times would find it and draw strength from knowing they are not alone. I don't have answers to give you, but I can tell you that you are not alone, and that I know things can get better and the fight won't always seem so difficult. He came to give you abundant life and no matter what you have been through (and it sounds like it has been a lot), He wants you to be able to fully enjoy that abundant life. I don't know where you live or what kind of help you are currently seeking, but I would encourage you to look at the references page of the site (there are only a few Colorado ones listed right now unfortunately), and to continue to reach out and share your story and allow others to pray for you and walk your journey with you. Continue seeking Him and know that He is leading you even if you can't see it right now. He is with you right in this moment and in every moment when you feel weak and alone and He is holding you and loving you and telling you that it's going to be ok and that you don't have to be afraid or worn out or discouraged. Rest in Him and know that He loves you. I hope you'll write in again and please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you.

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