User talk:Simulacrum

From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 06:40, 30 November 2006 by Simulacrum (Talk | contribs)
The times that I will contribute will be from sunday evenings to tuesday evenings.
If you need to reach me for any reason please email me at this address: robert_harrisonatsbcglobaldotnet

I agree to start the game with the ruleset as outlined Current ruleset. Simulacrum 19:45, 30 March 2006 (PST)

I'll check out the rules sometime tomorrow, heading off to bed in a minute. Sorry for the delay. sinblox 21:43, 30 March 2006 (PST)
Sounds good, shall we begin? sinblox 18:46, 2 April 2006 (PDT)
hehe, thanks. the mailing list will probably be a good idea when we have some more players to keep everyone going. sinblox 21:46, 5 April 2006 (PDT)
thanks for the sysop, it may come in handy for some of the editing I do. sinblox 19:58, 7 April 2006 (PDT)

About how I found this place... Well, it's a long story. Basically, I was looking for tips on a roguelike, Nethack. I came across a fan-game about it that used Dvorak rules. From that, I learned about the nomic rules, and found this place from Mari0mega 15:12, 12 April 2006 (PDT)



Do we have header templates for rule amendments and repeals? sinblox 22:36, 11 April 2006 (PDT)

No problem

No problem. sinblox 12:21, 14 April 2006 (PDT) message board

Hey, I was going to post a message on the board to let people know the game is active but it requires you to wait for moderator approval. I don't think it's happening, it's been well over a week. Would you be up for posting something on there to the effect of "Come join us!"? sinblox 19:34, 16 April 2006 (PDT)


Hey, sorry I haven't been around. I'm in exam time right now and extremely busy. Last exam is Monday but I'll try to be around a bit. sinblox 11:58, 20 April 2006 (PDT)

Interface change required by 319

There is one last problem that came to my mind. If a player becomes active by casting his ½ vote, it can be confusing since we have know who was inactive when. We should change to vote screen in include a link where inactives can cast their votes. It will be easier to calculate since we know all the votes cast there are worth ½. In addition we could link to the current rules regarding inactivity, how to make yourself active etc..
I just think that when people return to the game, the voting screen is something that they'll be sure to visit.

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