
From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 03:27, 16 April 2006 by Sinblox (Talk | contribs)

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Game News:

  • A page has been created to discuss the direction of the game. Please see Game-direction
  • 304 is now an active rule. It sets a quorom of two (2) players for votes.

The following proposals are up for debate:

  • 303, a proposal to add structure to the voting process.
  • 305, a proposal to stop point increase and decreases.
  • 306, a proposal to clarify what constitutes a proper proposal and provide a method of dealing with improper prosals.
  • 307, a proposal to repeal rule 202.
  • 308, a proposal to amend rule 201 to remove the term "turn."
  • 309, a proposal to transmute immutable rule 104 into a mutable rule. It requires unanimous consent to pass.


New headers have been added to the Rules and Proposal headers boxes page.

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