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Mario Wiki: The 10 Swords

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Revision as of 11:57, 14 July 2007 by MarioBros777 (Talk | contribs)
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Mario Wiki: The 10 Swords is a basic game for all people who are good or bad at the Super Smash series. This will be exactly like only the updates are on weekends except if I don't go to school. As the title says there will be only 10 characters to play.



So far only these characters confirmed:


This is about an organization like the Black Katanas only this is more secret so secret that we will reveal bit by bit on the storyline!

This is an organization which is about guarding the sacred Talismans. Each person occupies an guards a talisman. The Talismans are:

  • Pokemon DP-Pokemon Talisman- Battles with Pokemon completely obsessed with them. Talisman's power is Speed!
  • MarioBros777-Mar-Lui Talisman- Completely obsessed with Mario All-Rounder in it's Talismans power. Also the most active one in the group! And can change into two forms!
  • Uniju-Ice Talisman- He can stay in the cold for so long same like me. His talisman's power is Strength!
  • Wayoshi- Yoshi Talisman- Obsessed with Yoshi's even have Yoshi powers! His talisman's power is Tech!
  • YellowYoshi398- Light Aura Talisman- The most Holiest person you will ever see light follows him! His talisman's power is Tricky.
  • Snack- Food Talisman- He's a good chef and can make good food! His talisman power is Defense.
  • RAP- Creative Talisman- I got to give this guy credit he created the talismans! His Power is All-Round.
  • Toadbert101- Healing Talisman- He's a good guy but he's good at healing anyone if they are in trouble. His talisman's power is healing.
  • Smiddle- Sigma Talisman- He's the smartest guy in the group! MB and RAP give him ideas for his inventions. His talisman's power is skill. He also helped RAP make the talisman.

These talismans are what keeps this world together. It was always peaceful in this town. Until a Dark Lord came!

Next time we introduce this Dark Lord!


So far the only moves that are confirmed are.


B: Smash Punch A basic, weak jab that can be used consecutively and rapidly.

B+Smash: Cookie Shuriken Snack throws a large, chocolate covered cookie. But watch out! It has dangerous sharp edges.

B+Up: Snack Spiral Snack uses his wings to do a quick upward spiral.

B+Down: Onion Ring Barrage Snack creates a bunch of onion rings that cover the ground around him. Touching them gives a small amount of damage.

A: Decoy Snack's dark side comes out of his body and floats around to protect Snack from attacks. However, it has two major weaknesses. One, the decoy is slow and will often not be fast enough to get in the way of the attack, and two, Snack's health is spread across two entitys, so whenever an attack hits Snack, he takes double damage. If the decoy takes too much damage, it will automatically merge with Snack. Press A again at any time to merge the decoy back into Snack's body.

A+Smash: Snack Slide Snack slides along the ground, knocking enemys out of the way, but not damaging them much

A+Up: Jump Attack Snack jumps into the air while punching upwards to attack airborne enemys.

A+Down: Horizontal Spiral Like Snack Spiral, but on a horizontal plane.

Final: Dark SnackServ Snack becomes enraged, and enters his dark form. He then flies around causing huge damage to everything.

Katana: Demon Release Snack allows his dark side to partly take over his body, greatly increasing his speed and his resistence to attacks. However, this comes at the price of slippery controls, and Snack will lose health if he doesn't keep moving.

Taunt: Waves his wings around and says "Next Order Please, Losers" in a cocky tone of voice.

Description: Snack is not a strong attacker, but he is fast and nimble, and has many moves that help a skilled player evade and sneak-attack opponents.

Winning quotes: (all spoken in a cocky tone of voice) "Next Order Please, Losers", "That was a piece of cake", and "Easier than Pie"


  • B: Seizure Blast Does not deal much damage, but throw the player further then most attacks would
  • A: Button Throw Uniju will simply throw one of his controller buttons
  • B+Down: Button shield Uniju's buttons shield him while you hold down the button
  • A+Down: Button Mash ???
  • B+Smash: Dash Uniju moves forward quickly
  • A+Smash: Button Toss Same as Button Throw but throws it farther and does less damage
  • B+Up: Seizure Blast(Up) ???
  • A+Up: Button Toss(Up) ???
  • Final Smash: UniBlast Uniju will send all his buttons flying around hitting things, and then have them all mash together exploding
  • Taunt: Uniju will make a bored look towards the screen
  • Winning quotes: He does not talk, but looks very happy when he wins


Since MarioBros777 is 2 people you have to choose which you use before you battle

  • B:Mario : Fire Ball This does more than Burn people it affects them through out the battle until they get KO.
  • B:??? : Cherry Blossom This Move does about 30% Damage you must Flash Step or this doesn't work.
  • B+Up:??? : Senbonzakura This is the initial release for this character. Making bits of swords as Cherry Blossoms.
  • B+Up:Mario : Super Jump Good move for recovering when you fall or doing about 10% Damage.
  • B+Smash:Mario : Cape Helpful for reflecting projectiles and turn people around. Also good for something!
  • B+Smash:??? : Flash Step This move gets you up from the ground also good for the B move.
  • B+Down:Mario : Mario Bros. This Move will choose random bros. attacks to hit your enemy!
  • B+Down:??? : Senbonzakura Kageyoshi The Final Release of this character Makes more swords come out and has a

different form if you know how to activate it!

  • A:Mario : Punch A weak move which can be pressed rapidly to do more
  • A+Smash:Mario : Fire Smash A Strong Smash move which knocks the opponent away!
  • A+Up:Mario : Hook Kick A fast but not powerful move to knock enemies!
  • A+Down:Mario : TBA
  • A:??? : Sword Slash Just random sword slashing which does medium amount of damage.
  • A+Smash:??? : Sword Smash A Strong move which knocks the enemy in a really far distance!
  • A+Up:??? : Sword Uppercut An attack which focuses on slashing the enemy good on when the enemy falls down.
  • A+Down:??? : TBA
  • Final Smash:Mario : Mario Finale Creates a big blast which hits all enemies and does about 70% Damage
  • Final Smash: ??? : Hakuteiken Creates two enormous wings. This attack does 10 hits. First it does a spell then a stronger version of cherry blossom the slashes the enemy then does a final devastating move to KO the opponent.
  • Katana: Mario : Mario's Rage Absorbs the Katana and enrages him and does 17 hits. If an ally dies it is more powerful!
  • Katana: ??? : TBA
  • Talisman: Mario: Tri-Attack Does an attack with 3 elements Fire-Burn Ice-Freeze and Thunder-Paralyze. All have 33.33% chance of doing one of those 3.
  • Talisman: ???: TBA
  • Taunt: Mario : Grows to an enormous size and sometimes says lets-a-go!
  • Taunt: ??? : TBA

This and many more moves!


  • B: Jam Shooter Smiddle shoots jam from a squeeze package.
  • Smash B: L33t Shield Smiddle hides under his 1337 Pod.
  • B+Up: Soi Soi Soi Smiddle can hover with his 1337 Pod. Later, he can use a parachute to make him able to fall slower. It also hurts enemies coming from above.
  • B+Down: Head Asplosion Smiddle's head explodes. The longer B is held, the bigger the explosion is.
  • A TBA
  • A (while running): Zidaner A running headbutt.
  • A+Smash: TBA
  • A+Up: TBA
  • A+Down: Lil' Quake Smiddle hops and lands hardly on the ground, making a small earthquake.
  • Final: Waffaltastic A large waffle slams down from the heaven. Hits many enemies at a time.
  • Katana: TBA
  • Talisman: TBA
  • Taunt: Eats a waffle.
  • Description: Smiddle's normal attacks do not hurt very much, and he's not really fast, but he's a good jumper and his special moves are relatively powerful, and all of his ranged attacks can be aimed skillishly.
  • Winning quote "J00 N00BZ R PWN€D."


The only Item confirmed is A Smash Ball to perform Final Smash and A Katana to release out a certain power!

Smash Ball

This is an item worth using because it releases your power to go full on. These are moves which can only be performed twice in battle (Unlike once in SSBB) These moves are devastating but not as powerful as...


THE KATANA! Is a special move that is powerful move which is stronger than Final Smash cause it lasts for 3-4 minutes and can only be performed once!

Items will be updated at a later date!


There are many stages in 10 Swords such stages are:


This is a stage where it is full of ground so that the only way to KO an enemy is to fully kill him or knock him out! The stage is a solitary wasteland where there will be a crowd to cheer you on! If you perform good moves you can get healing items.

The stages will be given at a later date!

Other Things

There will be other things to happen like Bros. Moves which I am going to introduce now!

Bros. Attacks

These are attacks that were compulsory to learn when you joined The 10 Swords. These are just some of them!

  • Uniju, Snack and MarioBros777 - The Finale - Strikes an opponent with a devastating three sword combo! Although Uniju and Snack need to get Katanas and MarioBros needs to be in ??? form!
  • Wayoshi, Pokemon DP and Uniju - The Critical Strike - Wayoshi first throws eight eggs at the enemy to surround them then Pokemon DP will summon 2 Pokemon to hit there weak spot then finally Uniju Brings up a massive block of ice to do a "Final Blow" and does massive damage!
  • RAP, MarioBros777, Toadbert101 and Smiddle - The Blue Flash - This is a special move which can only be performed twice in the match. This attack does massive damage if timed RAP will first release his talisman to confuse the person by drawing lines then MarioBros does a massive fireball which he will throw in the sky the Toadbert will then turn it blue to make it hotter then finally Smiddle will have heat-proof gloves, then will whack the fireball then Flash Step across it. Hit the opponent then the fireball will hit the enemy!


This isn't like a normal Super Smash Game. This game is out of it's league. Well for a start instead of 2-3 minutes there are 10-20 minute battles (depending on who you versus) Also there is a crowd which does good and bad things depending on how much damage you take. There are two ways to kill an enemy. One way is the original where the player has to knock out the opponent. The other way is to do at least 700% Damage. When an player knocks out the enemy the enemy doesn't have their damage back to 0% damage, it is still the same before they got knocked out. The only way to get back to 0% is by getting KO'ed when you get to 700% Damage.

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