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Heat Death/Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: A Link to the Past

Wayoshi knew what Steve had told him to do... And he'd always obey his leader. After a quick farewell, he sent the pod blasting off into space with one destination: the Mushroom Planet. No one knew what became of Steve, who was never seen nor heard from again; it is assumed that he valiantly went down with the now-frozen Earth. Little is known about his attacker, too...

But Mushroom Planet life was good for the MarioWikiers. Very good. Immediately after landing, they were greeted and helped in their adaption to life on the planet by Tumble (or Maxlover2), a long-time inhabitant of the planet who happened to have previously had limited affiliation with the MarioWiki.

The wikiers adapted to the planet well. As a matter of fact, after four generations, they had become the planet's dominant species and protectors, which was rather convenient for them. Life on the planet was a dream come true... Until one day, in the aforementioned fourth generation...

The sibling pair OmegaToad and OmegaToadette, direct relatives of a certain Super Saiyan-haired Toad, were out on a picnic in a land known as Petal Meadows. The two Toads were enjoying their evening walk, and their easy lives, but something seemed odd to them.

"OT," OmegaToadette asked her brother, "does anything about today seem... weird... to you?"

"As a matter of fact," OmegaToad replied, "yes. I can't quite place it, though... Is it colder?"

"That may very well be it..." Toadette agreed.

"I'll say!" exclaimed Omega. "This is summer! Why's it so chilly?"

"I don't know," said OmegaToadette, "but this definitely is weird. We're having January weather in July!"

After a bit more chitchat and eating, the SSJ-headed Toads decided to pack up and return home. Whilst packing, though, they noticed something: the sun seemed darker. What was going on? Did this have anything to do with the Mushroom Planet's lack of heat? Oh well. It didn't bother them; they were just kids. Leaving a word only to their father, they continued their lives unconcerned by the problem.

Sure, they were unconcerned. But not all were. Most, but not all. Perhaps the only person who cared about the coldness and darkened sun goes by the name of Professor Cardboard Elvin Gadd; a scientist from a long line of big brains.

Cardboard Gadd, who was good friends with the head of OmegaToad's family, was rather worried when he heard of the two kids' claims. He knew he'd heard of something similar... It was something he had read somewhere... Maybe from one of his old newspapers...

Gadd made great haste in finding this source. He knew little about the "darkened sun incident", as he was temporarily calling it, but he did recall that such a thing could be terrible for the planet. If he recalled, such a thing ended a previous one...

As soon as possible, Cardboard Elvin rushed to his laboratory, where he stored all his material. His assistant, Twomblez, was already there (as usual), cleaning the lab's lobby.

"Professor," she said, "you're here so early! What's going on?"

"I fear that the whole world may be in danger," replied Gadd, going on to explain the happenings to his assistant.

"Oh my," replied Twomblez. "You think we might... um..."

"I don't really know what's going to happen," the cardboard professor explained, "but it can't be good. If you will excuse me, I must retire to the vault. That's where I've heard of this before; it's something there..."

"Well, good luck," said Twomblez as her professor disappeared into his vault of reference material.

Meanwhile, Gadd had already dashed off into the vault. He was pouring through the oldest of his materials, downright ruining antique newspapers and government papers in his search. He knew it was here. He just new it. It was something his great, great, great, great grandfather had told him (indirectly, through family stories); something involving a ruined world and a great migration.

He slaved day and night looking for a newspaper headline on the subject. He knew he had one. The subject had intrigued him so much as a child...

But he couldn't find one. He supposed it was missing in his sea of papers, and just decided to give up. After all, the world couldn't end... Could it? The Mushroom Planet was a paradise; the perfect place for anyone. After days of searching, Cardboard Gadd decided to go to the nearest form of reclination (his computer's chair) and rest. He had about a week of sleep to make up.

But as he tilted his tired head downward, something caught his eye. Could it be? YES! It must've been blown here during his seven-day search!

Yes, this was it. Just the newspaper clipping Gadd had been looking for, right on his desk. And its headline was two solemn words: "HEAT DEATH".

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