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Users are most common species that populate the Super Mario Wiki. There are no very important characteristics of note about users, who also have no definite appearance and vary greatly in looks.

Whenever someone enrolls in the MarioWiki, they begin life as a User and typically do not upgrade. Users are largely used for the simply work of the Wiki, and can only power up by a Bureaucrat's will. Although upgraded Users were once all Sysops, a large amount of Sysops recently caused a new Patroller league to be erected; most upgrades now become these (although talk of removing Patrollers has been made). Some Sysops can even become Bureaucrats after awhile and decide which Users would get upgrades next; it is interesting to note that certain Users have also been demoted back to User from various higher positions. Users, due to inferiority complexes, used to revolt on higher powers quite a bit; however, the current Users of the Super Mario Wiki are more calm and perhaps more mature than their belligerent forefathers and largely keep quiet, willingly doing their work.

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