Hampstead Heath

From Londonbirders

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Access to the Heath is pretty unrestricted and travel to the area is facilitated by tubes at Highgate and Hampstead (with a short walk). On the North London overland railway, there is the Hampstead Heath Station, which as the name suggests, stops right next to the Heath.

This is quite a large area of open fields and woodland with two main groups of relatively small ponds/lakes. Because the site is in the heart of London, it does attract a lot of people especially at weekends so if you are intending to visit for birding purposes, a good idea is to arrive at or even before dawn before any birds have been disturbed by walkers (human or canine!). This is especially important during periods of passage as some shyer spp. may decide it is too busy for them and promptly 'move on' (vanish). Although the site is large and in a large population centre, it does get surprisingly limited coverage (Bill Oddie states that it is his local patch, but to be fair, he lives very close).

The days of breeding Yellowhammers and Red-backed Shrikes are sadly no more, but Red-backed Shrikes have been seen on passage recently. Because of the elevated situation of Parliament Hill, it is a good place to observe 'visible migration', while the bushes and areas of grass around it and the hedgerows leading away from it are probably the best and easiest-worked areas for passerines. Occasionaly something really outstanding will pop up such as Montagu's Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, Little Bittern and Alpine Swift, all of which were 'good birds' not just for the site, but nationally. In terms of more usual species, the Heath is good for all the woodland finches, tits, warblers etc, as well as all 3 species of woodpeckers. The active management of the Heath by the Corporation of London has certainly improved the number of mature deciduous trees in recent decades, while the management of the ponds has led to breeding Kingfishers, and reed beds that attract Reed and Sedge Warblers, as well as Water Rails.

As stated at the beginning, this is a large site, and even when it is 'busy', it may be possible to find a relatively quiet spot where it is easy to forget that you are close to the centre of London. In the last couple of years, the Heath has been colonised by Ring-necked Parakeets. It is obvious that they find the site to their liking, as their numbers have shown an almost alarming explosion. Non-birders are nearly always surprised to learn not only of their presence, but also exactly how many there are.

Be aware that if you are unfamiliar with the Heath, it is very easy to get lost. It really is a large area. Even if you know the site, it will take you a good half day to 'cover' it at all well, and it is often best to break the Heath up into its 3 major constituent parts: East Heath (including Kenwood; by far the largest, and with the most varied habitat), West Heath (largely deciduous woodland, with a lot of mature birch), and the Extension (the smallest area, with some surprisingly productive small ponds and tree lines between the playing fields)

One point of warning regarding the East Heath should be mentioned. This area has been (in)famous amongst young gay men for at least 35 years as a place to pick up others with the same tastes and for this reason, should be avoided especially at dusk and at weekend evenings in the summer. (It is a relatively small area that isn't particularly outstanding ornithologically, so can easily be 'missed out' during your visit if you think that you would rather avoid an embarrassing encounter!).

For further reading I must mention 'Where to watch birds in the London Area' by Dominic Mitchell which covers the site more thoroughly than I do here. The Heath is also the subject of an ongoing survey by the LNHS who (along with the Marylebone Birdwatching Society) regularly have field meetings visiting the Heath for those who would find a solo visit intimidating.

I would welcome others to add information to this page which I may have neglected, or simply don't know about myself. Thank you. Paul White

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