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Hampstead Heath and Bankside patch lists

Hampstead Heath list

I mainly cover the Parliament Hill/Highgate ponds area but occasionally venture farther afield within the Heath

2009 Current Total: 57

8 January (0810-0900) - Carrion Crow, Blackbird, Robin, Wood Pigeon, Blue tit, Pied Wagtail, Black-headed Gull, Common Gull, Magpie, Starling, Great tit, Chaffinch, Cormorant, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Shoveler, Grey Heron, Ring-necked Parakeet, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker, Mistle Thrush, Greenfinch, Feral Rock Dove, Long-tailed tit, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Egyptian Goose, Stock Dove

10 January (while jogging) - Redwing, Wren, Kestrel, Tufted Duck

27 January - Herring Gull, Song Thrush, Kingfisher, Pochard, Goldcrest

09 February (0720-0850) - Fieldfare (patchtick), Great crested grebe, Jay, Treecreeper, Mandarin, Teal (patchtick)

04 March (0630-0850) - Nuthatch, Jackdaw

11 March (1430-1500) - Lesser Redpoll

24 March (0645-0830) - Chiffchaff

3 April (0550-0830) - Blackcap, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Tawny Owl (heard only - patchtick)

24 April (0700-0910) - Swallow, Common Tern, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (heard only - patchtick)

Thames, Bankside list

This list is for birds seen from the South bank between Blackfriars bridge and Southwark bridge (and around the Tate Modern)

2009 Current Total: 33

Black-headed Gull (05/01), Common Gull (05/01), Herring Gull (05/01), Lesser black-backed Gull (05/01), Cormorant (05/01), Coot (05/01), Mallard (05/01), Feral Rock dove (05/01), Starling (05/01), Wood Pigeon (05/01), Goldfinch (08/01), Peregrine (08/01), Grey Heron (09/01), Greenfinch (09/01), Magpie (9/01), Carrion Crow (09/01), Dunnock (09/01), Blue tit (09/01), Blackbird (09/01), Grey Wagtail (09/01), Great black-backed Gull (12/01), Pied Wagtail (12/01), Robin (14/01), Great tit (14/01), Greylag Goose (16/01), Wren (22/01), Canada Goose (19/02), Mute Swan (flypast, 10/03), Collared Dove (flypast, 20/03), Yellow-legged Gull (01/04), Firecrest (06/04), Chiffchaff (06/04), Willow Warbler (06/04)

Hampstead Heath 2008 Total: 58

1. Mute swan, 2. Mallard, 3. Tufted Duck, 4. Moorhen, 5. Coot, 6. Black-headed Gull, 7. Common Gull, 8. Kestrel, 9. Carrion Crow, 10. Magpie, 11. Jay, 12. Ring-necked Parakeet, 13. Wood Pigeon, 14. Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 15. Green Woodpecker, 16. Nuthatch, 17. Blackbird, 18. Mistle Thrush, 19. Starling, 20. Robin, 21. Wren, 22. Blue tit, 23. Great tit, 24. Goldcrest, 25. Chaffinch, 26. Greenfinch, 27. Feral Rock Dove, 28. Coal tit, 29. Great Crested Grebe, 30. Cormorant, 31. Canada Goose, 32. Grey Heron, 33. Sparrowhawk, 34. Long-tailed tit, 35. Goldfinch, 36. Shoveler, 37. Redwing, 38. Bullfinch, 39. Stock Dove, 40. Jackdaw, 41. Chiffchaff, 42. Willow Warbler, 43. Blackcap, 44. Dunnock, 45. Treecreeper, 46. Mandarin, 47. Lesser black-backed Gull, 48. Yellow Wagtail, 49. Song Thrush, 50. Herring Gull, 51. Common Whitethroat, 52. House Sparrow, 53. Common Sandpiper, 54. Lesser Whitethroat, 55. Swallow, 56. Kingfisher, 57. Common Tern, 58. Swift

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