Hilly Fields and Whitewebbs

From Londonbirders

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Website: http://www.enfield.gov.uk/Leisure%20&%20Culture/parks/Country%20parks.htm

Map: [1]

Hilly Fields and Whitewebbs are two parks on the edge of the green belt in Enfield, North London. Hilly Fields is an open woodland with many large trees. Most open areas are only mown once a year. Turkey Brook runs through Hilly Fields. Whitewebbs is a mixture of open grassy areas and denser woodland. Cuffley Brook runs through Whitewebbs, which also has a small ornamental lake surrounded by woodland.

Flash Lane runs through Whitewebbs, and also gives views of fields used for grazing horses. From the paths in Whitewebbs there are restricted views of the privately owned Wildwoods lake.

Map references : Ordnance Survey TQ 29/39 ( Pathfinder 1140 ).

Species List: (NB those in italics recorded during 2006)

  • Little Grebe Single bird on park lake in Oct 2002, a pr on park lake in early May 2003, 3 on Wildwoods Lake Mar 2006 are only records for this species.
  • Cormorant Seen flying over occasionally, also on park lake.
  • Grey Heron Regularly uses park lake, even seen atop 'No Fishing' sign.
  • Canada Goose Feeds on fields to right of Flash Lane, also on park lake.
  • Greylag Goose One record, March 2003, single bird on Wildwoods lake
  • Mandarin Regularly uses park lake, especially in winter when males particularly conspicuous.
  • Teal Seen occasionally on the private lake at Wildwoods. Once on flooded field at bottom of Flash Lane.
  • Mallard Common on park lake (up to 40 in winter).
  • Shoveler Pair on park lake during January 2006 only records.
  • Pochard Seen occasionally on the private lake at Wildwoods.
  • Tufted Duck Seen occasionally on the private lake at Wildwoods, infrequent visitor to park lake.
  • Goosander Pair seen one winter using the private lake at Wildwoods.
  • Sparrowhawk Increasingly common along Flash Lane and over woods.
  • Kestrel Regularly seen.
  • Pheasant Can be seen along field margins from Flash Lane.
  • Red-legged Partridge First record Mar 2006 along Flash Lane.
  • Moorhen Breeds on park lake. Also frequent on fields beside Cuffley Brook.
  • Coot Several pairs breed on park lake.
  • Lapwing One sighting - flying over Flash Lane (Feb 1998).
  • Woodcock One sighting - in woods between cemetary and cricket field (Dec 2000).
  • Black-headed Gull Winter visitor to park lake.
  • Common Gull One sighting - feeding on fields along Flash Lane (Jan 2000).
  • Lesser Black-backed Gull Three sightings - all flying over Whitewebbs.
  • Herring Gull Four birds high over Hillyfields (Apr 2006).
  • Stock Dove Occasionally heard along Turkey Brook, or feeding in fields along Flash Lane.
  • Woodpigeon Frequent and common.
  • Feral Pigeon Common at top of Hilly Fields - feeding under trees.
  • Collared Dove Only occasionally seen, although common in nearby gardens.
  • Cuckoo Couple of records - heard April 2002 and May 2003.
  • Tawny Owl Occasionally heard during day.
  • Swift Can be seen mid-May to early August.
  • Kingfisher Can be glimpsed along the brooks. Very rarely at park lake.
  • Green Woodpecker Frequently heard, quite often seen.
  • Great Spotted Woodpecker Seen less than Green Woodpecker, but still fairly frequent.
  • Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Rarely seen - February or September most likely.
  • Swallow Can be seen end-May to mid-September.
  • Meadow Pipit Infrequent winter sightings along Flash Lane.
  • Grey Wagtail Occasionally seen along brooks. Attempted to breed 1999.
  • Pied Wagtail Fairly frequent, especially along Flash Lane.
  • Wren Regularly seen and heard.
  • Dunnock Fairly regularly seen.
  • Robin Frequent and common.
  • Blackbird Frequent and common.
  • Fieldfare Very infrequent winter sightings along Flash Lane.
  • Song Thrush Occasionally seen.
  • Redwing Frequent winter visitor. Up to 60 feeding on fields along Flash Lane.
  • Mistle Thrush Regularly seen
  • Whitethroat Occasionally seen May - July.
  • Blackcap Regularly seen Mar - July (although also in winter in nearby gardens).
  • Chiffchaff Regularly seen Mar - July.
  • Willow Warbler Occasionally seen May - Sep.
  • Goldcrest Fairly frequent, especially in winter amongst tit flocks.
  • Spotted Flycatcher One record - two adults at top of Flash Lane, July 2003.
  • Long-tailed Tit Regularly seen.
  • Coal Tit Infrequent, sometimes along Flash lane or by park lake.
  • Blue Tit Frequent and common.
  • Great Tit Frequent and common.
  • Marsh Tit Occasionally heard and seen at top of Whitewebbs Woods.
  • Nuthatch Seen regularly, especially along Turkey Brook.
  • Treecreeper Seen regularly, especially in Whitewebbs Woods.
  • Jay Frequently seen.
  • Magpie Frequent and common.
  • Jackdaw Regularly seen with Carrion Crows along Flash Lane.
  • Carrion Crow Frequent and common.
  • Starling In spring frequent at top of Hilly Fields, regularly seen elsewhere.
  • House Sparrow Very occasionally seen at top of Flash Lane.
  • Chaffinch Regularly seen.
  • Brambling Two sightings, both along Flash Lane (Mar 1997 and Mar 2006).
  • Greenfinch Fairly common along Flash Lane in winter.
  • Goldfinch Seen occasionally.
  • Siskin Occasional sightings in alders near private Wildwoods lake (Oct - Mar).
  • Redpoll Once in mixed flock with Siskin (Oct 2002).
  • Linnet Very infrequent along Flash Lane.
  • Bullfinch Seen occasionally in Whitewebbs wood.
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