
From Londonbirders

Revision as of 19:42, 3 February 2008 by Ian Woodward (Talk | contribs)
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A deciduous woodland(mainly Oak and Hornbeam)in Chingford, E4. There are various access points from Larkshall Road, New Road, Larkswood Road and Ropers Avenue. The patch also includes Larkswood playing field.

The variety of birds that can be found in the wood has reduced significantly over the last 10-20 years, but all three types of woodpecker can still be found.

Patch list 2008 (I. Woodward)

13 Jan 2008 - 1. Wren, 2. Blue tit, 3. Robin, 4. Magpie, 5. Long-tailed tit, 6. Woodpigeon, 7. Black-headed gull, 8. Great tit, 9. Carrion crow, 10. Blackbird, 11. Great Spotted woodpecker, 12. Treecreeper, 13. Jay, 14. Green woodpecker, 15. LBB gull, 16. Feral pigeon, 17. Herring gull, 18. House sparrow.

28 Jan 2008 - 19. Grey heron

3 Feb 2008 - 20. Common gull, 21. Jackdaw, 22. Starling, 23. Collared dove, 24. Goldcrest, 25. Chaffinch, 26. Coal tit

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