Leyton Flats

From Londonbirders

Revision as of 17:02, 2 January 2008 by Gary a james (Talk | contribs)

Leyton flats is an open area that is part of Epping Forest. The main habitats are an acid grassland plain, two large ponds and fragmented woodland. The acid grassland contains some plant species that are now of restricted distribution in the south -east, these include Mat-grass, Fine-leaved Fescue, Wavy-hair Grass and Purple-moor Grass. The two large ponds, Hollow Pond and Eagle Pond are the outcome of past gravel workings. The woodland is mainly Oak and Birch with an understorey of Holly. The grassland area is good for watching migration and the scrub here attracts migrants in spring and autumn. The Eagle Pond has the greater wildfowl population, however the Hollow Pond tends to attract the more unusual species, particularly during the autumn and winter. The woodland comprises of the usual common species, though Nuthatch and Treecreeper can be hard to locate. I recorded 84 species in 2007.

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