
From Londonbirders

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(brown shrike PF, whooper me)
(Dom brown shrike)
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|Rupert Hastings
|Rupert Hastings
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|Dominic Mitchell
|Dominic Mitchell
|Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher  
|Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher  
|[[Andrew Self]]
|[[Andrew Self]]

Revision as of 14:55, 21 October 2009

London's Top Listers

NB. This page cannot be edited, please email any additions to a-self [AT]

Name No Best Species %
1 Andrew Moon 298 Glossy Ibis, Laughing Gull 82.0%
2 Peter Naylor 292 Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Caspian Tern 80.4%
3 Paul Whiteman 290 Hume’s Warbler, Blyth’s Reed Warbler 79.8%
4 Steve Connor 283 Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Desert Wheatear 78.0%
5 Phil Vines 282 Western Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper 77.7%
6 Peter Fletcher 278 76.6%
7 Tony Gray 276 Hume’s Warbler 76.0%
8 John Archer 273 Bridled Tern, Buff-breasted Sandpiper 75.1%
=9 Steve Spooner 272 Paddyfield Warbler, American Robin 74.8%
=9 Bob Watts 272 American Robin, Great White Egret 74.8%
11 Howard Vaughan 271 Hume’s Warbler 74.6%
12 David Darrell-Lambert 269 Great Snipe, White Stork, Great Skua 74.5%
13 Chris Lamsdell 268 74.2%
14 Garry Messenbird 267 74.0%
=15 Rupert Hastings 265 Collared Pratincole, Balearic Shearwater 73.4%
=15 Dominic Mitchell 265 Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher 73.4%
17 Andrew Self 264 Black Stork, 4 skuas, Montagu's Harrier 73.1%
18 Des McKenzie 263 Franklin’s Gull, Hume’s Warbler 72.9%
19 Ken Barrett 261 Western Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper 72.3%
20 Steve Bacon 258 Naumann's Thrush, Great Snipe & Franklin's Gull 71.7%
21 John Edwards 256 White-rumped Sandpiper and Stone Curlew 71.1%
22 Nick Tanner 254 Naumann’s Thrush, Rustic Bunting 70.4%
23 Gavin Haig 253 Baird’s Sandpiper, Gannet 70.1%
=24 Mark Hardwick 246 Lesser Kestrel, Great Snipe 68.0%
=24 Joan Thompson 246 Laughing Gull, Dipper 68.0%
=24 Dave Morrison 246 Sociable Plover, Collared Pratincole 68.0%
27 Leo Batten 245 Iberian Chiffchaff, Hume’s Warbler 67.8%
28 Vince Halley-Frame 241 Subalpine Warbler, Cattle Egret 66.6%
29 Tony Morris 236 Bridled Tern, Franklins Gull 65.3%
30 Garry James 228 Golden Oriole 63.1%
31 Sacha Barbato 225 Long-billed Dowitcher, Hume’s Warbler 62.0%
=32 Gareth Richards 217 Naumann’s Thrush, Sociable Plover 60.1%
=32 Dave Dack 217 Citrine Wagtail, Sociable Plover 60.1%
34 Chris Langsdon 215 Sociable Plover, Alpine Swift 59.6%
35 Steve Gale 213 Med. Shearwater, Buff-breasted Sand, Long-billed Dowitcher 58.7%
36 Adam Cheeseman 204 Naumann's Thrush, Hume's Warbler, Grey-cheeked Thrush 56.3%

Rules for Inclusion

  • 1. All records must be accepted by BBRC or LNHS Records Committee (well-watched pending birds like the Brown Shrike can be counted)
  • 2. Species can be counted if heard only
  • 3. Only BOU species count - see LondonList - total 363 species.
  • 4. UK400 club splits do not count
  • 5. Escapes/feral birds such as the Barnes Whooper Swan and all Ruddy Shelducks do not count. Barnacle Geese do not count unless proven to be from a feral population in the Midlands or East Anglia (or wild birds).
  • 6. All species must be seen in the LNHS Recording Area - 20 miles from St Paul's Cathedral
  • 7. Recent additions not yet accepted by the BBRC/LNHS can be counted provided they had multi observers.
  • 8. Birds that were trapped and ringed may be counted providing they were released close to where they were caught.
  • 9. Birds taken into care and later released do not count unless they are still present the day after release.

  • Rupert Hasting's list compiled by Andrew Moon
  • Mark Hardwick's list compiled by Andrew Self
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