Swanscombe Marsh

From Londonbirders

(Difference between revisions)
(PatchList 2006 Running Total)
Line 5: Line 5:
This site is being watched by Dave Miller as part of the 2006 London Patch-List Challenge.
This site is being watched by Dave Miller as part of the 2006 London Patch-List Challenge.
As of 18th July my total stands at 103 species, as follows:
As of 22nd July my total stands at 104 species, as follows:
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
Line 26: Line 26:
|Little Egret
|Little Egret
|17 Apr
|17 Apr
|1 W down Thames is my only record so far
|singles on 17/4, 21/5 and 4/6
|Grey Heron
|Grey Heron
Line 38: Line 38:
|Greylag Goose
|Greylag Goose
|2nd Jan
|2nd Jan
|5 over on 2/1, 2 over on 19/2
|5 over on 2/1, 2 over on 19/2, 2 over 6/5
|Canada Goose
|Canada Goose
Line 74: Line 74:
|Tufted Duck
|Tufted Duck
|2nd Jan
|2nd Jan
|max 4 on the lake on 1/2
|max 4 in Feb, 6 in May, 2 in Jun/Jul
|Common Scoter
|Common Scoter
Line 110: Line 110:
|2nd Jan
|2nd Jan
|max 1 in Jan, 3 in Mar
|max 1 in Jan, 3 in Mar, 3 in Apr, 2 in May, 1 in Jun, 3 in Jul
|Little Ringed Plover
|Little Ringed Plover
Line 118: Line 118:
|Ringed Plover
|Ringed Plover
|1st Feb
|1st Feb
|max 3 in Feb, 11 in Mar  
|max 3 in Feb, 11 in Mar, 6 in Jul
|Grey Plover
|Grey Plover
Line 150: Line 150:
|30 Apr
|30 Apr
|3 over
|3 over 30/4, 1 on foreshore 22/7
Line 162: Line 162:
|Common Sandpiper
|Common Sandpiper
|13th May
|13th May
|1 on foreshore on 13-14/5
|max 1 in May, 11 in Jul
Line 190: Line 190:
|Yellow-legged Gull
|Yellow-legged Gull
|2nd Jan
|2nd Jan
|max 2 in Jan, 3 in Feb, 2 in Mar, 1 in May  
|max 2 in Jan, 3 in Feb, 2 in Mar, 1 in Apr, 1 in May, 8 in Jul
|GBB Gull
|GBB Gull
|1st Jan
|1st Jan
|Sandwich Tern
|22nd July
|5+ on Thames
|Common Tern
|Common Tern
Line 359: Line 363:
|5th Apr
|5th Apr
|Bearded Tit
|16th Apr
|male briefly on 16/4 but not since
|Long-tailed Tit
|Long-tailed Tit

Revision as of 13:58, 22 July 2006

PatchList 2006 Running Total

Map: [1]

This site is being watched by Dave Miller as part of the 2006 London Patch-List Challenge.

As of 22nd July my total stands at 104 species, as follows:

Species Date first seen Notes
Little Grebe 1st Jan ~
Great Crested Grebe 1st Jan 1 on Thames on 1st Jan
Cormorant 1st Jan ~
Little Egret 17 Apr singles on 17/4, 21/5 and 4/6
Grey Heron 1st Jan ~
Mute Swan 19th Feb max 5+ on 19/2
Greylag Goose 2nd Jan 5 over on 2/1, 2 over on 19/2, 2 over 6/5
Canada Goose 5th April 2 in April
Brent Goose 8th Jan 9 circled over Thames on 8/1, then flew off west
Shelduck 1st Jan ~
Gadwall 1st Jan ~
Teal 1st Jan ~
Mallard 1st Jan ~
Shoveler 1st Jan present in ditches max 2 in Jan 3 in Mar
Pochard 1st Jan 1 drake on the lake in Jan
Tufted Duck 2nd Jan max 4 in Feb, 6 in May, 2 in Jun/Jul
Common Scoter 6th July 13 on the Thames at high tide in evening
Sparrowhawk 17th Apr and one on 30/4
Kestrel 1st Jan ~
Peregrine 1st Feb ~
Pheasant 1st Jan ~
Water Rail 18th Jul ~
Moorhen 1st Jan ~
Coot 1st Jan ~
Oystercatcher 2nd Jan max 1 in Jan, 3 in Mar, 3 in Apr, 2 in May, 1 in Jun, 3 in Jul
Little Ringed Plover 30th Apr 1 on 30/4-1/5 but not since
Ringed Plover 1st Feb max 3 in Feb, 11 in Mar, 6 in Jul
Grey Plover 2nd Jan 2 on 2/1 and 1 on 29/1
Lapwing 1st Jan ~
Dunlin 1st Jan max 80 on 2nd Jan
Jack Snipe 26th Feb max 1 in Feb, 2 in Mar
Snipe 2nd Jan max 4 on 2/1
Black-tailed Godwit 1st Jan max 84 on foreshore on 8th Jan
Bar-tailed Godwit 1st May 1 on foreshore
Whimbrel 30 Apr 3 over 30/4, 1 on foreshore 22/7
Curlew 1st Jan max 2 in Jan, 3 in Feb, 4 in Mar
Redshank 1st Jan ~
Common Sandpiper 13th May max 1 in May, 11 in Jul
Turnstone 2nd Jan max 14 in Jan, 6 in Feb, 10 in Mar, 2 on 14/5
Mediterranean Gull 8th Jan single ads on 8/1 and 19/2
Black-headed Gull 1st Jan ~
Common Gull 1st Jan ~
LBB Gull 1st Jan ~
Herring Gull 8th Jan ~
Yellow-legged Gull 2nd Jan max 2 in Jan, 3 in Feb, 2 in Mar, 1 in Apr, 1 in May, 8 in Jul
GBB Gull 1st Jan ~
Sandwich Tern 22nd July 5+ on Thames
Common Tern 1st May ~
Feral Pigeon 22nd Jan ~
Stock Dove 2nd Jan max 10 on 26/2
Woodpigeon 1st Jan ~
Collared Dove 1st Jan ~
Turtle Dove 14th May ~
Ring-necked Parakeet 17th Apr 1 heard overhead
Cuckoo 6th May ~
Swift 6th May ~
Green Woodpecker 1st Jan ~
Great Spotted Woodpecker 12th Mar ~
Skylark 8th Jan ~
Sand Martin 1st May ~
Swallow 15th Apr ~
House Martin 30th Apr ~
Meadow Pipit 1st Jan max 20 in Jan, 25+ in Feb, 20 in Mar
Rock Pipit 1st Jan max 11+ on 12/2
Water Pipit 5th Feb 1 on 5/2, 12/2, 26/2
Yellow Wagtail 16th Apr 2 over
Grey Wagtail 1st Jan max 1 in Jan, 2 in Feb, 1 in Mar
Pied Wagtail 1st Jan ~
Wren 1st Jan ~
Dunnock 1st Jan ~
Robin 2nd Jan ~
Common Redstart 8th April 1 male by concrete pier
Stonechat 1st Jan max 3 in Jan, 2 in Feb, 2 in Mar, 3 in Apr
Wheatear 8th April max 4 on 15-16/4
Blackbird 1st Jan ~
Fieldfare 2nd Jan max 15+ on 22/1
Song Thrush 1st Jan ~
Redwing 22nd Jan 1 on 22/1
Mistle Thrush 12th Feb 2 in Feb, 1 in Mar
Cetti's Warbler 8th Jan heard in inaccessible area
Sedge Warbler 6th May ~
Reed Warbler 16th Apr ~
Lesser Whitethroat 30th Apr ~
Whitethroat 15th Apr ~
Garden Warbler 7th May ~
Blackcap 8th Apr ~
Chiffchaff 26th Mar ~
Willow Warbler 5th Apr ~
Bearded Tit 16th Apr male briefly on 16/4 but not since
Long-tailed Tit 1st Jan ~
Blue Tit 1st Jan ~
Great Tit 15th Jan ~
Jay 2nd Jan ~
Magpie 1st Jan ~
Jackdaw 22nd Jan 2 over on 22/1, 29/1, 5 on 16/4
Rook 14th May 3 over
Carrion Crow 1st Jan ~
Starling 1st Jan ~
House Sparrow 7th May 3 on 7/5 were a real surprise
Chaffinch 1st Jan party of 20+ in Jan and Feb
Greenfinch 1st Jan ~
Goldfinch 1st Jan ~
Linnet 1st Jan party 30+ in early Jan, but scarce in Feb and Mar, 15 in Apr
Reed Bunting 2nd Jan 5+ on 19/2
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