
From Lane Co Oregon

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Passenger vehicle operators - not truck drivers - result in roughly 70 percent of all fatal crashes involving a auto and industrial truck, according to federal government statistics.

Most accidents are the outcome of an unsafe driving act, such as following a truck as well closely or lingering in its blind spot.

The following precautions will assist you safely share the road with massive trucks:

  • Beware of blind spots. About 35 percent of truck-related auto fatalities take place in a truck's blind spots. Tractor trailers have really massive blind spots - as much as 30 feet behind the truck. Often try to pass on the left side the blind spot on the appropriate side is significantly bigger (running the length of the truck and extending out almost three lanes).
  • Remain back. When following a truck, attempt to sustain a distance of 20 to 25 auto lengths. Driving also closely behind a truck offers you tiny or no time to react to altering circumstances.
  • When passing a truck, do not loiter in the blind spot. Before moving back into the truck's lane, be certain you can see its headlights in your rearview mirror. Most fully-loaded semi trucks driving at highway speeds need 100 yards - that's 1 football field - to come to a safe quit. Leave them plenty of space.
  • Pay consideration. Driver inattentiveness is the most frequent unsafe driving act that final results in a truck-related auto fatality.
  • Heed the weather. Poor situations make it much more challenging to drive safely around large trucks. Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire LLC reminds you that statistics show almost 1 million car accidents a year take place in wet climate.

When it is raining, slow down, turn on your lights, drive smoothly and keep a secure distance. If you commence to hydroplane, take your foot off the accelerator (if manual transmission, engage the clutch) and don't slam on your brakes.

  • Properly keep your tires. A tire cannot supply very good traction on wet roads once the tread is worn under 2/32 of an inch tread depth. Check your tires regularly and replace them at the correct time. Do not forget to maintain the proper air stress in your tires tire stress ought to be checked monthly. [title=Picking_the_right_playground_for_Schools_Churches_Parks_and_Communities Picking the right playground for Schools Churches Parks and Communities - SSSC2010]
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