Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1906)

From Lane Co Oregon

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(September 15)
(NTtzDM Sorry for the off-topic, could you tell where I can get such a nice pattern for my blog ?!...)
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NTtzDM Sorry for the off-topic, could you tell where I can get such a nice pattern for my blog ?!...
==January 6==
Fred Long, a young man employed at Fischer Bros. sawmill at Marcola, was killed at that place last Saturday.
The crew had been putting logs in the race and Long was down the embankment when two logs began to roll
toward him. One of the proprietors of the mill saw the situation and called to Long to lookout, but the warning
came too late. The logs caught the unfortunate man, both passing over him and crushing his hips in a horrible
manner. He was conscious and said,"all this suffering in awful, awful, I wish it had done a good job and killed
me." He died a few hours after the accident, bleeding to death.
Long came from Corvallis, where his parents and relatives reside. A brother came after he had passed
away. The mill men shut down Monday and attended the funeral of the deceased. The body was interred at

Current revision as of 21:28, 28 September 2011

NTtzDM Sorry for the off-topic, could you tell where I can get such a nice pattern for my blog ?!...


[edit] February

[edit] February 10


MOHAWK FARM SOLD The Jeremiah Yarnell farm of 687.14 acres, excepting the S.P. right of way through the land, was sold this afternoon at referees sale to J. E. Yarnell for $6200. This farm lies in the Mohawk valley and in said to be one of the best in the county.

[edit] March

[edit] March 1


BOYS KILL A BIG BROWN BEAR Orby and Tom Lowell, residing north of Coburg, were in Eugene today, bringing the skin and head of a huge brown bear, which they had killed, to have it mounted. The boys were out hunting on Bald Mountain, about 18 miles northeast of Eugene, suddenly they ran into the bear which was standing in front of a big cave in the mountain, probably its home. The bear at once showed fight and started toward the boys, who began to pump lead into the animal from their Winchesters. It took nine shots to dispatch Bruin, each taking effect in the animals head.

[edit] March 20



The guard yesterday told of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company, importing over 100 Scandinavians from Chicago to work in the sawmills in this county. It seems that all of them did not reach here. The following is from the Portland Telegram: East Portland population was added to the presence of 50 Scandinavians Saturday night, when that number escaped from an O. R. & N. train. A party of 120 were going from Chicago to Eugene to enter employment of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company, and on reaching the East Side depot of the line decided to leave the car. Instead of choosing the usual route, they went through the windows, and the last seen of them was as they disappeared in the darkness. The rest were transferred to the Southern Pacific immediately on reaching the Union Depot and taken to Eugene on a special. Two weeks ago arrangements were made with the Danish and Swedish consul at Chicago for a crew of men. It was stipulated that the Booth Kelly Lumber Co. was to provide transportation, and the money expended was to be repaid on installments from wages earned at the plants in the vicinity of Eugene. While enroute to the city, some of the laborers talked of taking French Leave here, and it was evidently agreed between one-third of them that it would be a good move. Five of the crowd got off at Pendleton and said afterward they missed the train, but this story is not believed. It was the intention to ship men regularly in order to provide sufficient help to avoid closing down the mills, but experience with the first crowd spoils the plan.

OTHERS SKIP OUT It is reliably reported here today that those who reached Springfield have all, except three, skipped out after eating off the company for a day or two and without doing a stroke of work. This in proving to be an expensive experience for the company. It is said that in order to hold their men better, the company will at once advance wages.

[edit] March 23


GOOD SIZED B. K. CREW ARRIVES FROM PORTLAND LAST NIGHT L. B. Hill, employment manager of the Booth Kelly Co. arrived up from Portland last night with about 20 men whom he had secured in that city to work in the company la logging camps. The men are a good looking lot as far as the ordinary sawmill hand goes. Upon their arrival on the 9 O'clock local, they were taken to the Encore Hotel, where they were given a nights lodging, and this morning were driven in special vehicles to Fall Greek to be put to work in the logging camps there. Since a band of Swedes, who were brought out from Chicago at the company's expense, left without doing a stroke of work because the wages were to low, the company, it is said, have made a material advance in wages and no doubt will hereafter be more successful in holding men. The men brought up from Portland last night by Mr. Hill are all of the better class of workingmen and will prove of benefit to the company.

[edit] April

[edit] April 25


LOGGER INSULTS WOMAN A young logger by the name of W. R. Park, employed in the Hyland logging camp, was fined $25 by Police Judge Dorris this morning, charged with using frightening language to a woman. Last night about 9 o'clock young Park accosted Mrs Henry Kissinger on West Eighth street, near the post office, and asked her to take a walk with him. She ran back to her husband, who was going in the opposite direction, having just left her at the postoffice and told him of the circumstance. Kissinger caught up with the fellow and proceeded to give him a good basting. Chief of Police Farrington heard the disturbance and ran to the scene. He pulled Kissinger off Park, and took the latter to jail. For the past several nights a number of girls and young women have been insulted on the streets by men and Park may have been one of the guilty parties in those instances.

[edit] April 27



The Booth Kelly Company now has two big log drives on the way down from the camps to the mills. One of them contains 6,000,000 feet, and is in the McKenzie at the mouth of the Mohawk, on its way to the Coburg mill, and the other is now in Fall Creek at the Unity bridge on its way to Springfield. It consists of 8,000,000 feet.

[edit] May

[edit] May 24


ORDER PLACED FOR THREE SAWMILLS Southern Pacific Company Purchases Machinery For Its Plants On Mohawk The Southern Pacific Company has placed orders with Tatum and Bowen, of Portland, for the machinery for three of the sawmills which the company intends to erect on its timberlands in Lane County. Each of the mills will have a capacity of 40 thousand feet of lumber daily. The work of clearing the ground for the first mill to be erected, which will be near Marcola, has been completed and the structure is now ready to be erected. It in expected that at least one more mill will be erected on the Wendling branch this summer.

[edit] May 25


S. P. LEASES LAND FOR SAWMILL SPUR AT MARCOLA Papers for the lease of the right-of-way for the Southern Pacific Company's spur through C. Arnel's place on the Mohawk to the site of the company's proposed new sawmill were filed with the county clerk yesterday afternoon. The contract calls for a strip of land 30 feet wide and the annual rental is to be $100. The company agrees, upon the removal of the timber from the land and the abandonment of operations, to remove the railroad track and restore the land to its original condition. The contract specifies that construction work on the spur shall begin within three months from the date of signing the papers.

[edit] May 26


L. P. FAWVER KILLED IN A MOHAWK MILL L. P. Fawver, employed at the Mohawk Lumber Company mill near Donna station, was accidentally killed yesterday evening between 5 and 6 O'clock. He was working on the trimmer when his clothing caught on a rapidly revolving shaft and he was whirled around the shaft a number of times. The clothing finally gave way and he fell to the floor and was dead. Every effort was made to revive him, but in vain. No bones were broken and but few bruises shown on the body, the death resulting from internal injuries. Mr. Fawver was aged about 53 years and was a well known resident of the Mohawk valley. He leaves the following children: Mrs. Lucy Steuben, of Marcola; Sam Fawver of Harrisburg; Maude, Edith, Archie and Sylvia Fawver of Donna. The deceased was a member of The Woodmen of the World, holding insurance in that order. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the remains interred in Baxter cemetery.

[edit] May 29


COBURG VOTES ITSELF TO BE A MUNICIPALITY Coburg is now a city, the election yesterday having gone heavily for incorporation. The vote was: For incorporation 85; against, 20. George A. Drury is the first mayor, and the selection in a good one. Mr. Drury has resided at Coburg many years and is one of the town's most prominent citizens. He will fill the office with credit to himself and the people of the new city. The councilmen elected were as follows: B.C. Bond, John Harden, H. F. Bucknum, John Matthews, Thomas VanDuyn and Lea Jarnigan,- Recorder, Lester Stacey - Marshal, Robert Ingram - treasurer, G. B. Brentner.

[edit] May 30


S. J. JONES KILLED AT WENDLING S. J. Jones, employed at the Booth Kelly's mill at Wendling, died about 11 o'clock last night from injuries received at 2:30 O'clock yesterday afternoon. Jones was working on the lathe machine when in some manner a slab flew out and struck him in the pit of the stomach; He was taken home and lingered in agony till eleven o'clock at night when he expired. The unfortunate man was aged 40 years and leaves a wife and seven children. He had been working at the mill about seven months, going there from Saginaw. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World, carrying insurance in the latter. It is said that he carried a total life insurance of $5000. His body was taken to Cottage Grove for burial.

[edit] June

[edit] June 4


GEORGE DRURY OF MARCOLA DIES George Drury, who departed this life May 11, 1906 was born near Sheffield England June 21, 1830, and came to America in 1845, settling with his parents in the state of Wisconsin, where they remained until the year 1854,when he moved to Minnesota, where he engaged in farming. He was married to Miss Catherine Pfremer July 4, 1858. In 1863 he enlisted as a private in Company K, Sixth Minnesota Volunteers and served in the war of the rebellion until its close. He was discharged in Fort Snelling in 1865, returning to his farm, where he lived until the fall of MI. Coming to Oregon that year he purchased a farm in the Mohawk valley, where he resided until a few months before his death, when he decided to visit his old home in Minnesota where he died. His wife died Jan. 14, 1898. Thirteen children blessed their union with seven yet living, who are Geo. A Drury of Coburg, Robert L. and Marion J. Drury of Marcola, Mrs. Minnie Fischer of Marcola . Mrs. Lizzie Broadwater and Mrs. Mary Broadwater of Preston Minn. and Mrs Anna Ogg of Minneapolis.

[edit] June 12


LUMBER BUSINESS LIVELY ON THE MOHAWK Phillip Workman, a well known citizen of Mabel, in the Mohawk valley, was in Eugene yesterday. He says the work of putting up the Southern Pacific Company's sawmill near the Arnel place at Marcola is being rushed and preparation for building a second mill to be located two miles from the first one are being made. He thinks the other two announced to be built by the company will go up soon. Mr. Workman says the sawmill and timber business is very lively up the Mohawk. The big Wendling mill is running it's its full capacity and the Hyland mill at Trent Siding is rushed all the time. He predicts that many more mills will be built in that country within the next few years.

[edit] June 13


THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. WILL BUILD FLUME ON MOHAWK The Southern Pacific Co. is preparing to build a long flume from its second sawmill to be erected in the Mohawk to Wendling branch railroad for the purpose of carrying lumber from the mill to the cars. To the first mill, which is now being erected near the Arnel place, a spur will be constructed but the site of the second mill is near a good stream of water, which can easily be utilizes for fluming purposes. A deed conveying the right-of-way for the flume from R. A. Neil, of Yakima county Washington, through whose land it will extend, was filed for record with the county clerk yesterday after-noon. The land in question lies in section 17, to 16, south of range one west.

[edit] June 18


MEN AT WORK ON S. P. MILLS ON MOHAWK Sewell smith and Walter Ross, who have just returned from Klamath Falls, where they have been engaged as millwrights in the erection of a big sawmill, have been ordered by their employers, Tatum and Brown, of Portland, to hold themselves in readiness to go to Marcola soon to work on the three mills that the S. P.Co. is going to erect in that vicinity.

[edit] July

[edit] July 1


MANY EMPLOYEES OF BOOTH KELLY CO. QUIT WORK A report from Springfield is to the effect that quite a number of the employee of the Booth Kelly sawmills at that place and at Wendling and a larger number of the employee of the logging camps up the Willamette and McKenzie rivers have quit work because of the existence of prohibition in Lane county. It is said that many more of the mill hands will quit tonight when they receive their pay.

It is a well known fact that a large number of loggers are drinking men and those who think they cannot get along without liquor are not going to work where they can secure none. These men quitting may inconvenience the Booth Kelly Co. to a considerable extent, but the company is now paying good wages and may be able to secure a better class of men to fill the places of those who quit.

[edit] July 5


LUMBER BUSINESS ON THE MOHAWK BOOMING C. Arnel was down from Mohawk yesterday. He informed the Guard that the Southern Pacific sawmill No. 1, which is being erected near Marcola will be completed in a short time and it in expected that the mill will be sawing lumber in about three weeks. The mill in being built in a first-class manner and the machinery is of the best. The work of clearing the site for mill No. 2 has been completed and some of the timbers are now on the ground. A cook house has been erected and everything is in readiness for active building operations at once. Work has not yet begun on the third mill. Mr. Arnel says the Booth Kelly Company's big mill at Wendling is running on full time and putting out lumber in immense quantities. The Hyland mill is also running on full time and is overcrowded with orders. The price of lumber is steadily advancing, and all the mills in the county are kept busy filling orders. The San Francisco fire is partly responsible for this big demand.

[edit] July 7


MANY LOG DRIVES UNDER WAY The Booth Kelly sawmills, logging camps and drives will all resume operations next Monday, after the usual Fourth of July shutdown of a weeks duration. A full force of men will be put to work again, and the absence of those who quit because the county went "dry" will not be felt. A reporter called at the Booth Kelly office this forenoon and was given several interesting logging items as follows: The Spalding logging Company's drive of 6,000,000 feet, coming down the McKenzie, is now at the mouth of the Mohawk. Three million feet of these logs consists of cottonwood and maple, and the other 3,000,000 feet are fir. The Spalding company furnishes logs for several mills down the valley. The Booth kelly drive on the McKenzie, for the Coburg mill, is now a short distance below Major Forrest's place, which is about 22 miles from Eugene. There are 7 million feet of fir logs in this drive. C. L. Williams drive of 3,000,000 feet for the Eugene Lumber Co. has reached the head of the millrace, between here and Springfield, and will be in the boom at the mill within a few days. The Booth Kelly Fall Creek drive of 7,000,000 feet for the Springfield mill is now at the Unity bridge, 18 miles from here. Hills Bros. drive of 7,000,000 feet for the Springfield mill is between Hyland's ferry and the mouth of Fall creek.

[edit] July 28


W. J. WYCOFF DIES FROM INJURIES RECEIVED AT MABEL Wesley J. Wycoff, who was injured in the Hyland Lumber Company's sawmill at Mabel Tuesday by being struck on the head by the flying crank of a windlass, and a part of whose brain was removed by the physicians, died at the Eugene hospital at 1:30 o'clock this morning. He did not regain consciousness after the accident. The body will be taken to Leaburg tomorrow and buried in the Greenwood cemetery. He was about 45 years of age and single. The deceased was a well known resident of the McKenzie valley, having resided in the vicinity of Leaburg for thirty years.

[edit] August

[edit] August 8


MOHAWK BOY CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIME Constable Plank left this morning for the Mohawk country, armed with a warrant issued out of Justice of the Peace Bryson's court for the arrest of Edward Lewis, aged about 18 years, son of John Lewis, charged with assault with intent to commit rape upon the person of Bertha , the ten year old daughter of Frank Spores, residing near Donna. Mr. Spores came to town last evening and swore to the complaint. According to his story his little daughter was going along a tramway in that vicinity yesterday when Lewis jumped out of some brush nearby and carried the girl into the brush with him. Just then a car came in sight along the tramway and Lewis ran and left the girl where he had taken her. The constable arrived here with his prisoner late this afternoon and took him before Justice Bryson. He was lodged in the county jail, his examination to be held in two or three days.

[edit] August 10


HYLAND BROS. SAWMILL AT MABEL BOUGHT BY T.R.YERGER OF LOS ANGELES A deal was consummated in Eugene today whereby The Hyland Lumber Company's sawmill near Marcola, a large amount of timberland and other property passes from the hands of Earnest E. Wilbur H. and Ira D. Hyland to T. R. Yerger of Los Angeles. The sale was engineered by H. O. Mahon, the well known timber and mining broker of this city, who has been working on it for some time past. The consideration is $60,000. Mr. Yerger is now in Eugene and will take possession of the property immediately. When seen by a Guard reporter today he expressed himself as being very well pleased with his purchase and thinks there is a bright outlook ahead for a splendid business. Included in the deal is 2300 acres of fine timber land, all contiguous to the mill, and two miles of tramway, leading from the mill to the Wendling branch

of the Southern Pacific railroad. The mill which is located three miles above Marcola, has a capacity of 40,000 feet of lumber every day, and is equipped with modern machinery throughout. It was built only a few years ago and has been making money for its owners ever since. The three Hyland brothers above mentioned purchased the Plant a year or two ago from their brother, N. G. Hyland, who with his father the late Amos D. Hyland, built it. Mr. Yerger will make his home in Eugene. He intends to make a number of improvements to the sawmill, but to what extent is not determined, as he is not yet acquainted with surrounding conditions.

[edit] August 11


SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY WILL BUILD FLUME Papers were filed in the county clerk's office today granting the Southern Pacific Company the right to construct and maintain a flume across the premises of the following residents of the Mohawk valley: John D. Burns, C. and Mary Cole, J. T. and Nellie Whitmore, C. and M. J. Arnel and William and Josephine Cries. This flume is to be used in connection with the company's sawmills, which are now being erected in that vicinity. The land in question is in township 16, south of range one west.

[edit] August 13


BIG FOREST FIRE UP MOHAWK RIVER Forest fires are burning in the vicinity of Mabel, above the Wendling Mill, and near the mouth of Winberry Creek, on Fall Creek. Both are near B. K. timber, but so far no great amount of damage has been done. Both fires started about the same time Saturday evening. A veritable army of men has prevented the fires from spreading to the green timber. The fire up the Mohawk destroyed several hundred feet of logging road and chute belonging to Renninger and Button, but aside from this no damage has been done, as dead trees and underbrush have been the fuel for the flames.

[edit] August 14

LATER REPORTS OF FIRE ON THE MOHAWK WORSE THAN FIRST REPORTED People who have just returned from a fishing trip up the Mohawk report that the fire is much more serious than was at first reported.

Renninger and Button's log chute, which was 4000 feet long and which was recently built at a cost of nearly $4000, has been almost entirely destroyed. It had been in use only three days. The firm had 15,000,000 feet of logs yarded in that vicinity and the fire has spread over them entailing a big loss, the amount being hard to estimate, but it is thought to be in the neighborhood of $7000. The fire started near to 12 o'clock Saturday night, supposedly from one of the donkey engines, but the engineer states that before quitting work he put out every spark of fire. The alarm was given and soon a large number of men from the Wendling and Hyland mills were on the scene doing their best to stay the flames, but with little success. The Eugene man say it is about the worst fire they ever saw. The roar of the flames could be heard several miles and the heat felt hundreds of yards. The loss on the logs falls on Renninger and Button, as they had not yet delivered them to the mills.

[edit] August 15


TWO ACCIDENTS IN SOUTHERN LANE Harvey LaJoie, the 16 year old son of Henry LaJoie, residing near Walker, was accidently shot in the right leg with a pistol Sunday. He had cocked the pistol to shoot at a squirrel and placed the piece back in his pocket without unlocking it, when it discharged. Drs. Kime and Hockett removed the bullet, which had lodged under the bone back of the knees. The wound is not dangerous. Fred Jones, a young logger working for the Chambers Lumber Co. at Dorena, had a bad accident about ten o'clock Tuesday morning. He was going up the log chute and stopped to cut a young maple out of the way, but his ax caught in another tree and descending struck his right foot completely severing the big toe and the two toes next to it, and badly cutting the fourth. He was brought to town where Drs. Job and Oglesby dressed the foot, sewing the toes back in place. (From the Cottage Grove Nugget)

[edit] August 25


NEW SAWMILL TO BE BUILT AT MARCOLA Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bally and son Ray arrived on the evening train from Carlton Tuesday night. Mr. Bally informs us that he will go to Marcola and in partnership with Carl Fischer will build and operate a sawmill which will have a capacity of 20,000 feet per day. The machinery has been ordered and is expected to arrive in a few days. The work of building the mill will be started in a few days (Springfield News)

SCIENTIST CHURCH OF COBURG INCORPORATED The First Church Of Christ, Scientist, of Coburg, filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk today. The incorporators are; Mrs.A. Y. VanDuyn, Mrs. Mary Zachary and Mrs. E. J. Deffenbacher, trustees; Mrs. Ella Macey, Mrs. Clara Naylor and Mrs Arabella Leonard, directors.

[edit] September

[edit] September 1


COBURG NEWS ITEMS F. R. Sackett is moving into his new store. Dr. Jarnagin left Tuesday morning for a months outing at his island near the coast. Dr. Best of Cottage Grove, is in charge of his practice while he is away.

At the regular meeting of the council last Monday evening the resignation of Marshal Ingram was accepted and James Evans was appointed in his place. Vernon Brentner returned from a hunting trip on the hills east of Coburg at noon today. He was gone overnight and could stand it no longer. Billy Woods the night engineer at the mill left for Portland this morning. He goes by wagon, taking his family. The Booth Kelly people are installing a new loading crane to use in loading cars with timbers. There seems to be plenty of time to put it in, as they are receiving only two or three cars a day. There were no loads taken out yesterday. Notices are out announcing that the night crew will resume operations again September 3rd. It will seem good to hear the customary noise when one wakes up at night. H. W. Mahon, a member of the militia from Eugene, who has been working at this place for the past year, returned Tuesday. He reports a good time at the encampment, and says that the maneuvers were instructive for the boys. The only thing for which he feels sorry is, that on a chicken ranch where there were about fifty chicken houses, there was not a fowl to be found.

[edit] September 4


DONKEY ENGINE BURIED Fred Hills in well known in Corvallis, having graduated from O. A. O. in the class of 05. His home is near Springfield, Lane county, and his father Jasper Hills, logs on the Winberry, a tributary to Fall Creek. Last Week a fire broke out in that section and swept onward at a fierce rate. It consumed a lot of logs that meant money to Mr. Hills, and it finally became apparent that the donkey engine and the rest of the logging paraphernalia would be destroyed. That was no place to get out with the machine, and the owner decided to bury it. All hands fell to work and the donkey engine was soon underground, and the fire later swept on, doing no harm to the outfit. All of which tends to prove that "necessity is the mother of invention." - Corvallis Gazette.

[edit] September 7


C. Cole Sells Store And Devotes Time To Selling Town Lots At Marcola C. Cole the veteran merchant of Marcola, has sold his general store at that place to J. D. Fields, Robert Gano and Frank Trueman, proprietors of the Ax Billy department store in this city. They will take charge October first,and one of the three members of the firm will conduct the store. Mr. Cole has been in the mercantile business on the Mohawk for the past 30 years. He will hereafter devote his entire attention to the sale of lots in the townsite of Marcola which he owns. With the advent of the Southern Pacific Company's new sawmills in that vicinity, quite a town is expected to spring up there.

[edit] September 10


A. Wilcox, who formerly conducted an employment bureau here, but now employed as millwright on the S. P. Company's sawmills near Marcola, spent Sunday in the city. He reports that mill No. 1 is now operating steadily, having started up last week. The frame work of mill No. 2 is up and the plant will be rushed to completion. An engine has arrived for mill No. 3, but no work has been done on the plant. As soon as mill No. 2 is completed, work on mill No. 3 will begin. The company will erect a 4th mill somewhere in lane county.

[edit] September 13



Coburg, September, 12.- Ed Cooper had the misfortune to have the ends of two fingers of his left hand cut off in the gearing of the edger Saturday evening about ten o'clock. Hugo Hallin, who had three toes cut off by a truck running over his foot two weeks ago, is at work again. The funeral of William Allingham., the old pioneer, was held Sunday. The Odd Fellows service was used. The mast for the new loading crane at the Booth Kelly mill, is now in place. It is about seventy feet high. J. D. Wigle has his house enclosed and says it can rain now if it wants to. There are several new buildings going up in town, and there will yet be a scarcity by the time the fall rains set in for good, and people come to work in the mill. A good rate of interest can be made by building houses to rent in Coburg.

[edit] September 15


THE DEATH OF CHARLES BRIGGS AT MARCOLA Charles Briggs, head sawyer in Fischer Bros. sawmill at Marcola, died this morning at 6 o'clock of jaundice, following typhoid fever. He was aged about 50 years, and leaves a wife and one son, besides two step sons. He has been employed in the Fischer mill for the past two years, coming from Myrtle Creek. He was a good workman, honest and industrious, and will be greatly missed by his employers. The funeral will be held Monday morning, with interment in the Dexter cemetery.


COBURG NEWS F. B. Sackett has sold his stock of general merchandise to M. C. Bond, George A. Drury and Lee Jarnigan, all of Coburg. Mr. Bond is at present station agent for the S. P. Mr. Drury has been with Mr. Sackett as clerk since the opening of the business under Sackett name, and Mr. Jarnigan has owned and run the city drug store for three years. They are all tried business men, and we expect them to do a good business. They will take possession as soon as an invoice is taken.

Harry Coleman brought in another bear yesterday. This makes three for him this week. Clive Taylor and wife returned from a trip up the McKenzie river this week. They had been gone for about a month. It will be remembered that Mr. Taylor had his leg broken in June and when he left on his trip he was just able to get about on crutches, but a few days before he returned he walked two miles, killed a deer and packed it to camp. The Christian Science Church is going up quite fast. Mae Burns is doing the work, with the assistance of Mr. Hoeflin and son. Sidewalks are beginning to appear in all parts of town. The people are responding to the calls of the council quite readily. Professor Maxwell, who will have charge of the Coburg schools the coming year, is in town getting his house in order for the reception of Mrs. Maxwell.

THE DAILY EUGENE GUARD 9-27-1906 WORK BEGINS ON S. P. MILL NO. 3 LARGE FORCE OF MEN ON THIRD PLANT NEAR MARCOLA MILL NO. I CUTTING 35,000 To 40,000 FEET EACH DAY AND NO. 2 WILL START UP SOON Marcola Sep. 27.- R. Kohler, of the Southern Pacific Co. has been here the past few days looking after the company's business and inspecting the work that has been done on sawmill No. 2, which the company has erected in this vicinity. This mill will start up in about two weeks. Work has been started on mill No. 3 with a large force of men and they expect to complete it in much quicker time than they did the other two.

[edit] October


Southern Pacific Co. Asks $10,000 damages The Southern Pacific Company today instituted suit in the circuit court against Earnest E., Ira L., and Wilbur H. Hyland, doing business under the firm name of Hyland Lumber Company, to recover $10,000 damages for the alleged nonperformance of a contract to deliver to the plaintiff 50,000 first class red or yellow fir sawed cross ties. The railroad company alleges that on or about January 4, 1906, the plaintiff and defendants entered into an agreement in writing for the purchase of the ties; that on or about September 13,1906, the defendants delivered to the of the ties, but have refused to comply with and carry out the plaintiff 27,753 terms and conditions of the contract. The railroad company alleges that it has been damaged in the sum of $10,000, and asks for a decree against the defendants for the sum, together with costs and disbursements. The Hyland Lumber Company until recently conducted a sawmill up the Mohawk, selling out to a Mr Yerger of Los Angeles.


COBURG NEWS School began Monday with the usual amount of disturbances among the unwilling small boys.

The new firm of Drury, Bond and Jarnagin has taken up the responsibility of the business formerly owned by F. B. Sackett. M. C. Bond had the misfortune to step through a hole in the depot floor last Saturday. A badly sprained leg was the result, which necessitated his asking for an assistant agent at the depot to help with the work. The new man came this morning. Spriggs Bros. have opened a blacksmith and wagon shop, three blocks east of the Booth Kelly office. The marshal is now busy in putting in crosswalks. John Macy is moving into his new house, which has just been finished. The old one will be occupied by one of the young men of Coburg after he gets his double harness. The wood saw is busy in town these days, getting the work done before the weather gets any wetter.

Superintendent Bassett is in Portland, where he is undergoing an operation on his left eye.


MARCOLA GIRL ELOPES WITH OLDER MAN Sheriff Fisk returned last night from The Dalles, where he went to bring back Floyd Dubois, charged with the abduction of 14 year old Mabel Conrad from Marcola about a week ago. He brought the girl along and they were met at the depot by her mother and step father, who at once took her in charge. The Dalles Chronicle tells of the capture of Dubois by Sheriff Chrisman and his deputy, E. R. Wood, as follows: " The officers kept their weather eye open all day and finally about 10 o'clock last night saw a girl of the description given standing about the Umatilla House corner. She soon crossed over and further up the street was met by a young man. Believing that they had secured a clew the officers followed them up third street to W. A. Johnson's corner, then on to Fourth and up the grade leading to the bluff. There they were accosted and asked where they were going. "None of your ----- business" responded Dubois. "Well, we'll make it our business", said the officers, and then he explained that he was taking the young lady to the home of his sister on the hill. But that explanation wasn't sufficient and the pair were taken to the sheriff's office, where Dubois was put in jail. During the time that the sheriff was dealing with the man, Wood got hold of the girl, who had given a fictitious name, and succeeded in getting her to confess that she was Mabel Conrad and that she came to The Dalles with Dubois Monday. She is a sweet looking girl about 14 years of age and seems to have no realization of what she had done, not the fate that awaited her in the hand of a villain, whom the officers are convinced, from letters found in his pocket, is but a procurer for houses of ill fame, in which he intended to place her. Dubois, who is 25 years of age, has respectable relatives in this city, though he has always been a profligate.



The mile of railroad track from the Wendling branch at Marcola to the Southern Pacific Company's sawmill No. I has just been completed, a number of Eugene men who were working on it having just returned to the city. The spur is well built and is ready for the operation of the trains over it for the transportation of the output of the mill to the outside world. The plant has been in operation for the past several weeks, employing 75 or 80 men at the mill and in the woods. Thirty-five or forty thousand feet of lumber is being cut every day. Mills Nos. 2 and 3 are well under way, but the work is handicapped by the failure of the company to receive its machinery on time.

[edit] November


VERITABLE "HELL HOLE" AT MARCOLA Marcola is reported to have a "booze joint" of the very worst description a perfect hell hole. It is claimed that liquor is dished out over the bar by the proprietor of the joint until he in totally unable to wait on his patrons, and then his loving and devoted spouse assumes charge and proceeds to satisfy the cravings of those who are yet able to navigate. It is also reported to us by a citizen of Marcola that his seven-year-old son came home drunk and claims that he was given the drink by this same degraded, law-breaking degenerate. How can true American citizens tolerate such conditions of affairs when they are so conspicuous. It is said that this proprietor of this dram shop has openly defied arrest. If the reports that come to us are true, and no arrest is made, then the citizens of Marcola are equally bad as the lawbreaker. A coat of tar and feathers is far too good for such individuals. -Springfield News.


LUMBER BUSINESS ON THE MOHAWK IS PROSPEROUS G. Arnel, the well-known Marcola resident, near whose farm the Southern Pacific Company's new sawmills are located, is in the city. He informs the Guard that Mill No. 1 is running on full time and cutting about 35,000 feet a day on the average. One day though, Superintendent Whitstone put the machinery through to its full capacity and cut 52,000 feet in ten hours. Mill No. 2 has started to saw and is operating steadily. The bridge across the Mohawk river for the lumber flume has been completed. It is 52 feet from the low water mark to the top. A full crew of men is working on Mill No.3, which will probably be ready for operation in about two months. Mr. Arnel says the Booth Kelly Company's Wendling mill is now working on full time, cutting about 100,000 feet a day. Fischer Bros. mill is also running on full time. Mr. Arnel recently sold 2,000,000 feet of saw timber to M. S. Barker of Eugene, and says he has about 20,000,000 feet more which is on the market.


F. M. SMITH OF MARCOLA FINED $200 FOR SELLING LIQUOR F. M. Smith of Marcola, who had pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor in violation of the local option law, was this forenoon fined by judge Harris $200.

[edit] December


MOHAWK LUMBER COMPANY WILL HAVE FLUME John F. Kelly and J. S. Magladry, doing business under the firm name of the Mohawk Lumber Company, today filed with the county clerk notice of the appropriation of 500 miners inches of the waters of McGowan creek, a tributary of the Mohawk river for the purpose of generating electrical power and for floating timber, piling, wood, and lumber. The point of diversion of the proposed flume is at the mill dam of the Mohawk Lumber Co., the general course east and southeast along the north side of the creek and the terminus at the Southern Pacific railroad, where McGowan creek crosses it. These men have also filed on 200 inches of water from Allison creek, a tributary of McGowan creek. The point of diversion of this flume is at the junction of the two creeks, and the terminus is at the mill.


BUSY TIMES ON CLASSIC MOHAWK VALLEY M. J. Arnel, of the firm of Arnel and Evans, who has the contract for furnishing meet for the S. P. mills on the Mohawk, was transacting business in Eugene today. He says that times are pretty lively in that little valley. Mills Nos. 1 and 2 of the S. P. Company are running to their full capacity and that No. 3 is well under construction. No. 2 is situated near the head of Cartwright's Creek, about three miles from the town of Marcola. The lumber will be flamed to Marcola from this mill, the bridge across the Mohawk for their flume having been completed last week. It crosses the river on the old Evans place a few hundred yards above the town. Mr. Arnel predicts that Marcola will be the busiest little lumbering town in the state next summer. People are arriving daily to make permanent homes in different sections of the valley and the price of real estate, especially in the town of Marcola, is steadily on the increase. The Booth Kelly mill at Wendling is undergoing repairs during the holiday season, but operations will be resumed early in the year. The Hyland mill still continues to grind away and the Brookmeyer and Mohawk Lumber Company's plants will start up at the close of the holiday season.

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