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January 31st 2007

  • Clissold Park, Stoke Newington: 9 Shoveler, 2 Goldcrest, 12 Goldfinch, 2 Mistle Thrush (Mark Pearson)
  • East Ham: Red Admiral (P Fallan).
  • Sevenoaks Wildfowl Reserve: Cattle Egret in flight briefly at 11.15; also Little Egret (Birdguides).
  • South Norwood Lake: 1 Little Grebe. 1 Great Crested Grebe. 1 female Pochard. 20+ Tufted Duck, 6 Cormorant, 15 Goldfinch, 6 Chaffinch (1 singing), 1 Song Thrush (singing), 2 Mistle Thrush, 1 male 1 female Bullfinch, 1 Nuthatch (John Watson).
  • Banbury Res: (prob. male) Peregrine hunting feral pigeons around BOC plant at the top of Tottenham Marshes, and over the reservoir and bus station (David Callahan).
  • Stoke Newington Reservoirs: Green Sandpiper (West Res), 47 Gadwall, 9 Shoveler, 4 Little Grebes, 4 Great Crested Grebes, 3 Greylag, 12 Canada Geese, 4 Song Thrushes, 7 Goldfinches (Mark Pearson & Paul Robinson).
  • Wrasbury GP's: 4 Smew (2m/2redheads) on Hythe Lagoon at mid-day (Birdguides).
  • Staines Res: 1 Great Northern Diver on the south basin this morning, 5 Black-necked Grebe (Birdguides).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: Egyptian Goose, 16 Gadwall, Peregrine circling over Speakers Corner at 13.18hrs, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (formerly streaky-headed bird), Red Admiral (Des McKenzie).
  • Dagenham Chase LNR: Red Kite north this afternoon, 2 Little Egret on The Slack (Birdguides).
  • Rainham Marshes: 2w Caspian Gull on the Target Pools this morning, 2 Yellow-legged Gull (Birdguides).
  • West Thurrock Marshes: 3 Oystercatchers, male Peregrine, 26 Curlew, Rock Pipit, 800 Dunlin, 300 Redshank and a Red Admiral; also, Red Admiral in Garden (Dave Morrison).
  • Trent Park: 4 Goosander (2m,2f),8 Redwing, 7 Mandarin, 4 G.S.Woodpecker,2 Nuthatch,5 Chaffinch. ( Pete Lowman).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull,7 Shoveller (5m,2f),G.S Woodpecker (f).Grovelands Park: Goldcrest, 2 Treecreeper,Little Grebe,2 G.S Woodpecker,4 Stock Dove. ( per Robert Callf).
  • M25 western stretch: 3 Little Egrets flew low east over the carriageway about 2 miles south of J16 at just after 5pm (Andy Culshaw).
  • Mayesbrook Park, Barking: 3 little egrets (Pete Lambert)

January 30th 2007

  • Wintry Wood, Epping Forest: singing Marsh Tit at 08.35, plus calling Stock Dove (Martin Shepherd).
  • Walthamstow Res: 4 Green Sands on Lockwood drainage channel, Com Sand, Water Rail (Low Maynard), 17 Goldeneye (inc. 3 drakes & 1 1st W drake), 2 Mistle Thrushes (David Callahan).
  • Paddington Green: Chiffchaff at 08.00hrs (Des McKenzie).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: Great Crested Grebe (pr nest-building), Black Swan (escape), 73 Mute Swan, 2 Egyptian Goose, 7 Gadwall, 22 Shoveler, 2w Mediterranean Gull (Italian Gardens to 11.22hrs then flew off toward Serpentine), 50 Common Gull, 'Yellow-legged' Gull (the formerly streaky-headed bird), 16 Herring Gull, 7 Stock Dove, 9 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Pied Wagtail, 39 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush (1 singing), 12 Mistle Thrush (4 singing), Chiffchaff (Magazine shrubs), 2 Goldcrest (singing), 28 Long-tailed Tit, 4 Coal Tit (1 singing), Great Tit (partially melanistic), Treecreeper (singing), 17 Chaffinch (2 singing), 3 Goldfinch (1 singing) (Des McKenzie).
  • Broomfield Park (Palmers Green): ad Mediterranean Gull still on the boating lake this afternoon (Birdguides).
  • Stockers Lake: 4 Smew (3m/1f), also pr Red-crested Pochard (Birdguides).
  • East India Dock: 2 Shelduck, 2 Kingfisher, 2 Long-tailed Tit, 36 Tufted Duck (Richard Harrison).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: 14 Meadow Pipits, 1 Jackdaw, m Reed Bunting, 2 Green Woodpeckers, 25 Goldfinch, 15 Chaffinch, 5 Greylag, m Kestrel, 3 Song Thrushes, 4 Mistle Thrushes; various passerines in song (Mark Pearson)
  • Aldenham Reservoir: Red-throated Diver (Oliver Simms). Summer plumaged Great Crested Grebe, summer plumaged Black-headed Gull.
  • Trent Park Area: 51 Mandarin(31m,20f),3 Red Legged Partridge,5 Green Woodpecker,12 G.S. Woodpecker,Lesser Spotted Woodpecker(male drumming),8 Goldcrest,4 Nuthatch,3 Treecreeper,20+ Redwing,4 Siskin and a Weasel. ( per Robert Callf).
  • Hall Marsh Scrape: 284+Lapwings, drake Pintail, Pochard, Gadwall, Wigeon & m Sparrowhawk (Brendan Spooner).
  • North Metropolitain Pits: 4 Smew (3m+1f) 2m Goosanders (Brendan Spooner).
  • Tottenham Marshes: Little Egret, Peregrine, 3 Stonechat, Chiffchaff (Pete Lambert).
  • Cheshunt: 2 Buzzards in trees near Monkhams Hall, 2 male Smew on Friday Lake, 3 Pintail (1 male) on Hall Marsh Scrape (Pete Lambert).

January 29th 2007

  • Swanscombe Marshes: Penduline Tit until 2.30pm only, when flew off high (RBA).
  • Beddington SF: juv Iceland Gull (Birdguides).
  • Central Park E6: GSWoodpecker drumming, 4 Goldcrests. Also Peacock butterfly in Plaistow (Peter Fallan).
  • Hackney Marshes: 125 Teal, 29 Gadwall, Little Grebe, Kingfisher, Grey Wag (David Callahan).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: fem Stonechat, Reed Bunting (David Callahan).
  • Crossness LNR Area (Thamesmead): fem Pintail flew upriver at 11.55hrs, m Sparrowhawk, Peregrine, Skylark, Rock Pipit (sea wall), Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, 2 Reed Bunting (Des McKenzie).
  • Bow Creek: 61 Redshank at high tide roost (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Staines Res: 1 Great Northern Diver on south basin and 2 Black-necked Grebe on north basin (Ken Purdey).
  • Tower Hamlets Cemetery: Chiffchaff (Bob Watts, Phil Hissey).
  • Corbets Tey: 2 drake Goldeneye, Kingfisher, 16 Fieldfare, 9 Redwing, Ring-necked Parakeet, 2 Water Rail, Yellowhammer and 6 Wigeon (Dave Morrison).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull,9 Shoveller(7m,2f): Grovelands Park: 2 Green Woodpecker,3 G.S.Woodpecker,2 Little Grebe,16 Mandarin (11m,5f),Grey Wagtail,Nuthatch. ( per Robert Callf)
  • Fairlop Waters: 7 Great Crested Grebes, 8 Pochard, 12 Teal, m Reed Bunting, Skylark, 10 Fieldfare & 3 Redwings (Brendan Spooner).
  • Stockers Lake: 3 Smew (Birdguides).
  • Island Barn Res: juv Great Northern Diver still (Birdguides).

January 28th 2007

  • Gunnersbury Park, Acton: 1 Black Swan (esc), 3 Mute Swan, 22 Canada Geese, 6 Tufted Duck, 4 Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Common Gull (Matt Reed).
  • Walthamstow Res: ad Med Gull a.m., on water at south end of West Warwick, 13 Shelduck, drake Goldeneye, 3 Com Sands, 55 Greylags (David Callahan).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: 2 Jackdaws over west, 55 Goldfinches (in one flock!), 3 Goldcrests, Mipit, male Reed Bunting (David Callahan).
  • Trent Park: 18 Goldfinch,4 Mealy redpoll,2 Siskin,12 Stock Dove,5 G.S Woodpecker,1 Green Woodpecker,4 Goldcrest,4 Nuthatch,3 Pochard, 30+ Redwing,2 Fieldfare. ( per Robert Callf)
  • East India Dock: Merlin (f) west at 1100h; Black Redstart (ad m & 2 ff/imm) & Kingfisher (Fraser Simpson).
  • Beddington SF: 2 Water Pipit (Birdguides).
  • Dagenham Chase LNR: m Firecrest in hawthorns to the south of The Slack at 15.30hrs (Birdguides).
  • Hyde Park: 2ad Yellow-legged Gull, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Birdguides), 2 Nuthatch (Paul Bruty).
  • Inn's Lake: Red-crested Pochard (Andrew Moon).
  • Staines Res: Great Northern Diver 1 juvenile on south basin, 2 Black-necked Grebes on north basin (Andrew Moon).
  • Rickmansworth: 1 Red Kite flew over the garden heading SE at 13.10 hrs (Andrew Moon).
  • Stockers Lake: m Smew (Birdguides).
  • Barking Outfall: 106 Shoveler, Oystercatcher, 95 Redshank, Water Pipit, Rock Pipit and Common Sandpiper (Dave Morrison).
  • Dagenham Riverside: 116 Redshank, Curlew, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, Peregrine and Common Sandpiper (Dave Morrison).
  • Barnes WWT: Bittern, Shelduck, Greylag, 2 (m+f) Pintail, 2 Snipe, 2 (m+f) Stonechat, 2 Reed Bunting (Matthew Palmer)

January 27th 2007

  • Kew Gardens:60+Redwing, female Blackcap (Neil Anderson)
  • Broadwater GP: 41 Little Egret in the roost ( John Edwards).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: 5 Tundra Bean Goose flew low west at 08.35hrs, Penduline Tit showing well this morning (Birdguides). Turnstone, Common Sand, stone barges (Paul Hawkins).
  • South Norwood Lake: Great-crested Grebe, 3 Cormorant, 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Great-spotted Woodpecker, 4 Ringed-necked Parakeet (John Watson).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Egyptian Goose, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (the previously streaky-headed bird now basically white-headed and seemingly paired off with a Lesser Black-backed Gull since January 13th), Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Pied Wagtail, partially leucistic m Blackbird, Coal Tit (Des McKenzie).
  • Amwell GP's: Bittern, Little Egret, 2 Smew (Birdguides).
  • William Girling Res: Red-throated Diver, 11 Black-necked Grebe, 8 Goosander ~ viewable from Mansfield Park (Birdguides).
  • King George V Res: Great Northern Diver, 21 Goldeneye (Birdguides).
  • Ingrebourne Valley: 2 Green Sandpipers, 35 Yellowhammer, 2 Goldeneye, Ring-necked Parakeet, 4 Stonechat, 72 Gadwall, 2 Snipe and 5 Water Rail (Dave Morrison).
  • West Thurrock: 386 Redshank, 2100 Dunlin, 16 Curlew, 24 Black-tailed Godwit, Peregrine and a Red Admiral (Dave Morrison).
  • Stocker's Lake: 1 drake Smew (at last!), 3 m Goosander, 2 Red-crested Pochard (1m), 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Chiffchaff , 1 Little Egret flew S at 14.35 (Andrew Moon).
  • Bury Lake: 1 drake Red-crested Pochard. Woodoaks Farm, Maple Cross: 194 Golden Plover (Andrew Moon).
  • South Nowood Lake:1 Little Grebe & Great Crested Grebe,(Ernie Thomason)

January 26th 2007

  • Isle of Dogs: ad Ring-billed Gull on the river Thames opposite Lovell's Wharf at 13.55hrs when it flew off upriver (Birdguides).
  • Amwell Quarry Nature Reserve: Bittern showing well from main viewpoint at 11.30 (Alan Reynolds, per Tim Hill).
  • Broomfield Park (Palmers Green): ad Mediterranean Gull on the boating lake this morning (Birdguides).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: 1+ Penduline Tit at 1.30pm (RBA) Egyptian Goose on the main scrape (Birdguides).3 Ring-Necked Parakeets ferry lane.(Paul Hawkins,Dave Morrison).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 3 Gadwall, partially leucistic Blackbird, c15 Goldfinch (David Jeffreys per DMc).
  • Walthamstow Res (South side): Green Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing, 2 CanXGreylag hybrids, 2 Egyptian Geese, 8 Shelduck, 4 ad. GbbGulls, 2 Chiffchaffs (David Callahan).
  • Regents Park: Water Rail, 3 Common Teal, 18 Shoveler, 32 full-winged Red Crested Pochard on the lake, 3 Kestrels flew north, 19 Stock Doves(Tony Duckett).
  • Queen Elizabeth II Res: 1st/w Iceland Gull roosted (earlier at 'The Farm'). Also adult Med Gull, Great Northern Diver (one flew high NW at 1630, with it or another on the water shortly after) and 14 Goosander (Dave Harris).

January 25th 2007

  • Beddington SF: 2w Caspian Gull, juv Iceland Gull (Birdguides).
  • Crossness LNR: 1w Grey Phalarope on the Thames by the golf driving range between 11.40 and 13.40hrs when it flew off toward the north shore (Birdguides).
  • Island Barn res:1 GN Diver, 8 Redshank +1 Green Sand (Geoff Barter).
  • Walthamstow Res (South side): Lapwing, 15 Shelduck, 2 displaying drakes & 1 fem Goldeneye, 2 Com Sand, Chiffchaff, 4 Goldcrests (David Callahan).
  • Stockers Lake: 7 Goosander, female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 7 Goldeneye, 40+ Siskin (Andrew Moon).
  • East India Dock: Chiffchaff, Black Redstart, 21 Carrion Crow (Richard Harrison).
  • Brent Res: 15 Lapwings north (Brent Birders).
  • Wraysbury GP's: 5 Smew (Birdguides).
  • Staines Res: juv Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).

January 24th 2007

  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: female Penduline Tit still at Aveley Pools; also female Black Redstart (Birdguides).
  • Isle of Dogs: ad Ring-billed Gull 100m east of the slipway at the end of Glen Affric Avenue at TQ387785 (Birdguides).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Egyptian Goose, 15 Shoveler, 2w Mediterranean Gull on bouys in front of The Lido (Hyde Park) to 09.00hrs at least, 33 Common Gull, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis though now with greatly reduced head-streaking) to 09.00hrs at least (Des McKenzie).
  • Wandsworth Park: ad Mediterranean Gull on the roof of Chesnut Grove School, Balham before being chased off by a Carrion Crow (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Res (North side): 15 Lapwing, 2 fem Stonechat, 9 fem/imm Goldeneye, Com Sand, 3 Sparrowhawks, 84 Ruddies (David Callahan).
  • Brent Res: 2nd Winter Mediterranean Gull ~ 1030 am (Andrew Verrall).
  • Trent Park Area: Bullfinch,12 Skylark,7 Nuthatch, 14 Goldcrest, 6 G.S.Woodpecker,Woodcock,Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (f),2 Treecreeper,Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, Kestrel. ( per Robert Callf).

January 23rd 2007

  • Beddington SF: Common Buzzard, 1w Caspian Gull, 1w Iceland Gull (Dip or Glory).
  • Isle of Dogs: Ring-billed Gull on foreshore near slipway at end of Glen Affric Avenue at 12.30pm (Adam Cheeseman)
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern, 2 Stonechat (Birdguides).
  • Broomfield Park (Palmers Green): ad Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides).
  • QEII Res: juv Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: 1 Little Owl, 2 Meadow Pipits, 25 Goldfinches; 104 Gadwall (in small parties), 9 Lapwings, 5 Teal, 6 Greylag (all north) (Mark Pearson)
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: fem Penduline Tit showing well at Aveley Pools at 11.40hrs (Birdguides).
  • Stoke Newington Reservoirs: male Teal, c50 Gadwall, c30 Pochard, Little Grebe, 5 Song Thrush (2 singing) (Mark Pearson & Paul Robinson).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 3 Egyptian Goose, pr Mandarin, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis though now with greatly reduced head-streaking) to 10.00hrs at least, 6 Mistle Thrush, 2 singing Coal Tit, Lesser Redpoll in alders just south of Albion Gate (Des McKenzie). 39 Common Gull, 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 8 Cormorant, Black Swan (escape), 8 Pochard, 7 Gadwall, 9 Shoveler, 3 Great Crested Grebe, 5 Grey Heron, 6 Ring-necked Parakeet, 4 Stock Dove, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Green Woodpecker (fem), 5 Jay, 1 Mistle Thrush, 2 Pied Wagtail, 1 Greenfinch, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Dunnock (Paul Bruty).
  • South Norwood Lake: 11 Cormorant, 3 Goldcrest, 20 Redwing (John Watson).
  • East India Dock: Kingfisher, 4 Shelduck, Long-tailed Tit, GBB Gull (Richard Harrison).

January 22nd 2007

  • Staines Res: ad Great Northern Diver still on south basin mid-morning (Birdguides).
  • Crossness NR Area (Thamesmead): 113 Gadwall, Peregrine, 4 Common Snipe, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Ring-necked Parakeet, Rock Pipit (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Mandarin Duck (pair), 2 Song Thrush, 1 Mistle Thrush, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker (fem), 7 Ring-necked Parakeet, 1 partially albino Blackbird, 3 Greenfinch, 1 Dunnock (Paul Bruty).
  • Island Barn Res: still 2 Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • Tottenham Marshes: Peregrine on pylon at Wild Marsh West at 945am, female Goosander in channel between Lee and Wild Marsh East at 955am (Pete Lambert).
  • Beddington SF: 2w Caspian Gull, 2ad Yellow-legged Gull (Birdguides).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull,Kingfisher,3 Mute Swan, 3 Shoveller(m). (per Robert Callf).

January 21st 2007

  • Brimsdown: juv Peregrine, 30 Fieldfare, pair Stonechat, Chiffchaff (Martin Shepherd).
  • Richmond: Adult Mediterranean Gull coming to bread on Thames 1/4 mile west of Richmond Bridge at 3.30pm (Hugh Bradshaw)
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: One Penduline Tit (Birdguides). Also, Black Redstart, Tree Sparrow, 149 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Water Pipit, 7 Rock Pipit, 2 Ruff, Jack Snipe and 4 Curlew (Dave Morrison). 700 Wigeon, 33 Pintail, 2 Peregrine, 1,500 Lapwing, 26 Common Snipe, 250 Black-tailed Godwit, 9 Curlew, 17 Skylark, 8 Stonechat, 28 Fieldfare, 37 Redwing (ELBF/RSPB).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Egyptian Goose, 14 Shoveler, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis, though now with reduced head-streaking) to 13.00hrs at least, 30 Herring Gull, 7 Stock Dove, Chiffchaff, partially melanistic Great Tit (Des McKenzie).
  • Paddington Green: Chiffchaff (Des McKenzie).
  • Island Barn Res: still 1 Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern from Headley Hide, 2 Stonechat, 2 Linnet, presumed hybrid Ring-necked Duck/Tufted Duck still present (Jonathan Dean).
  • South Norwood Country Park: 1 Water Rail, c10 Shoveler, 2-3 Imm Common Gull, 1-2 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Ernie Thomason).
  • Wormwood Scrubs: 1 pair Stonechat, 1 Redwing, c3 Fieldfare, c300 Woodpigeon from the south, c400 Black-headed Gull & c30 Common Gull (including an adult with a deep mauve dyed breast) (David Lindo).
  • Walthamstow Res: Adult Mediterranean Gull, on Lockwood at 925am then on West Warwick at 115pm, Chiffchaff (Pete Lambert).
  • Dagenham Riverside: 44 Shelduck, 4 Curlew, 59 Redshank, 3 Dunlin, 32 Stock Dove and a Common Sandpiper (Dave Morrison).
  • Beddington SF: 3 Shelduck, 7 Common Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Water Pipit, Chiffchaff (Birdguides/Dip or Glory).
  • Staines Res: 1w Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • Crayford: 1w Caspian Gull on roof of Grosvenor Recycling Centre this afternoon (Birdguides).
  • Horsenden Hill: 1 Little Owl (Andy Culshaw, David Howdon).

January 20th 2007

  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: One Penduline Tit, also 2 Ruff and White-fronted Goose (John Murray). Grey Phalarope again from 3pm on pools (Birdguides).
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern, 3 White-fronted Goose flew north, 5 Common Snipe, Kingfisher (LWC website).
  • Beddington SF: 1st-winter Iceland Gull (BFBG).
  • Brent Res: 4th-winter Caspian Gull on rafts late morning (Brent Birders).
  • Camden Town: 2 Egyptian Geese over early a.m. (Dave Morrison).
  • Crossness NR Area (Thamesmead): m Wigeon, c150 Gadwall, c500 Teal, Water Rail, Ringed Plover, c500 Dunlin, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, c80 Redshank, 2w Yellow-legged Gull, Ring-necked Parakeet, Kingfisher, at least 20 Meadow Pipit, 3 Stonechat, Fieldfare, Chiffchaff, c40 Linnet (Des McKenzie, Nick Tanner).
  • Broadwater Lake: 2 Little Egret, 4 Red-crested Pochard (1m,3f), 3 Goldeneye (2m,1f), 6 Goosander (4m,2f), 3 Chiffchaff & 1 Lesser Redpoll (Simon Buckingham).
  • Trent Park: 2 Goosander (1m,1f)(per Robert Callf)5 Lesser Redpoll, 20 Goldfinch. ( Pete lowman).
  • William Girling Reservoir: WeBS count - 24 Black-necked Grebes, 1 Slavonian Grebe, 1 Great Northern Diver, 23 Goosander, 18 Goldeneye, 1 Yellow-legged Gull (Roy Woodward).
  • KGV Reservoir: WeBS - 2 Great Northen Divers (one same as W.Girling), 1 Goosander, 19 Goldeneye (Roy Woodward).
  • Wanstead Park: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at 11am (Pete Lambert).
  • Wraysbury GP's: m Smew (Birdguides).
  • Alexandra Park: Adult Med Gull on Wood Green Res (Bob Watts, Andrew Gardener).

January 19th 2007

  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: still at least 1 Penduline Tit this morning (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Res (N side only): 2 Chiffchaffs, 9 Goldeneyes (inc. 2 displaying drakes), 6 Shelducks (N), 7 Pheasants (!) flushed on Tottenham Marshes (David Callahan).
  • Beddington Sewage Fm: 1w Iceland Gull, ad Med Gull (showing fairly extensive black on head), 2 Shelduck, 2 Snipe (Matthew Palmer).
  • Trent Park: 2 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 5 Goldfinch,6 Chaffinch,5 Tufted Duck (2m,3f),3 Pochard (f),17 Mandarin (13m,4f),3 Redwing. ( Pete Lowman).
  • Banbury Res: Red-breasted Merganser at 10am. 'scopable from Banbury Road. (Pete Lambert).
  • William Girling Res: Red-throated Diver and 28 Black-necked Grebes (Pete Lambert)
  • King George V Res: 2 Great Northern Divers, one on each basin (Pete Lambert).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Diver, 2 Black-necked Grebe, 1 Oystercatcher (Ken Purdey).

January 18th 2007

  • East India Dock: Male Black Redstart, Kingfisher, Little Grebe, 9 Shelduck (Richard Harrison).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull, Kingfisher, 2 Shoveller(m). (per Robert Callf).
  • Bow Creek: 33 Redshank, Common Sandpiper (Nick Tanner per DMc).

January 17th 2007

  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Egyptian Goose, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) and 2w Mediterranean Gull on the open spaces between Marble Arch and Serpentine; both gulls up to 10.50hrs at least (Des McKenzie).
  • Beddington SF: Little Egret, Jack Snipe, 2ad Mediterranean Gull, 3 Caspian Gull (ad/2 1w) (Dip or Glory).
  • Island Barn Res: 3 Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • West Thurrock Marshes: 12 Curlew, 84 Shelduck, Oystercatcher, 253 Redshank, Rock Pipit, 8 Dunlin, 1st-winter Kittiwake and 5 Redwing (Dave Morrison).
  • Mayesbrook Park, Barking: 3 Little Egret on island on North Lake at 1pm. 22 Linnets feeding on playing field, Kingfisher along brook (Pete Lambert).

January 16th 2007

  • Rainham Marshes: Penduline Tit (ELBF).
  • King George V Res: 2 Great Northern Divers on the south basin (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Res (S side only): 10 Shelduck, 2 fem/imm Goldeneye, Com Sand. Also, already 47 Cormorants on the nest on Res No.5, and 12 Herons sitting on Nos. 1&2 (David Callahan).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 2 Egyptian Goose, 6 Gadwall, 13 Shoveler, 2w Mediterranean Gull (Round Pond), c450 Black-headed Gull (inc. 2 green-stained), 61 Common Gull, 5 Lesser Black-backed Gull, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) to 13.00hrs at least, 10 Herring Gull, 1w type Great Black-backed Gull at eastern end of Serpentine, 5 Great Spotted Woodpecker (2 drumming), Grey Wagtail, 3 Pied Wagtail, Chiffchaff, 7 Goldfinch (Des McKenzie).
  • Beddington SF: 1w Caspian Gull, ad Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: 2 Stonechats (m & f), 4 Meadow Pipits, 6 Goldfinches, ad. GBB Gull, 34 Common Gulls (Mark Pearson).
  • Island Barn Res: 2 Great Northern Diver and adult Med Gull in roost (Steve Spooner/Dave Harris).
  • Ingrebourne Valley: 9 Redwing, 2 Stonechat, Little Egret, 8 calling Water Rail, 116 Fieldfare, 70 Stock Dove, 8 Yellowhammers, 2 Bullfinch and a Goldeneye (Dave Morrison).
  • Wraysbury GP's: 2 drake Smew on Hythe Lake (Birdguides).
  • Broomfield Park: Kingfisher, 2 Shoveller(m). ( per Robert Callf).
  • Trent Park: 40 Redwing,2 Bullfinch, 3 Pochard(f),5 Tufted Duck (3m,2f). ( Pete lowman)
  • Warren Gorge, Chafford Hundred: 1 Redpoll in birch at 130pm. 13 Fieldfare in trees (Pete Lambert).

January 15th 2007

  • Walthamstow Res (N side only): 52 Teal, 14 Goldeneyes (inc. 3 drakes), 71 Ruddies, Com Sand, 2 GbbGulls south, Reed Bunting (David Callahan).
  • Lancaster Road N4: male Blackcap (Gabriel Jamie)
  • Regents Park: Water Rail, Ad Yellow Legged Gull, 2 R N Parakeets, 4 Redwings (Tony Duckett).
  • Alexandra Park: Adult Med Gull on Wood Green Reservoir (Andrew Gardener).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: Little Grebe, 6 Gadwall, 16 Shoveler, fem Sparrowhawk, adwint Mediterranean Gull to 13.30hrs at least (predominantly perched on boat number 48 on the Serpentine), 2 ad Yellow-legged Gull (comprising the 'yellow-legged' bird showing features associated with atlantis to 13.30hrs at least and a regular michahellis), 1w type Great Black-backed Gull (eastern end of Serpentine), 2 drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker, partially melanistic Great Tit (Des McKenzie).
  • Queen Mother Res: 1w Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides).
  • QEII Res: Great Northen Diver, 1w Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides).
  • Beddington SF: 2 Little Egret, Jack Snipe, 4 Caspian Gull (ad/2w/2 1w) (Birdguides).
  • Rainham Marshes: Little Egret, 2 Curlew, 4 Ring-necked Parakeet, m Black Redstart, 10 Stonechat (ELBF).
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern, Shelduck, 3 Pintail, Rock Pipit (Birdguides).
  • Ravenscourt Park: 2 Egyptian Goose (Birdguides).

January 14th 2007

  • Ravenscourt Park, Hammersmith: 2 Egyptian Geese on lake - unusual here. (Matt Reed)
  • Bowyers Water (Lea Valley): 1 drake and 2 redhead Smew (Birdguides).
  • Lee Valley CP: Peregrine (Birdguides).
  • Lee Valley CP: 3 drake Smew on Police Pit (Birdguides).
  • King George V Res: 1 Great Northen Diver, 1 Peregrine, 1 Common Sandpiper, Grey Wag, (Pete Langsdon).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: at least 2 Penduline Tits by Aveley Pools (Birdguides).Plus 2 Water Pipit,4 Rock Pipit and 1 Black Redstart (M.McManus).
  • Brent Res: 1st-winter Yellow-legged Gull on rafts (Andrew Self).
  • Alexandra Park: Adult Yellow-legged Gull on Wood Green Res early pm (Andrew Gardener, Bob Watts, Gareth Richards).
  • Staines Reservoirs: two Great Northern Divers on north basin (Birdguides).
  • Wraysbury GPs: a drake and 5 redhead Smew on Hythe Lagoon plus another redhead on Blenheim Angling Society Pit (Birdguides).
  • Stockers Lake: 4 Red-crested Pochard (3m/1f) from Teal hide, 6 Goosander in the inlet by the causeway (Birdguides).
  • Beddington SF: Jack Snipe, 9 Common Snipe, Green Sandpiper, 15 Skylark, 2 Water Pipit, Chiffchaff (Dip or Glory).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: escaped Black Swan, 2 Egyptian Goose, 7 Gadwall, 18 Shoveler, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) to 13.30hrs at least but mobile between sites, 8 Stock Dove, Green Woodpecker, 5 Great Spotted Woodpecker (drumming fem), singing Song Thrush, 5 Mistle Thrush (3 singing), 4 Goldcrest, 2 Coal Tit (1 singing), partially melanistic Great Tit, Treecreeper, 6 Jay, 3-4 Chaffinch (Des McKenzie, Nick Tanner). 1 Mediterranean Gull (2nd winter) (Thomas Galewski).
  • Paddington Green: c130 Woodpigeon and 5+ Stock Dove north between 09.00hrs and 09.30hrs (Des McKenzie, Nick Tanner).
  • Dagenham Riverside: 4 Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Grey Wagtail, Black Redstart, Coal Tit and 62 Tufted Duck (Dave Morrison).
  • Grange Waters Complex: 26 Redwing, 43 Fieldfare, Stonechat, 133 Tufted Duck, Kingfisher, 34 Wigeon, 4 Smew (2 drakes, 2 redheads), 62 Pochard, 52 Gadwall, 2 Grey Partridge and 27 Red-legged Partridge (Dave Morrison).
  • Dagenham Chase: Wigeon, 4 Bullfinch (Paul Hawkins).
  • Horsenden Hill: 1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Great Black-backed Gull (Andy Culshaw).

January 13th 2007

  • Beddington SF: Wigeon, Jack Snipe, ad Mediterranean Gull, 4 Yellow-legged Gull, 1w Caspian Gull, 1w Glaucous Gull (Dip or Glory).
  • Isle of Dogs: ad Ring-billed Gull on Thames foreshore at the end of Glen Affric Avenue at 14.00hrs; Little Egret at East India Dock Basin, 13 Monk Parakeet at nearby Mudchute Farm, 4 Shelduck and 3 Redshank at Bow Creek and Peregrine on nearby Millennium Dome (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Staines Res: Late afternoon, adult Great Northern Diver on S basin, juvenile on N basin; also Oystercatcher N basin and adult Med Gull S basin (Rob Innes).
  • Walthamstow Res: 2 Goosander (one on Lockwood and one on relief channel), at least 9 Goldeneye (6 female), Stonechat, Common Sand on no 5, Grey Wagtail at no 5 (Chris & Pete Langsdon).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: fem Merlin, 2 Peregrine, Ruff, Grey Phalarope on Aveley Pools (directions from visitors centre), 3 Yellow-legged Gull, 2w Caspian Gull at Target Pools, Black Redstart, 2 Cetti's Warbler, fem Penduline Tit still by Aveley Pools but elusive (Birdguides).
  • Littlebrook Lake (Dartford): 1w Caspian Gull, late morning (Birdguides).
  • Alexandra Park: Water Rail again briefly mid am conservation pond (Bob Watts).
  • Wanstead Park: Adult Mediterranean Gull on Heronry Pond at 1030am (Pete Lambert).
  • Stoke Newington Res: (west) Green Sandpiper (TeRNS).
  • Wraysbury GPs: 3 Smew (redhead and 2m) on Hythe Lagoon (Birdguides).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull, 4 Shoveler (m). ( per Robert Callf).
  • Black Park: 8 Mandarin Duck (4 pairs) at wooded end of main lake near play area (Andy Culshaw).

January 12th 2007

  • Beddington SF: 1w Iceland Gull; plus Little Egret, Jack Snipe, 3 ad Yellow-legged Gull (Dip or Glory).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: Grey Phalarope on Aveley Pools early afternoon, site directions from visitor centre (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Res (S side): 3 Egyptian Geese (pr. displaying and seeing off intruder), 7 Shelduck, 2 Common Sandpipers, 2 drake Goldeneye, Water Rail, 22 Stock Doves, 7 Linnet, GbbGull (David Callahan).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers, 1 Oystercatcher (Ken Purdey).
  • Wanstead Park: 12 Great Spotted Woodpecker (5 drumming), 1 Kingfisher, 1 Grey Wagtail, 70 Gadwall, 20 Shoveler, 6 Pochard, 2 Little Grebe, 3 Green Woodpecker, 40 Redwing (Jonathan Dean).
  • Island Barn Res: 3 Great Northern Divers together at midday (Dave Harris).
  • Amwell GP's: 2 drake Smew on Hardmead Lock at mid-day; also, Cetti's Warbler at Water Rail hide (Birdguides).
  • Tyttenhanger GP c4 Tree Sparrow in hedge near Tyttenhanger Farm feeder (Alan Gardiner).
  • Alexandra Park: 1 Water Rail in conservation pond (John Murray).
  • Aldenham Res: 1 Little Egret.

January 11th 2007

  • Walthamstow Res (N side): Green Sandpiper, 3 Goldeneye (inc. 1W drake) (David Callahan).
  • Canary Wharf: Peregrine briefly over Jubilee Place Park (Richard Harrison).
  • Banbury Res: Red-breasted Merganser at SW of Res. Scopeable from Banbury Road (Pete Lambert).
  • Ingrebourne Valley: 4 Wigeon, 120 Lapwing, 40 Stock Dove, Goldeneye, 80+ Fieldfare, 21 Redwing and 34 Gadwall.(Dave Morrison)
  • King George V Res, South Basin: 2 Great Northern Divers at 340pm, imm at W side; 355pm darker backed bird at SE, possibly adult (Pete Lambert).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: 6 Meadow Pipits, 2 Linnets, 7 Mistle Thrushes, 1 Little Grebe (Mark Pearson)
  • Beddington SF: 2 Kittiwakes (Birdguides)

January 10th 2007

  • Beddington SF: 1st-winter Iceland Gull, also 1st-winter Glaucous Gull (BFBG)
  • Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir: Great Northern Diver (Birdguides)
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern at Main Lake (LWC website).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: Grey Phalarope on main pool but flew off at 12:50; also Little Stint (Birdguides)
  • Staines Res: still 2 Great Northen Diver present, juv on north basin and ad on south basin, plus Black-necked Grebe (Birdguides).
  • Stanmore: pr Mandarin on pond by entrance to Harrow Rugby Club (Birdguides).
  • Mayesbrook Park, Barking: 4 Little Egrets on island on N Lake, Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail along brook, 130pm (Pete Lambert).

January 9th 2007

  • Amwell GP's: 2 drake Smew (Birdguides).
  • Walthamstow Res (South side): 2 Egyptian Geese, 4 Shelduck, 1 drake Goldeneye, 2 Stock Doves, Chiffchaff (David Callahan).
  • East India Dock NR: Kingfisher, 3 Shelduck, male Sparrowhawk, Chiffchaff (Richard Harrison).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: imm male Peregrine, 6 Meadow Pipits, 350 Starlings (Mark Pearson).
  • Finsbury Park (boating lake): 9 Shovelers and 1 Little Grebe (Ian Bradshaw)
  • Frays Carp Lake, Colne Valley: 14 Goosanders (Peter Naylor).
  • North Metropolitan Pit: 3 Goosanders (Brendan Spooner )
  • Cheshunt Lake:1f Goldeneye (Brendan Spooner)

January 8th 2007

  • Isle of Dogs: the regular ad Ring-billed Gull on the River Thames opposite Lovell's Wharf at noon (Birdguides).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: female Penduline Tit still on Aveley Pools but elusive (Birdguides) - but showed well between 14.30 and 15.05 at least. Also 2w Caspian Gull on Thames Foreshore, 4+ Yellow-legged Gulls, 3 Peregrine, 2+ Pintail, Kingfisher, 2 Ruff (Jonathan Dean).
  • Stoke Newington Res: 1 Chiffchaff, 3 Redwing & 1 Water Rail, also c10 Common Gulls & 15 LBBG (Chris Langsdon)
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers, 2 Black-necked Grebe, 1 Oystercatcher (Ken Purdey).
  • Fairlop Waters: 2 Green Sandpipers, 1f Ruddy Duck, 32 Teal, 8 Shoveler, 84+Lapwings, 50+Fieldfares & pair of Reed Buntings (Brendan Spooner).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: escaped Black Swan, 2 Egyptian Goose, 12 Shoveler, m Kestrel, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) to 12.30hrs at least, Green Woodpecker, singing Mistle Thrush, Chiffchaff, partially melanistic Great Tit, 23 Magpie, 7+ Greenfinch (Des McKenzie).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull, 2 Shoveler(m).(per Robert Callf).
  • Regents Park: Water Rail, 3 Teal, 2 Blackcaps, 18 Goldcrests (Tony Duckett).
  • Island Barn Res:At least 1 Great Northern Diver still present in poor weather (Steve Spooner)
  • West Thurrock: Common Sandpiper, Peregrine, 54 Shelduck, 10 Curlew, 163 Redshank, 2 Stonechat,60 Stock Doves over,Little Egret,14 Dunlin and Rock Pipit.(Dave Morrison)
  • Wapping: Bittern flew north (per JA).
  • Walthamstow Res (South side): 2 Shelduck, 5 Goldeneye, Com Sand, Mipit, 8 Stock Doves (David Callahan).

January 7th 2007

  • Island Barn Res: 2 Great Northern Diver (Birdguides).
  • Brent Res: 4th-winter Caspian Gull to 09.45 only, also 1st-winter Med Gull (Andrew Self, Roy Beddard)
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: female Penduline Tit still on Aveley Pools but elusive (Birdguides). 2 Common Sandpiper, 1 Water Pipit 100yds West of Stone Barges (Paul Hawkins).
  • Isle of Dogs: the regular ad Ring-billed Gull on the Thames foreshore at the end of Glen Affric Avenue at 09.55hrs (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • East India Dock Basin: Peregrine over, Kingfisher (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Wraysbury GPs: three drakes and a redhead Smew on Hythe Lagoon viewed from opposite the Bellweir Garage (Birdguides)
  • Walthamstow Reservoirs: Peregrine, 2 Egyptian Geese, 4 Shelduck, 2 Stonechat, 2 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Chiffchaff, 13 Goldeneye (Pete Lambert).
  • London Wetland Centre: adult male Ring-necked Duck x Tufted Duck on the main lake (Thomas Galewski).
  • Barking Outfall: 18 Redshank, 72 Shelduck, 36 Shoveler, 226 Teal, 4 Grey Wagtail and Rock Pipit (Dave Morrison).
  • Trent Park - 5 Mandarin Duck, 1 Treecreeper, 1 Bullfinch, 1 Green Woodpecker (James Arquette)

January 6th 2007

  • Beddington SF: possible 1w Kumlien's Gull (Birdguides).
  • Connaught Water (Epping):a pair of Ringed Teal as well as long staying Red Crested Pochard and several Mandarin (J-P Elmes).
  • Rainham RSPB: Jack Snipe, fem Penduline Tit showing intermittently at Aveley Pools between the road and the A13 flyover (Birdguides).also 3 Little Egret, 10+ Yellow-legged Gulls, Green Sand, Common Sand, c30 Dunlin, 47 Golden Plover, c240 Black-wit, c40 Snipe, 10+ Rock Pipit, 2 Water Pipit, Kingfisher, Peregrine, Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap(m), Cetti's Warbler, 2 Tree Sparrow (Paul Hawkins, Dave Morrison, Shaun Harvey).
  • Bow Creek: Shelduck, 44 Redshank at high tide roost, Common Sandpiper (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Mudchute Farm: 15 Monk Parakeet (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • East India Dock Basin: 3 Shelduck (Nick Tanner per DMc).
  • Hackney Marshes:(0740-0900hrs) 2 ad Yellow-legged Gulls, on the football pitches (Paul Cook).
  • Broomfield Park (Palmers Green): ad Mediterranean Gull on boating lake this afternoon (Birdguides).
  • Bow (Sounding Alley): f Peregrine hunting pigeons (Mark Pearson)

January 5th 2007

  • Colemans Shaw, near Nazeing: Common Buzzard at 13.55 (Martin Shepherd).
  • London Wetland Centre: 4 Bewick's Swans flew north AM (RK per Andrew Self); also Bittern and Jack Snipe (Birdguides); 2 Stonechat, 3 Snipe and 2 Green Woodpecker.
  • Walthamstow Res (North side only): Green Sandpiper, 5 Goldeneye, fem Stonechat, 8 Song Thrushes (7 singers) (David Callahan).
  • Bookham Common: 2 Firecrests (SurreyBirders Yahoo Group).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers also Black-necked Grebe and Oystercatcher (Ken Purdey).
  • Ingrebourne Valley: 40 Redwing, Lesser Redpoll, 28 Yellowhammer , Goldeneye, 2 Goldcrests, 3 Bullfinch and 80 Stock Doves (Dave Morrison).
  • Trent Park Area: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker(f),5 Nuthatch,3 Lesser Redpoll,15 Goldfinch,4 Siskin,6 Treecreeper,1 Bullfinch(f),10 Tufted Duck (5m,5f),,5 Pochard (2m,3f). Also good numbers of Redwing and a few Fieldfare. ( per Robert Callf).
  • Wraysbury GP's: 7 Smew (4 drakes) on Hythe Lagoon; also 6 Goosander, 2 Chiffchaff. (Paul Cook)
  • Chafford Hundred, Lion Gorge: Firecrest at 230pm. (Pete Lambert)

January 4th 2007

  • Gunpowder Park, Sewardstone: c130 Fieldfare. Enfield Island Village: c80 Greenfinch (Martin Shepherd).
  • Island Barn Res: 2 Great Northern Divers still off the sailing club (Geoff Barter).
  • Banbury Res: Red-breasted Merganser, female type (Peter Lambert per CL).
  • Stoke Newington Reservoirs: 1 Chiffchaff, 5 Redwings, 3 Jays, c1200 Black-headed Gulls & 70 Common Gulls, 2 Goldcrest in song on Lordship Road (Mark Pearson & Laurence Pitcher).
  • Kensington Gardens/Hyde Park: 3 Stock Dove, 1 Treecreeper, 1 Coal Tit, 1 escaped Black Swan, 1 Gadwall, 1 Common Gull (Paul Bruty). 3 Great Crested Grebe, 13 Cormorant, 3 Grey Heron, 80 Mute Swan, 276 Greylag Goose, 5 Greylag x Canada Goose, 125 Canada Goose, 2 Egyptian Goose, 6 Gadwall, 103 Mallard, 11 Shoveler, 13 Pochard, 120 Tufted Duck, 30 Moorhen, 135 Coot, c455 Black-headed Gull, 76 Common Gull, 3 Lesser Black-backed Gull, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) to 13.50hrs at least, 10 Herring Gull, 18 Ring-necked Parakeet, Pied Wagtail, Redwing, Chiffchaff, 3 Goldcrest, 5 Jay (Des McKenzie).
  • Amwell GP's: pr Smew at Hardmead Lock (Birdguides).
  • Brent Res. 1st-winter Med.Gull, Adult Great Black-backed Gull, 30+ Lesser Black-backed Gull, 10 Herring Gull, 550 Black-headed Gull, 55 Common Gull, ~85 Pochard, ~160 Tufted Duck, 2 Snipe, 5 Ring-necked Parakeets.
  • King George V Res: South basin 1245pm Black-necked Grebe, 325pm Great Northern Diver (Pete Lambert).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull, 8 Shoveller(m). Grovelands park: 2 Little Grebe, 13 Mandarin, 2 Nuthatch. (per Robert Callf).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers also 2 Black-necked Grebes (Ken Purdey).

January 3rd 2007

  • Cheshunt: 3 Drake Smew Friday Lake, 1 'redhead' and 1 Drake Smew Bowyers water. (Paul Whiteman)
  • Wm. Girling Res: [viewed from Mansfield Pk] 3-4 Black-necked Grebes, 3 Goosander. Blackcap calling in the park. (Paul Whiteman)
  • Rainham RSPB: fem Penduline Tit showing well at Aveley Pools this morning (Birdguides).
  • Queen Mother Res: Great Northern Diver still this morning and adult Mediterranean Gull (Birdguides)
  • East India Dock NR: 2 Peregrine, 1 Sparrowhawk, 4 Shelduck, 1 Little Grebe, 80+ Teal (Richard Harrison).
  • Walthamstow Marshes: f Stonechat, 7 Meadow Pipits, f Sparrowhawk, 45 Carrion Crows; 23 Mute Swans, 32 Coot and 1 Little Grebe on canal (Mark Pearson)
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: escaped Black Swan, 2 Egyptian Goose, 9 Gadwall, 14 Shoveler, ad 'Yellow-legged' Gull (showing features associated with atlantis) to 14.30hrs at least, 2 Stock Dove, Coal Tit (Des McKenzie).
  • Mayesbrook Park,Barking: 3 Little Egrets on island on North Boating Lake at 1pm (Pete Lambert).
  • Staines Res: Still 2 Great Northern Diver (ad on south basin, juv on north), no sign of Black-necked Grebes (Birdguides).
  • Staines Moor: 3 Water Pipits, 2 Stonechat (Birdguides).
  • Wraybury GP's: 4 drake Smew, 7 Goosander (4 drakes) (Birdguides).

January 2nd 2007

  • Amwell: 4 Siskin, 3 Bullfinch, Treecreeper, 3 Common Buzzard, 5 Redwing, Shelduck, several Goldeneye (Martin Shepherd).
  • Cheshunt: Drake Smew at Friday lake (J.Muray).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: escaped Black Swan, Egyptian Goose (pale-headed, ringed bird), 6 Gadwall, 12 Shoveler, 96 Common Gull, 2 ad Yellow-legged Gull (the 'yellow-legged' bird showing features associated with atlantis and a regular michahellis), 4 Stock Dove, 6 Mistle Thrush (2 singing), partially melanistic Great Tit, 3 Jay; also a slightly unseasonal White-tailed bumblebee (Des McKenzie).
  • Beddington SF: 2 (ad/1w) Mediterranean Gull, 3ad Yellow-legged Gull, 2 2w Caspian Gull (Dip or Glory).
  • London Wetland Centre: Bittern, Kingfisher (LWC website).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers (adult - south basin, juvenile - north basin) also single Black-necked Grebe (Ken Purdey).
  • Stoke Newington Reservoirs: 5 Shovelers, 23 Pochards, 31 Gadwalls, c60 Tufted Ducks, 1 Kingfisher, 2 Water Rails, c210 Coot, c1200 Black-headed Gulls & 60 Common Gulls heading to roost, 1 Goldcrest in song (Mark Pearson)
  • Wraysbury GP's: 9 Smew included 6 drakes (Birdguides). Also 2 Goosander, 1 Chiffchaff (Peter Newmark).
  • Regents Park: 1 Common Buzzard flew NE at 11.15am, 1 Water Rail, 7 Goldfinches on feeders, 2 R N Parakeets, 1 Common Pheasant(Tony Duckett).
  • East India Dock NR: 1 Peregrine, 1 Black Redstart, 2 Common Sandpiper, 30 Redshank, 1 Chiffchaff (Gary A James).
  • Broomfield Park: Adult Med Gull,8 Shoveller (m),Kingfisher. Grovelands Park:Little Grebe,4 Mandarin. ( per Robert Callf).
  • Cheshunt: Pair of Smew on Bowyers Water and another male on Friday Lake. Peregrine and larger escaped falcon together over Holyfield Hall Farm (Pete Lambert).
  • Trent Park: 11 Mandarin (8m,3f),4 Bullfinch, 3 Meadow Pipit, 7 Tufted Duck (4m,3f),Pochard (f). (Pete Lowman)
  • Rainham Marsh: 1 White-fronted Goose feeding with Greylags, Little Egret, Grey Wagtail & 28+ Golden Plover (Brendan Spooner).
  • King George V Res: 26 Goldeneye, 1 drake Wigeon, 2 Ruddy Duck, 1 Common Sand, 160+ Goldfinch, 1 Fieldfare (Paul Cook).
  • Horsenden Hill: 1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Great Black-backed Gull (Andy Culshaw).

January 1st 2007

  • Totteridge Valley: female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at Darlands Lake; also Lesser Redpoll, Mandarin, Kingfisher, 30+ Redwing, 20+ Fieldfare, 25 Rook, 180+ Jackdaw. (Ian Ellis)
  • W.Girling: 1 Red-necked Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe & 7 Black-necked Grebes (J. Murray).
  • East India Dock Basin: 6 Shelduck, Common Sandpiper, 2 Kingfisher (Nick Tanner).
  • Leamouth: 19 Redshank at high tide roost (Nick Tanner).
  • Cheshunt: 2 Goosander on Turnford lake, 2 Pintail on Police pit, 14 R-L Partridge & 2 Buzzards at Holyfeild farm (J.Murray).
  • Rainham Marshes RSPB: 4 ad White-fronted Goose, fem Penduline Tit in Aveley Pools area (Birdguides); also Ruff, Little Egret, 11 Golden Plover and Water Pipit (Dave Morrison).
  • Stockers Lake: m Smew viewable from causeway, 3 Goosander (2m) (Birdguides); also 2 Red-crested Pochard (m+f), Little Egret, Chiffchaff, Water Rail, Siskin 11 (Andrew Moon).
  • Staines Res: 2 Great Northern Divers (adult N basin, Juv S basin), 1 Black- necked Grebe (s Basin), Oystercatcher (n basin) (Tony + Jim Sweetland). In the afternoon it was adult GND S basin, juvenile N! Also two Black-necked Grebes at King George VI Res (Rob Innes).
  • Wraysbury GPs : 2 Smew (m+f), 9 Goosander (Tony + Jim Sweetland). Female Smew on Blenhiem, male Smew on Hythe Lake (Matthew Palmer). Also 3+ Chiffchaff in wet wood near sunken barge (Bill Haines).
  • Alexandra Park: 1 ad Med' Gull on Wood Green Res (Gareth Richards).
  • Fairlop Waters: f Stonechat, 70+ Fieldfares, Redwings, 32+ Teal, 3 Shoveler, m Pochard, 7 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Little Grebes, 2 Long-tailed Tits & m Kestrel(Brendan Spooner).
  • Hampstead Heath: Red Admiral by ice rink, 6 Mandarins, Kestrel, Grey Heron, 6 Shoveler and 40 Goldfinch.
  • Ingrebourne Valley: male Brambling, 70 Stock Doves, Stonechat, Goldeneye and 5 Yellowhammers (Dave Morrison).
  • Trent Park Area: 2 Shoveller,2 Gadwall,3 Mandarin,8 Lesser Redpoll,1 Bullfinch,5 Yellowhammer. ( per Robert Callf)
  • Bentley Priory: Bullfinch (m), 7 Siskin, Goosander (reported on Lake), 6 Shoveler (Alan Lewis)
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