Dagenham Chase LNR

From Londonbirders

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Ferruginous Duck Saturday 7th April and Sunday 8th April is pending.
Ferruginous Duck Saturday 7th April and Sunday 8th April is pending.
Obvious omissions as of 16th May include Water Rail, Green Sandpiper, Redshank, Sedge Warbler, Siskin and Lesser Redpoll.

Revision as of 09:38, 16 May 2007

The patchlist of Vince Halley-Frame 2007.

Monday 1st January - 1 > Carrion Crow 2 >Black-headed Gull 3 > Woodpigeon 4 > Coot 5 > Canada Goose 6 > Mallard 7 > Lapwing 8 > Moorhen 9 > Tufted Duck 10 > Pochard 11 > Great Crested Grebe 12 > Magpie 13 > House Sparrow 14 > Mute Swan 15 > Blackbird 16 > Robin 17 > Dunnock 18 > Collared Dove 19 > Redwing 20 > Common Gull 21 > Herring Gull 22 > Greenfinch 23 > Great Tit 24 > Blue Tit 25 > Long-tailed Tit 26 > Lesser Black-backed Gull 27 > Jay 28 > Chaffinch 29 > Song Thrush 30 > Goldfinch 31 > Goldcrest 32 > Little Owl 33 > Pied Wagtail 34 > Starling 35 > Fieldfare 36 > Grey Heron 37 > Kestrel 38 > Cormorant 39 > Teal 40 > Gadwall 41 > Shoveler 42 > Stock Dove 43 > Common Snipe 44 > Little Grebe 45 > Skylark 46 > Stonechat 47 > Meadow Pipit 48 > Bullfinch 49 > Wren 50 > Great Spotted Woodpecker 51 > Great Black-backed Gull.

Friday 5th January - 52 > Wigeon 53 > Sparrowhawk.

Thursday 11th January - 54 > Green Woodpecker.

Friday 19th January - 55 > Reed Bunting 56 > Greylag Goose.

Tuesday 23rd January - 57 > Kingfisher 58 > Common Buzzard 59 > Little Egret 60 > Linnet 61 > Golden Plover.

Thursday 25th January - 62 > Mistle Thrush 63 > Shelduck.

Saturday 27th January - 64 > Grey Wagtail > 65 > Rook.

Sunday 28th January - 66 > Firecrest.

Wednesday 31st January - 67 > Red Kite.

Sunday 11th Febuary - 68 > Mandarin Duck 69 > Mediterranean Gull.

Wednesday 14th February - 70 > Peregrine Falcon.

Monday 27th February - 71 > Ruddy Duck.

Thursday 1st March - 72 > Chiffchaff.

Friday 2nd March - 73 > Jackdaw.

Friday 16th March - 74 > Sand Martin 75 > Blackcap.

Wednesday 21st March - 76 > Pheasant.

Wednesday 28th March - 77 > Little Ringed Plover.

Friday 30th March - 78 > Marsh Harrier.

Friday 6th April - 79 > Willow Warbler.

Saturday 7th April - 80 > Swallow.

Thursday 12th April - 81 > Lesser Whitethroat.

Friday 13th April - 82 > Redstart.

Sunday 15th April - 83 > Whitethroat.

Tuesday 17th April - 84 > House Martin.

Friday 20th April - 85 > Swift.

Sunday 22nd April - 86 > Ring Ouzel.

Monday 23rd April - 87 > Reed Warbler 88 > Whinchat 89 > Hobby.

Tuesday 24th April - 90 > Garden Warbler.

Wednesday 25th April - 91 > Common Sandpiper 92 > Wheatear.

Friday 27th April - 93 > Cuckoo.

Monday 30th April - 94 > Common Tern.

Tuesday 1st May - 95 > Yellow Wagtail.

Tuesday 8th May - 96 > Whimbrel.

Wednesday 9th May - 97 > Egyptian Goose.

Saturday 12th May - 98 > Spotted Flycatcher.

Tuesday 15th May - 99 > Turtle Dove.

Also for London birders patchlist purposes - 100 > Feral Pigeon.

Ferruginous Duck Saturday 7th April and Sunday 8th April is pending.

Obvious omissions as of 16th May include Water Rail, Green Sandpiper, Redshank, Sedge Warbler, Siskin and Lesser Redpoll.

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