From Inselkampf
There are none in world two, futhermore, you can take over an island even if the player only owns one island. If you succeed in taking over their island, the next time they log on they will get a new island somewhere on the edge of the world.
New islands are spawned in the same ocean until that ocean is full of islands. Within that ocean, islands seem to be spawned on the toprightmost zone not yet filled with islands, as long as the zone to the left of it is filled with islands. This causes the ocean to gain new islands in a diagonal line from the topright corner to the bottom left corner.
This diagram shows the pattern that islands are spawned in on a 4x4 grid. Oceans in the game are 10x10 grids. #... ##.. ##.. ###. ###. ###. #### #### #### #### #### #### .... .... #... #... ##.. ##.. ##.. ###. ###. ###. #### #### .... .... .... .... .... #... #... #... ##.. ##.. ##.. ###. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... #... #... ##.. . == empty 'group of islands' # == group of islands with several islands in it
So far which ocean fills up has followed the same pattern as the groups of islands within that ocean. Ocean 1, on the topleft corner of the world, was populated first, followed by ocean 2, the ocean immediately to the right. At the time of this edit, new islands are appearing in ocean 6, immediately below ocean 1.