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Revision as of 12:41, 9 April 2007 by (Talk)


The Democratic Republic of the Black Widow


Tag [widow]

Name Black Widow

Admins Boadicea and Sumikoska (founded March 5, confirmed March 23 election)

Diplomat Giantmongoos (elected March 23rd)

Registrar of Voters Neife (appointed March 10)

Mediator Kolikona (elected March 23rd)

Information for Applicants

Article by Sumikoska of [WIDOW]

The Black Widow Alliance is currently accepting applicants. This alliance is a representative democracy - which means when there are enough of us, we will be electing officials and voting on certain measures. We will be deciding on lengths of terms of office. You will have more fun if you have some interest in politics and structures of governance, as well as if you like to read. Please only inquire if you are actually interested this type of government - because we will be talking about it a lot, especially at first. Check out our ad on the IK forums and chit chat with us over there if you like.

The Black Widow Alliance is a very newly formed alliance that may hold interest for you if you would like the challenge of being in on the start of something new. It would help if you had a strong interest in democratic principles, role-playing, government, the arts, and/or civics - and a tolerance for bawdy humor or language.

Our goals are greater than simply rising to the top. We are creative, inventive, artistic, and very interested in the formation of an alliance with more than a little personality. We're looking for people who would be active not merely in the game itself - but active in the creation of a thriving artistic alliance. So an interest in or experience in RPGs would be VERY, VERY helpful.

The Official Website for the Democratic Republic of the BlackWidow


Administrators: Co-Presidents Sumikoska and Boadicea

Giantmongoos is currently running for the Office of Diplomat, and Kolikona is running for the office of Mediator. Sumikoska and Boadicea are asking the voters to accept the continued governance by The Founding Mothers until the end of thier current term in office, and also a vote as to what a term of office shall consist of is on the ballots.

Neife has been appointed Registrar of Voters.

PRESS RELEASE: The first Democratic Election of the Democractic Republic of the Black Widow is being held on March 23, 2007. Black Widow was founded around March 3rd or somethin'.

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Discussion of Emerging Politics at Widow

What is Black Widow?

Article by Neife of [WIDOW]

Black Widow is a representative democracy alliance. All of our members are equally valuable, even when their responsibilities are different. We bring new elements of democracy, role-playing, art, and humor to the game of Inselkampf. This is not just a game alliance, but an artistic alliance.

Policies of Black Widow

'Article by Neife of [WIDOW]'

Because Black Widow is a democratic Alliance, all members can voice their opinions. Black Widow’s style of government encourages critical discussion from everyone. All we ask is that you remember a few things:

1- It is important for your audience to understand you. You don’t need to be a perfect speller, just put a little effort into explaining yourself clearly.

2- All of our members are important, so be respectful. This does not mean you cannot disagree, or be critical, just remember we are all equal members.

3- If you are ignorant of a subject, ask someone. Black Widow wants information pertaining to our members, available to our members.

4- Black Widow is not perfect, that is why you are important. Be involved and improve our system.

5- People have different and opposing views. Not everyone will think you are right, so don’t take it personally. But also, listen to others, and try to understand where they are coming from.

Treaties and Peace Policies

'Article by Sumikoska of [WIDOW]'

We have peace treaties with:

[-N-] Peace treaty

[Angel] Peace treaty

[NATO] Peace treaty

[NEWSKULL] Peace treaty

[ODEA] Peace treaty

[RAID] Peace treaty

[ronin] Peace treaty

[Valheru] Peace treaty

[V|W] Peace treaty

Angel has a site at Wiki refer here: http://editthis.info/Inselkampf/ANGEL

I also should mention that [ORC] is publicly tolerating [WIDOW] which is something just below a peace treaty in Orcan culture. If you don't know what that means, well... ask around.

Generally speaking, Widow has a policy of neutrality towards other alliances with whom we do not have treaties. So far, our voting population has voiced agreement with the feelings of the Founding Mothers about pacting and mergers - that these are "very serious relationships" akin to marriage, a venture "not to be entered into lightly or ill advisedly". Briefly stated, Widow is culturally inclined towards welcoming peace treaties and declining pacts and mergers. Also, Widow is a trade-based alliance and very likely to attempt trade negotiations with any alliance we are at peace or in peace negotiations because it's part of our culture. Peace makes for positive trade relations.

Game Goals

'Article by Sumikoska of [WIDOW]'

The posted rules of IK as a game state that alliances or individual players may rise to the top through any combination of the following: trade, colonization, or war.

Trade is much more popular on non-US servers than it has been on the US server, where colonization and war are the preferred methods, but it is an equally respectable method for attaining one's goals. I have personally been recieving emails asking what our goals are in terms of ambition in the game.. aside from building a strong alliance with a democratic structure.

We are basically trying to "kick start the Renaissance" at Inselkampf through a combination of cultural enlightment projects to make people aware of not only our - but other alliance's cultures - at Inselkampf.com - and to establish a society which relates to other Inselkampf alliances based on art and mechantilism, focusing on shrewed negotiations and trade relationships rather than strictly military prowess. Battles are won in more places than solely on the battlefield.

Conflict Resolution

Article by Neife of [WIDOW]

Because Black Widow is a democracy where people voice their opinions, issues will come up. You may have a problem with another member or a Black Widow policy. That is great, Black Widow wants to resolve these issues too. We suggest two methods of resolution, Informal and Formal.

Informal Issue resolutions: The first step to resolving an issue is to start at the lowest possible step. If you have an issue with another member, address them first privately and respectfully. If you have an issue with a policy or rule, address the appropriate official privately. Most problems are a breakdown in proper communication.

Formal Issue resolutions: If you cannot resolve an issue with an informal resolution, you may need to use the formal method. For this you will need to contact an administrator and provide all information you have and your story. If your issue is with the Administrator, and you already tried the informal method, contact another Administrator or make a topic on the forum. (or a mediator when a formal office of mediator is created)

Offices of Government

Article by Neife of [WIDOW]

Term Notes - No term limits have been set or decided on. No member may hold multiple offices at a single time.

Elected Officials - An official voted in by members of the alliance. An elected official’s job is considered valuable to the security and well-being of the alliance.

Administrator - The administrator is the elected official in charge of the alliance and forums. His/her responsibilities and authorized power have been voted on by the alliance. There may be more than one administrator.

Admiral - The admiral is the elected official in charge of organizing armies and navies for conflicts. A conflict may be defensive or offensive. His/her responsibilities and authorized power have been voted on by the alliance. There may be more than one admiral, and various levels of admirals. From Rear Admirals, to Vice Admirals, to Full Admirals, and the special case of Fleet Admiral.

Diplomat - A diplomat is an elected official in charge of external alliance relations. Diplomatic duties (including discussions with foreigners) may be defensive or offensive, but always representations of the opinions of the alliance. His/her responsibilities and authorized power have been voted on by the alliance. There may be more than one diplomat.

Mediator - A mediator is an elected official in charge of settling internal disputes amongst alliance members. The mediator will be publicly listed as a diplomat with the rider "contact point for unallied parties only". The mediator's diplomatic powers will be limited to settling internal disputes among alliance members, and external disputes with unallied parties. Allied parties must contact a diplomat. There may be more than one mediator.

Appointed Officials - An official appointed by an elected official. Appointed jobs are important, but do not include responsibilities over other members.

Registrar of Voters - Appointed by an Administrator to update voting profiles and place issues, but not make them, on the ballot.

(minor edits by Sumikoska for formatting, consistency and grammar)

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