
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 06:28, 13 February 2007 by (Talk)

Ah, it seems that you've stumbled upon my quaint little page. Maybe you're curious to see just who Lode is. Well... er... there isn't much to tell. But of what there IS to tell, I will list here :3 (It's a face if your mind isn't capable of turning it sideways on its own)

My name is Loki, I'd have preferred to name myself in the game as such but some assmonkey beat me to it. I shall crush him someday and remove every ounce of evidence that he ever existed >_>;
This is my current goal. The removal of the interloper and finally to re-create my account under his name... well... MY name... which he is using... and I intend to take back...

I am he who came before. I am he who will leave the last. As is prophesied. All who stand in my way will be crushed as grains of sand below a great weight. All who bear assistance to my cause will be blessed under my hand.

*Cough*... Enough of the fun bits, now to the gritty part.

I trade as my so far considerably piddling economy dictates, the prices in the marketplace I have in place and the items up for trade are extremely fluctuant and you will likely see them change on a weekly if not bi-weekly basis. The prices and quantities I list are small for a reason, I deal by means of order stacking, you can request multiple orders from me at a time and I'll see what I can offer in return. (I.E. I have an offer for 200 stone and ask 100 gold... You want more than that... so you stack the orders, ask for two orders of it and you'll get 400 stone for 200 gold and so on.)

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