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Skullduggerian Art and Culture, Highlights of Skullduggerian History

History Of SKULL

BlackGraceKiddItalic text

Formerly known as the Bunghole Pirates and now terrorizing the world as Skullduggery...

Poot_N_TateItalic text

Out of the primordial muck on a world covered almost entirely in water, rose a creature known as a "bunghole" on a small island known for it's sturdy stone called "Bungholia".

Over time, these creatures became self-aware, and developed their island.

Over more time, they decided they like to say "Arrrr" a lot, and became pirates.

Over even more time, they realized they needed to band with other creatures that had evolved on other islands, they banded together and became the "Bunghole Pirates" or [SKULL]

And thus our story begins...

sumikoskaItalic text

Initially, the Bungholians were self-sustaining island dwellers who had no contact with the outside world, but the large, skull-shaped stone totems seen on the shores of their island paradise inspired fear, superstition and wariness among passing sailors.

Thusly, long before the Bunghole Pirates ventured asea, greatly embellished tales of a fearsome and mysterious Skull clan, which rumor claimed, carved the massive skull statues from the heads of slain giants, crept as though a black and menacing wave across the seas of Inselkamp to the fair shores of a young arts colony on the tiny island of Skazinni, inspiring awe and mystery amongst the Skazzinnian people, who were proud to join such a fearsome alliance.

Here on Skazinni, there is a national holiday in celebration of the day when the Bunghole Pirates first arrived on the shores of Skazinni, bearing generous gifts of Bungholian stone, the finest in the land.

Due to language barriers, their frequent cry of "Arrrgghhh" was misinterpreted by the island's eldest virgin, Maramankinman, as a call for "arse"

Later two drunken sailors were seen emerging from her tents... and to this day, Skazinnian bards tell the merry farce "Raiders of the Lost Arse" in honor of the momentous occasion... although some noted scholars argue that the incident occurred during a later stone shipment from the Isle of Lesbos.

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