From Inselkampf

Revision as of 01:21, 10 February 2007 by (Talk)




Name Skullduggery

Score 11290

Rank 34

Members 48

Administrators Poot_N_Tate

Diplomats emuller and Giantmongoos

"Admiral" PlayaDoc

Scribe ska

'>>>>> We are Skullduggery! <<<<<


We are a relatively new alliance of friendly pirates who are all helping each other learn the game.

Looking for an Alliance to join?

We welcome active island rulers that have achieved a minimum score of 50 points. Send our admin, Poot_N_Tate, an email, or just click "Apply to [SKULL]" on the alliance tab. If you can make a good case for accepting you before you have earned 50 points, are our kind of go getter and if you seem like a good fit, we will gladly add you to our Alliance of Pirate brothers and sisters.

We will consider all offers to make peace treaties with almost every Alliance. However keep in mind that we are loyal sorts and dislike attempts to sway us from our established bonds.

For Diplomatic enquiries please contact emuller or Giantmongoos.

If you come to the Skullduggery in friendship then your enemies will become our enemies, and then they will fear you.

'This is a summary of Skullduggery's entrance page as of February 9, 2007. Please check back for further information and updates.

All of the great bards and painters of Skullduggeria are currently holed up in our grandest ale house preserving the history of our legendary lore.

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