
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 23:18, 2 February 2007 by Bamchalky (Talk | contribs)

DIGG - Prepare to be DUGG.

Inselkampf's leading alliance consisting of members spanning the globe acting amongst a serfdom (as near as we can make it) forum in order to pursue domination. This means no matter the day or the hour, we can kill you if you annoy us.

we are no longer actively recruiting we have reached the point of haveing enough players to take over inselkampf and rule in a reign of terror. We are literally.. everywhere.

Acts of espionage and raiding are acts of war and we will retaliate accordingly. All of our members are just as valuable as the next. Don't test our waters, and we'll not test yours.


  • tyrant


we do war not peace

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