
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 17:55, 9 February 2007 by (Talk)
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  • The tsunami is somthing like IK fokelore and not an exact science.
  • ... its been said before that knowledge of the tsunami is what seperates 'noobs' from other players.
  1. What is a tsunami? It is the single biggest event that happens in game, and the one thing that makes this game truely unique. I like it, i think it brings somthing extra to the game. Unlike say travian where the land is the land and you can 'colonise' anywhere, we have isles of which there are a 'finite' number.
  2. What happens? During a tsunami event, main islands of inactives become 'unnowned' and therefore become colonisable. If these players had colonies they also become 'unnowned'.
  3. You can tell if an isle is unnowned by simply clicking on it, it won't have a ruler! In newer oceans islands also randomly appear.
  4. I have it on good authority that the 'daily' Tsunami's no longer happen, so this section has been deleted.
  5. Inactive players (usually after a month) are 'deleted' allowing both their mains and their colonies to be free. These islands do not sink, and will stay around until someone takes them. There army and ships remain on the ilses and to colonise you need to clear ALL troops and get the main house to level 1.
  6. When does it happen? Always used to be a sunday ... but since new year slightly erratic, recently: none, mon, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, sun, back to sundays? Dunno.
  7. Always between 9pm and 11pm British Standard Time (GMT +/- 1).
  8. How do i take advantage?
    1. Be online when they happen.
    2. Spy the isle you want
    3. Clear of it ALL defences and get the main house to lvl one
    4. Send colo ships,
    5. be prepared to stay up late im afriad :S
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