Main Page

From Inselkampf

Revision as of 20:01, 17 November 2006 by (Talk)




<a name="1"></a></p>



<a name="1_1"></a>

INSELKAMPF is a browser-based online game. Become the ruler of your own island, build ships and buildings, do weapons research, train an army and send it to war.



<a name="1_2"></a>

XXL is a package of additional services for INSELKAMPF. It costs 20 Dollars for one year and can be activated in your account under "Settings". The package contains:

  • Ad-Free: No advertisment in the game.
  • Image for alliance: You are able to upload an image for your alliance.
  • Editable playername: You are able to change your playername under "Settings".
  • Schedule: Schedules define what and how many units are produced automatically on your islands.
  • 1.000 characters for your player profile.


First Steps

<a name="2"></a>


Logged in. What next?

<a name="2_1"></a>

First, you will get to an overview of your island with the main house. Since you have some resources at your disposal to start off with, you can click on the main house and start building further houses right away.


What to expand first ?

<a name="2_2"></a>

This is a good question. There is no pattern as to the best solution, but it has proven to be a good strategy to start with the expansion of the gold mine, stone quarry and the lumber mill in order to satisfy the constantly increasing demand for resources. To protect yourself from being plundered, it is advisable to expand the stone wall as a preliminary precaution as well. Whether you aquire further resources through means of warfare, trade or simply by a further expansion of an existing building is entirely up to you.



<a name="3"></a>



<a name="3_1"></a>

An alliance includes several players. Its purpose is mutual protection and the collective planning of attacks. Under this menu item, you can join a foreign alliance or found an alliance of your own. To join an alliance, you have to write an application. In an alliance the following ranks exist: member, diplomat, admiral and administrator. As a member, you are only allowed to post messages. The diplomat can make agreements with other alliances and put them onto a list. The admiral coordinates all fleet movements of an alliance. The administrator is responsible for the management of the alliance.



<a name="3_2"></a>

The calculator is an important device to calculate the strength of your fleet and the probable course of an attack. The result is a percentage number indicating the probability of victory. As long this number is not equal to 100 per cent, it is possible to lose the battle even with a clearly superior fleet.



<a name="3_3"></a>

All fleet activities in which you are involved in, are centrally held in this place.



<a name="3_4"></a>

This menu option appears only if you are member of an alliance. Here you can communicate with your alliance.



<a name="3_5"></a>

Here you can add players to your friend list, which simplifies communication with them.



<a name="3_6"></a>

All your islands are listed here. You can see at a glance, how many resources are available on your islands, how many orders you have, which islands have been attacked and how many units the islands are equipped with.



<a name="3_7"></a>

By clicking on "logout", you cancel the active session and thus exit the game.



<a name="3_8"></a>

By clicking on the mail icon, you can access your personal mailbox. From here you can send messages to other users und administrate messages received. After 30 days, new messages are automatically deleted. To save important messages, you must put them into the archive. The receiver of a message can also be an email address. As sender, your email address which is registered under "settings" is used. To send a message to several persons you must separate the member names or email addresses by a semicolon (;).



<a name="3_9"></a>

The map gives you a graphic overview of the islands in your neighborhood. In INSELKAMPF, every 25 islands are combined into a group of islands. These groups of islands are then combined into oceans. Each ocean has ten groups of islands. There are ten oceans in one world.



<a name="3_10"></a>

The overview shows the buildings, armies and ships of the island selected. Furthermore, you will be informed when fleets are approaching your island.



<a name="3_11"></a>

There are points for each building. An island can get up to 1,000 points. The score is calculated once a day and written down in a ranking list. Thus ranking gives you an overview over your success and the success of your alliance at INSELKAMPF.



<a name="3_12"></a>

Under settings, you can change your email, your personal data and the name of the selected island.



<a name="4"></a>


Main House

<a name="4_1"></a>

The main house is the heart of each and every island. Building orders are coordinated here. The more it is expanded, the more buildings can be built. Furthermore, the time required for building is thus reduced.


Gold Mine

<a name="4_2"></a>

Gold is the most important resource on your island. You need it to pay your workers. The more the gold mine is expanded, the more gold can be extracted. Without a gold mine, eight units of gold are mined per hour.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)


Stone Quarry

<a name="4_3"></a>

Stones are an important resource for construction. The more the mine is expanded, the more stones can be hewn. Without a stone quarry, five units of stones are hewn per hour.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)


Lumber Mill

<a name="4_4"></a>

Lumber is mainly required for your ships and buildings. The more the lumber mill is expanded, the more lumber is available to you. Without a lumber mill, six units of lumber are delivered per hour.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)



<a name="4_5"></a>

Each island strives to invent new technology. Without a laboratory, the invention of new weapons would be impossible. The more the laboratory is expanded, the more the more research you can do. Moreover, the periods of time spent on research are reduced.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10)



<a name="4_6"></a>

Here you can train the warriors who protect your island or go to war under your command. The more the barracks are expanded, the more training options are available. Moreover, the length of training periods is reduced.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 5)



<a name="4_7"></a>

The harbour is your connection to the outside world. Here you can build merchant ships and warships and send them out into the world. The more the harbour is expanded, the better the ships that are built. Moreover, construction time is reduced.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10)



<a name="4_8"></a>

Your resources (gold, stones, lumber) are kept in the storehouse. The more it is expanded, the more resources can be stored. At the same time the share of resources which cannot be plundered, increases. Without a storehouse, 1,000 units of each resource can be stored and 100 units of this amount cannot be plundered.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)


Stone Wall

<a name="4_9"></a>

The stone wall is for the protection of the entire island. The more the stone wall is built up, the more difficult it becomes for your enemies to attack your island. Without a stone wall, your island has an attack and defence value of 50.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)



<a name="4_10"></a>

The watch-tower looms far above your island and warns you of foreign ships approaching your island. The more it is expanded, the better the visibility will be. Without a watch-tower, the visibility is one nautical mile.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 1)



<a name="5"></a>



<a name="5_1"></a>

The spear is the weapon of the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the higher the spearfighter's strength as a warrior.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 1)



<a name="5_2"></a>

The shield serves to protect the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the better the spearfighter's defence.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 1)



<a name="5_3"></a>

The bow is the weapon of the archer. The more it is developed, the better the archer's skill.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 5)



<a name="5_4"></a>

Catapults are mighty weapons which are able to destroy entire islands.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 15)



<a name="5_5"></a>

The sail is the motor of your ships. The more research you do on your sail, the more rapid each ship will become.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 1)



<a name="6"></a>


Stone Thrower

<a name="6_1"></a>

Stone throwers do not dispose of any weapons. Thus, they are convenient and can be trained very quickly.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 5), barracks (level 1)



<a name="6_2"></a>

By developing the spear and training the spearfighters, your army will be clearly reinforced. The spearfighter's weapon gives him an above-average level of defence.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), barracks (level 5), laboratory (level 1), spear (level 1)



<a name="6_3"></a>

His superior weapon gives the archer a high strength of attack. He requires intensive training for this.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), barracks (level 10), laboratory (level 5), bow (level 5)



<a name="6_4"></a>

Catapults are mighty weapons which are able to destroy entire islands.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), laboratory (level 15), catapult (level 10)



<a name="7"></a>


Large Warship

<a name="7_1"></a>

Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to transport resources.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), harbour (level 10), laboratory (level 1), sail (level 5)


Large Merchant Ship

<a name="7_2"></a>

Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home safely.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), harbour (level 10), laboratory (level 1), sail (level 5)


Small Warship

<a name="7_3"></a>

Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to transport resources. Small warships are faster than large ones.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), harbour (level 1), laboratory (level 1), sail (level 1)


Small Merchant Ship

<a name="7_4"></a>

Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home safely. Small merchant ships are faster than large ones.
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), harbour (level 1), laboratory (level 1), sail (level 1)


Colonisation Ship

<a name="7_5"></a>

Sooner or later each island must expand. The foundation of one's own colonies is important both for the supply of resources and for military reasons. However, this is impossible without a colonisation ship!
Pre-requisite: main house (level 10), harbour (level 20), laboratory (level 1), sail (level 10)



<a name="8"></a>



<a name="8_1"></a>

There are two main reasons for attacking an island. On the one hand, an attacked island can be plundered for resources. On the other hand, a foreign island can be colonised. In order to achieve this, the main house must first be destroyed down to level 1 by catapults. Then the island can be captured by the colonisation ships. However, the probability of success is only about 50 per cent each time it is attempted. Remember that the last remaining island can not be colonised. An attack can be stopped within a tenth of the range of visibility of one's watch-tower.



<a name="8_2"></a>

Do you want to exchange resources or help a friend? No problem! The transport system ensures that resources and armies (only stone throwers and catapults) can easily be brought to other islands. A transport can be stopped within a tenth of the range of visibility of your watch tower.



<a name="8_3"></a>

Before attacking an island, you should acquire some information about the defensive strength of your adversary through espionage. If the espionage is successful, your ship will return undiscovered and you will get an espionage report. If the espionage fails, your ship will be discovered and destroyed. The probability of a successful espionage decreases with the expansion level of the adversarial watch tower. The espionage can be stopped within a tenth of the range of visibility of one's watch tower.



<a name="9"></a>


Please note

<a name="9_1"></a>

You must be aware that anyone who knows your password has complete control over your account. This may have irreparable consequences. An account which has been cancelled cannot be reestablished and destroyed fleets cannot be replaced. Thus, your password should be protected from third party access and never be given to other persons. You should not log into the game on foreign computers. You should log out after each session and change your password on a regular basis.


Password change

<a name="9_2"></a>

A new password can requested on the home page under "password forgotten?". For security reasons, the password is generated at random and consists of six characters.



<a name="10"></a>


Whatever for?

<a name="10_1"></a>

Without rules the game would not work. At INSELKAMPF the rules require that all members have the same options and deal fairly with each other. Therefore, please read the rules carefully and observe them.


Help, I have been blocked!

<a name="10_2"></a>

If you receive the information "Your account has been blocked" when logging in, there is a high probability that you have done something wrong. In this case, you can comment on the the block by sending an email.

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