New Player Support

From Inselkampf

Revision as of 15:43, 17 May 2007 by (Talk)

This page is to give new members a quick boost in development by delivering stone to all of them. Add your player name, island address and today's date.


Your score must be less then 50 to be on this list.

Old players (AKA Donors)

Copy the list into the list randomizer, and go down the randomized list sending one ship of stone (or other resources) to each player (this helps keep things more or less evenly distributed). Also please remove any players that have been on this page more then 2 weeks or have a score higher then 50.


  • goncho_bonez1 7:34:11 April 20, 2007
  • ajackson704 51:56:1, March 25, 2007
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