Political Science Field

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  • USAID - World Learning's Democracy Fellows Program:

-- World Learning's Democracy Fellows Program (DFP), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), seeks a Democracy Fellow for the Elections and Political Processes Division (EPP) in USAID's Office of Democracy and Governance (DCHA/DG) to guide, advise and contribute to research, assessment and evaluation efforts for USAID's political party programs worldwide. We are currently seeking a qualified political scientist for a one-year renewable Democracy Fellowship to be based in Washington, DC.

-- Democracy Fellows work within USAID, which is the primary channel for U.S. foreign assistance in the developing world. USAID has taken a leading role in promoting and consolidating democracy worldwide, managing approximately one billion dollars per year in grants and contracts to over 80 countries. Democracy and governance programs provide technical assistance and other support to strengthen capacity of reform-minded governments, non-governmental actors, and/or citizens in order to develop and support democratic states and institutions that are responsive and accountable to citizens. These efforts also include promoting democratic transitions in countries that are not reform-minded. Democracy programs promote the rule of law and human rights, transparent and fair elections coupled with a competitive political process, a free and independent media, stronger civil society and greater citizen participation in government, and governance structures that are efficient, responsive and accountable.

-- The full announcement can be found at http://wlid.usaid.gov

-- Email: dfp.info@worldlearning.org

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