EuroSEAS Conference

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  • Call for Panels: The EuroSEAS Conference 2010

-- The sixth EuroSEAS Conference will be held on 26-28 August 2010 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The venue of the conference is the School of Global Studies at Gothenburg University.

-- All scholars with an interest in Southeast Asia are cordially invited to propose panels for the conference. In line with previous EuroSEAS conferences, the meeting in Gothenburg will cover a wide range of topics in all fields of social sciences and humanities. There are no limits concerning topics with Southeast Asia as a focus.

-- We would like to encourage at least one panel proposal which deals with the theorization of area studies and area studies as part of theory development. Participants are encouraged to contribute to no more than one panel. Experience from earlier conferences shows that panel discussions gain tremendously from having a critical mass of participants that stays for the whole panel.

-- Deadline for panel proposals 1 June 2009.

-- For practical information, please have look at our website

-- Please send your proposals to <>

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