For Women

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Revision as of 12:53, 6 October 2008 by (Talk)
  • Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women Studies

-- Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.

-- Open To Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation.

-- No citizenship requirements.

-- Eligibility Requirements: Open to students in doctoral programs who have completed their predissertation requirements and expect to complete their dissertation by the end of the award period. Open to women.

-- Stipend: Grants of $3,000 are awarded for dissertation expenses.

-- Deadline: 10/13/2008

-- Program Description: Approximately 15 grants to encourage original and significant research about women on such topics as the evolution of women's role in society, women in history, the psychology of women, women as seen in literature and art, and women's health care.

-- For More Information: The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, P.O. Box 5281, WS Department, Princeton, NJ 08543 / (609) 452-7007 ext. 310 / Email: / Website:

  • $6,000 Scholarship for study in any field of South-East Asian Studies from The Australian Federation of University Women's E.M. Hinder Award

-- Closing Date 30 June 2008.

-- Eligibility: Available in any field of South East Asian studies to women postgraduate students in any Australian university who have completed at least one year of postgraduate study and to women holding a postdoctoral fellowship.

-- The award is to be used for undertaking an overseas project specific to the applicant's current research. Relevant projects could include fieldwork, archival consultation, on-site interviews. Related overseas conference participation would be acceptable as part of the project. For the purposes of this award, South-East Asia is defined as comprised of the following countries: Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (Australian Bureaus of Statistics). Tenure: Project may be commenced in 2008 or 2009 (see Guidelines).

-- For Guidelines and Application Form visit the Scholarships Page on the AFUW website

  • American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowships

-- Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.

-- Open To Prospective/Current Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars.

-- Citizenship: No citizenship requirements, but U.S. citizens or residents are not eligible.

-- Eligibility Requirements: Must hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree. Applicants must intend to return to home countries after graduation. Preference is given to applicants who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls. Open only to women.

-- Stipend: Yearly stipend of $20,000 for the doctorate fellowship and $30,000 for the postdoctoral fellowship.

-- Deadline: 12/1/2007

-- Program Description: 57 fellowships will be awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported.

-- For More Information: AAUW Educational Foundation, International Fellowships, 301 ACT Drive, Iowa City, IA 52245

-- Telephone: (319) 337-1716 ext. 60

  • Freda Bage Fellowship

-- Sponsor: Australian Federation of University Women

-- SYNOPSIS: Fellowships are awarded to women for Ph.D. studies, in a wide range of disciplines including marine biology, architecture, law, literature, radiography, mathematics, social work, archaeology, economics, molecular biology, management, music, information technology and performing arts. The value of the Fellowships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award ($19,231 in 2006) plus 10% for a maximum of three years.

-- Deadline: 06/30/2008

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor awards fellowships to women university graduates for Ph.D. studies in a wide range of disciplines including marine biology, architecture, law, literature, radiography, mathematics, social work, archaeology, economics, molecular biology, management, music, information technology and performing arts. Fellowships are designed to assist women with tertiary qualifications to increase their knowledge and broaden their experience through studying or working in a different environment. Projects have included field studies, visits to overseas libraries, and other forms of theoretical and empirical research.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Fellowships are open to women scholars who: (a) are graduates of a recognised tertiary institution from any country who are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies at a recognised tertiary institution in Queensland, Australia, or (b) have graduated at a recognised tertiary institution in Queensland and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies at a recognised tertiary institution elsewhere. Women graduates who will be on full-time salaries; fully paid study or other leave; or Australian Postgraduate Awards or similar scholarships during the tenure of the fellowship, are not eligible to apply.

-- FUNDING: Awards are for a maximum period of three years. The value of the Fellowships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award ($19,231 in 2006) plus 10%. Fellowships are for full-time study and are tenable at any university or approved institution. If an award is made to an Australian citizen, the fellowship is tenable in Australia or overseas. An award made to a non-Australian citizen is only tenable at a Queensland institution only. Studies must commence by September 2009.

  • Queensland Commemorative Fellowships

-- Sponsor: Australian Federation of University Women

-- SYNOPSIS: Fellowships are awarded to women for postgraduate study in a wide range of disciplines including marine biology, architecture, law, literature, radiography, sports psychology, social work, archaeology, economics, occupational therapy, and management. The value of the Fellowships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award ($19,231 in 2006) plus 10% for a period of one year.

-- Deadline: 06/30/2008

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor awards fellowships to women graduates in a wide range of disciplines, including marine biology, architecture, law, literature, radiography, sports psychology, social work, archaeology, economics, occupational therapy, and management. Awards may be used for any postgraduate study consistent with the objectives of the fellowship. Fellowships are designed to assist women with tertiary qualifications to increase their knowledge and broaden their experience through studying or working in a different environment. Projects have included field studies, visits to overseas libraries, and other forms of theoretical and empirical research.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Fellowships are open to women scholars who: (a) are graduates of a recognised tertiary institution from any country who are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies at a recognised tertiary institution in Queensland, Australia, or (b) have graduated at a recognised tertiary institution in Queensland and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies at a recognised tertiary institution elsewhere. Women graduates who will be on full-time salaries; fully paid study or other leave; or Australian Postgraduate Awards or similar scholarships during the tenure of the fellowship, are not eligible to apply.

-- FUNDING: Awards are for a maximum period of one year, but applicants may reapply for assistance in subsequent years. The value of the Fellowships is equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award ($19,231 in 2006) plus 10%. The number of Fellowships awarded each year depends on the funds available. Each year the sponsor will seek to award one Fellowship to a candidate whose proposed course of study is at the University of Queensland. Fellowships are for full-time study and are tenable at any university or approved institution. If in award is made to an Australian citizen, the Fellowship is tenable in Australia or overseas. An award made to a non-Australian citizen is only tenable at an Australian institution. Studies must commence by September 2009.

  • Predoctoral Awards from the Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides support for female students enrolled in a behavioral, life, physical, or social science or engineering program leading to a Ph.D. degree. Five to ten awards are available.

-- Deadline: 01/24/2008

-- Contact: Barbara Filner, Ph.D., AWIS Educational Foundation, 1200 New York Ave., NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20005, U.S.A.

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- DEADLINE NOTE: A separate predoctoral competition is held in the field of physics. Contact Dr. Geral Hardie ( for instructions and application forms.

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides support for women studying in the following fields of natural science: Astronomy; Biology; Chemistry; Computer and Information Science; Engineering; Geoscience; Mathematics (including Epidemiology and Statistics); Physics (see special instructions regarding physics); Psychology; or one of the following social sciences: Anthropology; Archaeology;Demography; Economics; Geography; History of Science; Linguistics; Philosophy of Science; Political Science and Sociology.

-- The memorial awards are: (1) Joan Wright Goodman Award, for an outstanding graduate student in the life or physical sciences, (2) Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister Award, for an outstanding graduate student in physics (see note below, (3) Amy Lutz Rechel Award, for an outstanding graduate student in the field of plant biology, (4) the Diane H. Russell Award, for an outstanding graduate student in the field of biochemistry or pharmacology, (5) Ruth Satter Award, for an outstanding graduate student who interrupted her education for at least three years to raise a family.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are female students enrolled in a behavioral, life, physical, or social science or engineering program leading to a Ph.D. degree; and within two years of completing the Ph.D.; and must not have applied to this program previously. Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must be enrolled at a U.S. institution.

-- FUNDING: Fellowships in the amount of $1,000 are awarded each year, including the above memorial awards. In addition, Citations of Merit ($300) may be given. The award may be used for any aspect of education, including tuition, books, housing, research, travel and meeting registration, or publication costs, for example.

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