History Positions - Texas AandM University

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Current revision as of 04:11, 14 July 2009

  • Academic Position: U.S. in the World - Texas A&M University:

-- The Department of History at Texas A&M University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship beginning in September 2010 in the history of the United States in the World during the 18th and 19th centuries. Preference will be given to scholars whose work explores the military, diplomatic, or cultural connections between the United States and Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific, or the Americas and whose scope is explicitly transnational or international. The use of all types of analysis, including gender, border studies, and migration, is welcome. A PhD or defense of the PhD by September 1, 2010, evidence of scholarly accomplishment or potential, and the ability to take an active role in both graduate and undergraduate courses are required. To ensure full consideration all materials should arrive before November 6, 2009.

-- Website: http://www.tamu.edu/history/employment.htm

  • Academic Position: Islamic World - Texas A&M University:

-- The Department of History at Texas A&M University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in the history of the Islamic World to begin in September 2010 or later. Applications from historians of all time periods, all areas, and all subfields of the history of the Islamic World, including minority communities, are welcome. We especially encourage candidates whose work crosses cultural borders, employs a broad comparative perspective, takes a transnational approach, and/or uses gender as a form of analysis. Review of applications will begin on October 9, 2009, and the search will continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration all materials should arrive by that date. A PhD or defense of the PhD by September 1, 2010, evidence of scholarly accomplishment or potential, and the ability to take an active role in both graduate and undergraduate courses are required. Send a letter of application, a current c.v., a short writing sample (article or chapter), and three letters of reference to: Cynthia A. Bouton, Chair, Islamic World Search, Texas A&M University, Department of History, 4236 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4236

-- Website: http://www.tamu.edu/history/employment.htm

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