Religion Field

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-- FUNDING: Award amounts take into account the cost of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference expenses. Other sources of funding are also considered. No application will be considered for funding retroactively.
-- FUNDING: Award amounts take into account the cost of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference expenses. Other sources of funding are also considered. No application will be considered for funding retroactively.
* '''[[Novak Award - Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty]]'''

Revision as of 14:25, 11 May 2008

Constant H. Jacquet Research Awards

-- Sponsor: Religious Research Association

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor awards small research grants. The Committee especially encourages proposal submissions from scholars who are in the early stages of their careers, as well as proposals from students.

-- Deadline: 04/01/2008

-- Contact: Robert Woodberry, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station A1700, Austin, TX 78712

-- E-mail:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: Applied, client-centered projects are given priority, but basic research is also regularly funded.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be members of the sponsor's organization. Full-time students may join the Association at the time of their application. All others must hold membership in the RRA for at least one full year prior to the application deadline.

-- FUNDING: The 2008 total purse is $17,000. Grants in excess of $4,000 to a single recipient/agency are rare. Funding may be used for research expenses and release time, but not for supplemental income or capital equipment. Because funds are limited, applicants are also encouraged to seek support from alternative sources of funding.

  • Calihan Academic Fellowship Program

-- Sponsor: Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty

-- SYNOPSIS: The Calihan Academic Fellowships provide scholarships and research grants to future scholars and religious leaders whose academic work shows outstanding potential. Applicants studying theology, philosophy, economics, or related fields must demonstrate the potential to advance understanding in the relationship between theology and the principles of the free and virtuous society. Such principles include recognition of human dignity, the importance of the rule of law, limited government, religious liberty, and freedom in economic life.

-- Deadline: 07/01/2008, 10/31/2008

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- DEADLINE NOTE: The deadline for Fall semester fellowships is July 1, 2008. The deadline for Spring semester fellowships is October 31, 2008.

-- OBJECTIVES: The Calihan Academic Fellowships provide scholarships and research grants to future scholars and religious leaders whose academic work shows outstanding potential.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Seminarians and graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields are eligible to apply.

-- FUNDING: Students and seminarians selected by the Acton Institute will receive up to $3,000. Fellowships are not renewable but recipients are eligible to reapply.

  • Calihan Travel Grant Program

-- Sponsor: Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty

-- SYNOPSIS: The Calihan Travel Grant Program provides travel grants of up to $3,000 to students who have been selected to present, at an academic conference, research that is relevant to themes promoted by the sponsor. Awards are also open to students who need to travel to, and perform research at, archives or libraries or to attend educational conferences that involve sponsor promoted themes.

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- DEADLINE NOTE: The Travel Grant selection process is ongoing. The online application should be in English and be received at least six weeks before the proposed travel (conference).

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides travel grants to students who have been selected to present, at an academic conference, research relevant to themes promoted by the sponsor. Such themes include the integration of theological ideas with principles of limited government, rule of law, religious freedom, and economic liberty. Awards are also open to students who need to travel to, and perform research at, archives or libraries or to attend educational conferences that involve sponsor promoted themes.

-- ELIGIBILITY: All qualified individuals will be considered for the Calihan Travel Grant Program, without regard to race, sex, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability. Applications from students outside the United States or those studying abroad will receive equal consideration. Grants are open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields. Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the sponsor, and must display the potential to contribute to the advancement of a free and virtuous society.

-- FUNDING: Award amounts take into account the cost of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference expenses. Other sources of funding are also considered. No application will be considered for funding retroactively.

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