Say "You fight like a cow."

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*[[User:The thing/What would you do/1/|Basement]]
*[[User:The thing/What would you do/2/|Forest]] (Best One)
'''Thatkidsam E-Mail #3'''
*[[User:The thing/What would you do/3/|Snowed In]]
Thatkidsam got robbed. Bonk will see about that!
'''Cast (in order of appearance):''' [[thatkidsam.muffin/Icreature|Icreature]], [[thatkidsam.muffin/Vintage Video Game Dealer|Vintage Video Game Dealer]], [[thatkidsam.muffin/Thatkidsam|Thatkidsam]], [[thatkidsam.muffin/Bonk|Bonk-Bats]]
'''Places:''' [[thatkidsam.muffin/Masdiktaht Jet|Masdiktaht Jet]]
{{Thatkidsam Comp|Turbo Grafx}}
'''Date:''' March 10th, 2005
'''Lines:''' 30
{''It is night. Icreature is a pile of goo on the ground. You can see eyes out the window. A guy suddenly breaks in and steals the Turbo Grafx, then runs away. Icreature wakes up.''}
'''ICREATURE:''' (Thatkidsam! That vintage video game dealer stole your 16!)
{''Thatkidsam is still asleep.''}
'''ICREATURE:''' (Come on, wake up!) {''Morphs into an alarm clock and goes off.''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' Unh... What? That guy from the store? Little does he know, I have a tracking device on it! {''Yawns''} Fly, my Bonk-Bats! Follow this sonar and find my system! {''Opens a huge cage of Bonks with wings, and tosses them a scanner gun''}
{''The Bonk-Bats fly off, not making a sound''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' Oh well, I'll just open my filing cabinet and get a new one for the time being. {''Opens a huge vault of systems, grabs a Turbo Grafx 16''}
{''Cut to Thatkidsam answering an email.''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' {''Inserts the E-Mail card and turns it on''} Okay, let's try a little bit of this...
<blockquote class="turboemail">
Hey d00d<br />
r us 1337?1111<br />
-teh graystone man</blockquote>
{''Reads as "Hey doad, are us one thousand three hundred thirty seven? One one one one, Teh Graystone Man''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' Wow, that was a useless email. If you wanna see a leet person, go see The Leet! He's over at Bubs'. I know how to do this. A digga. A digga digga. A diggity diggity-
{''Thatkidsam attempts to jump up and press the DELETED! button, but Icreature forms a ceiling over his head.''}
'''ICREATURE:''' (Why don'cha show him all those leet things you made? You know, with Bonk, and Zonk, and, uh, sandwiches...)
'''THATKIDSAM:''' I hate it how you always make emails longer! Anyway, SimSanwich was my only working game, no thanks to you, Icreature!
'''ICREATURE:''' (Meep!) {''Disappears into nothingness, or the kitchen, whichever sounds more reasonable''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' But I did make this giant statue of Bonk in front of my house!
{''The camera shows a plane with a statue of Bonk attatched to one wing.''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' And I did make those Bonk-Bats, right?
{''Cut to the Bonk-Bats headbutting the Vintage Video Game Dealer into oblivion.''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' And, that's about it, really... I'm really not that leet.
{''Several Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ [ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin]"''}
==Easter Eggs==
*Click on '''about it''' to see the couch.
{''Thatkidsam is still sitting in it, sleeping. It suddenly closes on him.''}
'''THATKIDSAM:''' Hwa-
'''ICREATURE:''' (You stay there while I'm eating all of your mushroom tops, kay?)
*Click on '''leet''' to see Thatkidsam's ultimate creation, the Trapper & Keeper Hologram Clock!
==Fun Facts==
*The Leet is an [[thatkidsam.muffin/The Leet|actual character]].
*The couch closed in the easter egg because it showed us in [[thatkidsam.muffin/sandwich|sandwich]] that it is shaped like a Sega Saturn.
==Author's Comments==
*Rating: D+
*Meh... This email was okay, but it was like Strong Bad's emails: It always strays off topic. His are funny, but I didn't stray it to a very interesting other topic.

Revision as of 03:16, 28 March 2006

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