New Order

From Euphro

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New Order was created in July 2005 by Thar. In September 2005, its baby guild [B]redrO weN[/B] was created as a place to hold secondary characters and to accept first-class characters until they were strong enough to join the main guild. The guild has continued to grow steadily in power. In EuphRO's first PVP league tournament, their team, NO-Limits (which included Wintermute from BRO and Abel Vox from Imperials), earned 7th place. In June 2006, the guild made enormous leaps in size when they merged with Shinigami and ShinSei.

Early allies were Twilight, The Convenant,and GARM. Together the alliance was called "Skies of Riviera" but was dissloved after the other guilds left EuphRO. Other former allies include ~:+:Demons:+:~, Imperials, and Protagonists.

New Order captured and kept their first castle (TianTan in Payon) on December 10th with the help of their long-time ally, Ascendant. Their latest WoE accomplishment was securing two Sunday castles on July 2, 2006.

The guild emblem is the Monas Hieroglyphica, a symbol made by John Dee that summarizes all the signs of the zodiac and is an important symbol in alchemy.

Notable Members

Thar - guild master

Agge - retired wizard
Basil - founding member
Bellatrix Lestrange - former events coordinator, retired priestess
EnyaAthleas - founding member, former second-in-command, retired sin x
Hampe - second-in-command
Jagged Circles

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