
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 18:47, 24 March 2006 by Jalcst-5267 (Talk | contribs)

A. 1-Title X= This program was set up in 1970, it provides high quality reproductive healthcare services to all American women. 2-Abstinence Only= This program is set up to promote abstinence amonge teens so that there is a less likely chance of a woman having birth before the age of 20. 3-United States Agency for International Development (USAID)= This program provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States. 5-The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)= This program ensures that women have access to voluntary family planning, economic opportunities, and education 6- I think that the "Family planning around the World" program works better because it coveres more of a populus and doesn't just affect the few select women of the United States, but instead affects the entire world which I believe makes a much bigger differance in the big sceme of things.

B. 1- migration= Speaks about how when a natural (tornado, earthquake) or unnatural (nuclear explosion) disaster takes palce humans are faced with a decision, stay and possibly die or leave to a new location and survive. 2- consumption= Speaks about how as our population grows we are quickly using up all of our natural resources which in turn is destroying our environment we have to live with. 3- Both of these topics have to do with overpopulation because as we migrate to new areas we are using up (consuming) the natural resources of that area which in fact is destroying the environment.

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