Cw1: 1299

From Environmental Technology

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Ecological Footprint

OK This website focused on the ecological footprint of different nations. It compared 52 different nations on how much nature they had and how much nature they used.

Renewable Resources

OK This website just defined renewable resources. It gave the definition as: Resources such as trees, fish, oxygen, and fresh water are generally considered to be renewable resources as they can be continually reproduced. Fresh water from the Earth's recycling process, fresh air from the oxygen produced by plants and trees, and trees and fish which can reproduce themselves.

Environmental Sustainability

OK This website provides a link to the environmental sustainability index.

Sustainable Development

OK This website is home to the International Institution for Sustainable Development.This organization contributes to sustainable development by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change, measurement and assessment, and natural resources management.


OK This website gives the definition of the word environmentalism as the support or involvement with the environmental movement by environmentalists.

Emission Reduction Credits

OK This website provides information about ERC's. Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) are required for new major emission sources, or sources undergoing major expansions, by various state air agencies in regions that do not meet the EPA's national ambient air quality standards.

Environmental Ethics

OK This website defines the term and gives examples of it. Environmental ethics is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents.

Environmental Impact Statement

OK The website explains eis's. Environmental impact statements are reports that outline the predicted environmental effects of a particular action or project in which the federal government is involved.

Earth Day

OK This website tells all about Earth Day which is on March 22nd.


OK This website tells about the world's worst nuclear power accident which happened on April 25th -26th, 1986. It happened in Chernobyl in the former USSR (now Ukraine).

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