
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 20:43, 21 April 2006 by Jalcst-8722 (Talk | contribs)

Read Clean fuels: an overview, then answer the following questions.

1) What is a common disadvantage of switching to clean fuels for vehicles? A common disadvantage is that many of the vehicles and clean fuels will be more expensive than vehicles and fuel available now for the consumer.

2) What is the most overwhelming common advantage of switching to clean fuels? A common overwhelming advantage of clean fuels is that they emit less hydrocarbons and the hydrocarbons are less reactive and less harmful to the environment. Basicallly clean fuels cause less pollution than today's gasolines.

3) Does this article really answer whether clean fuels are feasible? Yes the article answers the question if clean fuels are feasible. Which the answer is currently no but maybe in the near future because our government and individuals of our society are not really focused on having vehicles that take clean fuels.

Read about alternative fuels at the AFDC. Pay close attention to the section Compare Alternative Fuel Properties, then answer the following questions:

4) List the fuels on the Comparison chart by octane rating, from lowest to highest: Electricy is not applicable, No. 2 Diesel, Biodiesel, Gasoline, Ethanol, Methanol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, CNG, LNG,and Hydrogen.

5) Which alternative fuel has the most diversity to date for types of vehicles? CNG has the most diversity for vehicles besides gasoline.

6) Rank the all the fuels on the chart by their energy content from highest to lowest: No. 2 Diesel, Biodiesel, Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Ethanol,LNG, Methanol, and CNG. Electricity is non applicable and Hydrogen doesn't have a rating listing.

7) Gaging by the chart, what seems to be the safest fuel? The safest fuel according to the chart is hydrogen.

8) Do you have any way of gaging whether this chart was accurate or not? How would you go about finding out if it is true or not? I am assuming the chart is right because it gives references to the Vehicles Buyer's Guide and AFDC Web Site on the chart.

  • Also read Alternative Fuel Driver Training: Companion Manual for Monday
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