2007 Reunion First Mailing

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2007 Reunion: First Mailing

November 2006

Dearest Elia Family Member:

Many of my friends are always amazed that Stephanie and I attend family reunions in Norwich and Wisconsin and how close we are with our extended family. They mention how sometimes it gets even harder to get together with immediate family let alone the extended family members. I explained that spending time with family, whether immediate or extended, should never be a hardship. The family reunions planned in the past were a priority, because there is nothing like family!

I remember vividly my grandfather, Sam Elia, banging a pot with a spoon to get the family’s attention. The setting was Kingston, New York and everyone was sitting at picnic benches underneath a pavilion. The discussion was how often we should come together for the Elia reunion. The final decision was to celebrate the Elia tradition every three years.

At this point, all of you have two thoughts in your mind: one, is this the kid that got lost in the Catskill mountains at one of the reunions, and two, have three years already passed and it is time for the next reunion? My sister Jennifer did a wonderful job facilitating the last few reunions, but now she is passing the torch to me to prepare for the Elia Family Reunion 2007.

I am a teacher by trade and a firm believer in ‘not reinventing the wheel’. While I am continuing many of the reunion traditions, I do have a new idea of making this year’s theme “Preserving our Heritage Online.” Steven St. John has been working very hard on creating an interactive Elia family website, and it would be great to showcase his accomplishments by bringing the technology to the next reunion.

In an effort to include many family members in the planning of our reunion, I have enclosed a survey to get your opinions on dates, times, venues and willingness to help in Elia Reunion 2007. I must reiterate that I cannot do this alone and you probably do not want a non-boy scout, who gets lost in the Catskill Mountains, running this reunion all by himself anyway! Please read the survey, share your opinions, and if you can, volunteer to help out. If any family member should not receive this letter and survey because of an address change, please let me know.

My grandparents and parents have instilled in me a deep respect and love for family. Some of my most memorable moments in life are with the Elia family. Thank you for your consideration and hopefully I will hear from you very soon. Please return enclosed survey by December 18th, 2006 to my address or email below.

Love always,

Jason Majewski 3654 Somerset Street Schenectady, NY 12304 (518) 374-2831 jsm1024@hotmail.com


1. What statement best describes your feelings about an Elia reunion in 2007? (Check only one.)

□ No matter the date, location or venue, I would not attend an Elia reunion. □ If the date, location and venue were appropriate, I would attend an Elia reunion. □ I do not care about specifics, I would attend an Elia reunion.

2. Of the following locations, choose which one you prefer for Elia reunion 2007? (Check only one.)

□ Norwich, New York □ Rochester, New York

3. Which of the following weekends would you prefer?

□ July 21-22 □ August 11-12 □ July 28-29 □ August 18-19

4. Which of the following meals would you want provided as part of the reunion?

□ Lunch, Saturday □ Dinner, Saturday □ Brunch, Sunday

5. What cost per person (with children under 3 free) do you think is reasonable for a weekend of meals and activities beginning Saturday morning and ending after brunch on Sunday? (Circle the highest amount that you would pay.)

□ $30.00 □ $50.00 □ $40.00 □ $75.00

6. What level of involvement would you be interested in volunteering for Elia Reunion 2007?

□ Highly interested For highly or somewhat interested, please □ Somewhat interested place your contact information below: □ Not interested Name(s):_____________________________ Email:_______________________________

Please return enclosed survey by December 18, 2006 to address or email below: Jason Majewski 3654 Somerset Street Schenectady, NY 12304 jsm1024@hotmail.com

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