Rahn Zephyr

From Egs Mayhem

Name: Rahn Zephyr Age: early 20's, exact age unknown Gender: Male Race: Chimerate (Mostly hyena, some wolverine, a very small bit of wolf) Height: 6'2" give or take, changes often based on posture Job: Tracker/Guide, various odd jobs

Description: Rahn looks more human than other Chimerates, but he still is very distinctly a Chimerate. His build is very lean and muscular, and it's generally visible, as his outfit often involves an open shirt if any at all. His hair is ragged and a shade of slightly reddish tan, while his fur is more normal tan. His green eyes have slightly enlarged irises like a canid's, and his face is slightly turned forward like a Hyena's muzzle, though not into a true one. He does have quite prominent fangs, however, and his ears are pointed and wolflike, though positioned on his head like a human's. He keeps the small claws on his hands and feet sharp, and wears only thick leather wrappings or occasionally sandals for footwear. Oddly enough, his feet are slightly longer than normal as well as double-jointed, and he can effectively walk as a normal humanoid or in a digitigrade manner. His tail is a bit of an oddity, looking physically like a wolf's tail, but being unusually long at nearly 3 and a half feet long and fairly flexible. He wears simple clothes and generally prefers earth tones, generally preferring a loose sleeveless vest if anything for a shirt. He normally wears a pair of faded greenish cargo pants that have been roughly cut off a little higher than normal, sporting numerous pockets. He has a sheath for his diamond knife on his upper right arm, a memento from his mentor Karaza, which he never takes off. He also usually carries a hooded garment of some sort, as he has found that not everyone is as tolerant of his appearance as the exploring company has come to be.

Skills/Abilities: - Acute senses of smell and hearing, even by racial standards for a canid chimerate. Also is in near-peak physical condition, one advantage of having had to survive in he harsh wilds for his early life. He still trains in speed and strength when he's not busy reading or working, sometimes even while he's reading or working. - Strong knowledge of plants and animals, and a lot of survival know-how, he is an extremely skilled tracker and guide. In addition, he knows enough that he can make potent medicines and remedies out of the local fauna. - He has a spear he made several years ago from strong, flexible bamboo and a blade made from a shard of diamond. He has since trained it in many ways, both as a weapon and a tool. he is also very proficient at using his surroundings to his advantage both in combat and out of it, though much more so in the wilderness than in more urban settings. He carries the blade with him at all times, but normally only carries the staff whenever he's traveling. - "Feral Rage" due to a very mild case of Schizophrania. When he gets a fairly serious wound, generally bordering on fatal or near-fatal, he tends to fly into a berserk rage where he usually tries to tear the nearest living target to shreds. He acts on pure adrenaline at this point, and nothing short of knocking him out will snap him out of it. - And not that it has any special power, but he also has a laugh that definitely speaks of his Hyena chimerate heritage, which to those who haven't heard it before can a very disturbing noise... and can still tend to give the jitters even to those that have heard it

History: As far as he remembers, he was found by a solitary Wolf Chimerate as a baby, who lived in one of the jungles on Foares. He was abandoned by his parents, though he knows neither who they are or why he was abandoned. He was raised by the Chimerate, known as Karaza Zephyr, and taught much about the land and how to live on it and with it. As well as more current skills, how to read and write, as well as geography of Foares and the cities that stood outside the jungles. Karaza had once lived among the outer world, he just chose this simple life over the cares he faced then. Rahn enjoyed this way of life until he was about 18, living entirely away from the advanced world... well, aside from the vehicles that flew overhead, something that always amazed Rahn. But then, his mentor abruptly died of heart failure, not surprising as Karaza was nearing 60 years old, and had fallen ill shortly before. After mourning the loss, he lived on his own for a year longer, and then began to wonder of what was outside his jungle home.

He ventured through the jungle, spear in hand, and soon came to a small city. After a brief period of curious exploration, he soon accidentally ended up in a job assisting a group of explorers mapping and studying the jungle he had once called home. He stayed with them afterwards, traveling with them to a major city on the planet, and has been assisting them in research ever since. He rarely has any scientific input, but the unusual insight he always has to offer on their projects has always been helpful to them, and he's also very strong and willing to assist whenever his physical ability is needed. He has been with them for almost 3 years, though he doesn't know how old he was exactly when he joined up with them. He currently lives at the institute on Foares the exploring company uses as a home base. He is most fascinated with the technologies of the society he has found himself living in, and often gets in over his head with more advanced ones. He has, however, figured out the use of most common firearms, as well as the normal devices used on a daily basis by the explorers. He also likes to read quite a bit in his spare time, and generally has a book shoved somewhere in one of his many pockets, ranging from adventure novels to books on technology. He also someday dreams of learning how to pilot some kind of flying device, but so far that doesn't seem to be anything more than a dream (and letting him near the controls of anything of the sort is highly not reccommended).

Family: - Karaza Zephyr (dead) - No known biological relatives

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