The Kool

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 04:09, 16 November 2007 by The Kool (Talk | contribs)

I finally figured out how to get this page up, so here ya go. I ran out of room on my sig, so I put my inventory here. I'm trying to start a game, so I've got a little info on that as well. I'm not in any games myself, so I don't have any characters.


  • 1 Highly customized TF gun
    • randomize
    • rapid-fire
    • delay
  • 1 Enchanted diamond katana
  • 1 Uryuom work suit
  • 2 Chaos cookies
  • 1 Bag of salt-n-glass cookies
  • 1 Normal(?) cookie
  • 6 Cans unlabeled soda
  • 1 Unmarked pack of what could be gum
  • 1 Slice magic flavor changing pie
  • 1 Mashed potato ball
  • 1 Can of mackerel
  • 1 Dead fish
  • 1 Catnip mouse
  • 1 Squirrel teddy
  • 1 Used brick
  • 1 Shiny hubcap
  • 1 Set of markers
  • 1 Grey-Magic pen
  • 1 Infinite scroll of Doom-ish
  • 1 Towel
  • 1 Decorated yo-yo
  • 1 Infinite bag of dice
  • 1 Super-bouncy ball
  • 1 Magic color-changing slinky
  • ~ Random things

TF: Tedd(/Tess) Forces

There are an infinite number of realities. Yours is in a branch that is constantly at war. The branch is divided into realms, each one designated by two letters - yours is Charlie-Romeo, or CR. Each reality in a realm has a three number designation to go after the realm designation, such as CR-285. The common connecting factor between these realities is that they are at war, a constant war between the Lords Tedd and the Tedd(/Tess) Forces, aka the TF. Each realm is divided into three zones: the white zone, the black zone, and the gray zone. The white zone(with around 400 realities at any given time) includes the realities controlled by the TF. These realities mostly know nothing of the war, and live in innocent peace, though a few do know. The black zone(with around 400 realities) includes the realities controlled by the Lords Tedd. These realities suffer from tyranny and oppression, though the mostly don't know why, and don't know about the war, though some do know. The gray zone(with around 100 realities) is the battlefield. These realities mostly don't have a Tedd, and therefore were pulled in as neutral ground to fight over. These realities are mostly your typical devastated world, a big ruin, with the people living in hiding, though some live mostly in ignorance of the war raging on in the underground of their world. There are around 100 'empty' realities in each realm, designations that don't have a reality. These are often completely devastated worlds, or worlds where the Tedd has died.

What I have so far there is the set-up. You have one TF group from each reality that basically includes Tedd(or Tess) as the leader, Grace, Nanase, and Elliot. This isn't always the case, as all realities are different, and each group is slightly different in some way, though they mostly follow that pattern. What I'm having trouble deciding is whether the game should be run as one group(and maybe more later), with each player a different person, or whether each player should control a whole group.

I expect posting to be in the third person, present tense, with speech surrounded by quotation marks AND in either bold or color, and with thoughts in italics without quotation marks. Eg: Joe walks into the room and sits down. "How's it going?" he asks his buddy. Man, he looks nervous. I wonder if he's okay? I fully expect posts to be longer than that. I know people have a tendency to post short posts during a conversation, but I expect posts to include at least one action or reaction, even such as fidgeting or smiling.

What I'm trying to start here is something with a loose plot-type-thing, large player input as to what direction it goes. I'm more for winging' it than planning out stories in advance, if you know what I mean.

If done as individuals, each person would be who they want to be, doesn't matter if it doesn't fit well. There would have to be a bit of collaborating though. If done as groups, you would have multiple groups working together, and each player would design their own group as they wish, changing someone's gender, making someone twins, or even adding their own unique character, one not in the comic. I really don't mind either way. If we decide single group, though, I may want to play Tedd, for plot and game-running convenience. I don't have to, but it would be nice.

However that works out, the basic gear includes, but is not limited to:

  • a blaster(the Tedd that invented it must have like Star Wars)
  • a TF gun
  • a stasis gun(slows the target down to 1/10 speed, be it a charging rhino, or a falling building. Lasts for 1 minute.)
  • a power pack recharger, with one spare power pack, which blasters, TF guns, and stasis guns all run on. Power packs take 15 minutes to charge.

I'll let you determine when you charge your packs, as it doesn't really matter, except for the stasis gun. NOTE: The stasis gun only gets 10 shots per power pack!

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