
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 17:02, 20 October 2007 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Hello people! I'm new to the EGS forums (and this wiki). I don't want to clog up my sig with inventory, so I'll be listing any Items I get here.



  • 6 TF Guns
  • 1 six pack of unlabelled soda
  • 1 squirrel teddy
  • 1 dead fish
  • 1 cookie wrapped in shiny paper
  • 1x Salvation Coupon (from Doomsayer)
  • a pair of bunny ears
  • 1 30-foot tall, animate, time travelling, twilighty dusk colored, yoshi plushie, told that I am it's master. (from TheGreatYoshiRider)
  • 1 yard stick with 9.4 inches missing (from TheGreatYoshiRider)
  • 750 Monopoly Euro (from TheGreatYoshiRider)
  • yo-yo (from Zolis) (colored black with a green spiral)
  • 1 ball of Ekiness (from EkiEki)
  • a pair of space-coloured sunglasses (from Nikolai)
  • a shiny hubcap (from Cheez)
  • a can of mackerel (from Cheez)
  • bag of salt-n-glass cookies (from Cheez)
  • 4 kilograms of unspecified raw meat (from Cheez)
  • a blank newspaper (from The Owl)
  • Yarnball of Distraction (from Kalga)
  • 1 squoshi plushie (from......let's say eman)

Items given out

  • Dusklight- a flashlight that creates shadows instead of light

Twilightdusk on the forums

I browse the main forum and the mayhem forum any time I am online. I don't post in everything but I do post if I have something to say. I am somewhat interested in RPs, and have made approved characters for 2 of them

Twilightdusk the RPer

I have made characters for the following RPs

I am somewhat inexperienced at RPing, but I think I am getting better at it (or I was better than I thought I was).

RP characters

Parthenon High

Name: Torkell

Apparent Age: 15

Actual Age: 4

Domains: weather and electricity

Gender: male

Build: between thin and average

Hair: yellow

Eyes: glowing yellow

Other Appearance: wears comfortable fitting clothes, not too tight or too loose, usually nothing more than a yellow or blue shirt, pants, and shoes.

Personality: Very erratic in nature, sometimes trying to keep to himself, sometimes trying to get into the spotlight. sometimes wishing to be alone, and the next second talking amongst his friends at the center of the conversation. When stopping to think about he, he usually attributes his personality to the domains which he is part of, weather being shifting in nature and lightning being seen as fast and sometimes random. He also assumes that once he learns control of his abilities, that his personality will solidify somewhat, and until then he will just go with the flow so to speak.


The forces of nature see storms at sea causing shipwrecks, tornadoes on land killing thousands, and also see life-giving rain and sun as part of the same powers. Requiring a figure to control those powers, the forces created Torkell, with the potential power to control storms to not kill innocent people and provide rain and sunlight to those in need of it.

However the forces overlooked one drastic detail, though Torkell had the power to control the weather, he had little idea of how to use it, and was easily swayed by the weather into doing little more than amplifying existing conditions, for better or worse. after trying for four long years to control his abilities, Torkell learns of Parthenon High from a conversation, carried by the wind. The weather itself being in a calm mood at the time, Torkell was able to think about what he just heard, and realized that this might be what he has been looking for, that this may be what he needs to finally control his powers. Some lighting sparking around him with his excitement, he begins preparations required to attend the school (creating a body to attend in, figuring out the language and so on)

Family: none

The World We Live In

Name: Lunia

Domain: dreams and water

Usual appearance: Female, floating on on what appears to be an upwards flowing waterfall. has blue skin and wears a flowing blue robe. Carries a harp in one hand and a blue staff in the other, the staff is topped with a blue gem which looks as if it is made of water

Chosen Race: Seakie ("see-kay"), a race that appears half human and half fish(as such, any given one can look like unique, combining aspects of humans with any fish you could think of). Very capable swimmers as most choose to live in the water for most of their lives. should they spend more than a day on dry land they become very weak from lack of water. The leader, usually a king, wears a robe similar to Lunia's, except it is made out of brilliant fish scales, as opposed to water. The priests wear robes of special water resistant silk gifted to them by Lunia. Will normally not go warring with other races, but will not hesitate to defend their land with spears and tridents (as well as some water magic from the priests).

Personality: calm and kind, Lunia is not a war goddess, she would much prefer peace to constant fighting.

Other info: As the goddess of dreams she goes throughout the land, an indication of her presence is calm, peaceful dreams of anyone sleeping in the general area she is in (as long as she chooses to have this happen, if passing through an area that has offended her the opposite will happen) and occasionally one will be fortunate enough for her to send them a message in their sleep.

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