
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:57, 26 November 2006 by Nokvok (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Etk Race: Ectoic Appearance: Typically toic, red-white Exoskeletton, large for his species (thus around 2'5" in diameter, 2'5" high Torso around 3'1" long legs, for a total high of 5'4"). There are no details a Non-toic would notice, but he is relatively 'handsome' and thus quickly faced with aggressions from other Yctoic Occupation</u>: Etk is an above-average Pilot and excellent Navigator, realspace as well as hyperspace. He has the basic engeneering knowledge to maintains his Vessel and repair minor damage. He is trained in a curious sortiment of weaponary, but more out of tradition than actual interest. On the Homeworld he was into traffic logistics.

Mentality: Traditionalist. He is curious and eager to learn and has a weakness for betting and risky tradings... he is not bad at it, thought. As most Ectoic he seeks a new home in a tensionless enviroment.

Equipment: - A 30 yard long and 8 yard in diameter sized Spaceship with zero comfort but all sorts of usefull things... like a hyperspace drive and strong weaponary. It Repulsor drives provide excellet real space performance. - A nano-crystalic body armor, silvery shimmering. It stops most low and medium energetic Kinetic Projectils as well as weak blasters. It has a good chance to reflect or distort Laserbeams. - Some medium potent firearms. - a set of Vibroknifes - may be some generic 'gizmos' I can't think up right now but might find logical for him to have later in game.

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