Talk:Grand Author Council

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 18:13, 25 November 2006 by Joat (Talk | contribs)

Heh. You don’t know how tempting it is to put this in the “good” category. Down with 1337-speak! Down with chatspeak! And flashing me won’t work, for I have Calica. -Joat

Huh. I wonder what a Grand Author Council is.... *FLASH* Huh. I wonder what a Grand Author Council is.... *FLASH* Huh. I wonder what a Grand Author Council is.... *FLASH* Huh. I wonder what a Grand Author Council is.... *FLASH* Huh. I wonder what a Grand Author Council is.... *FLASH* ....And so on. -PB

As much as I hate all the things that the council stands against, doing so annonomously is just cowardice. Bad RP-ers and typers should be taught that what they're doing is wrong. Senseless flaming does nothing but cause hatred.--ChroniclerC 23:49, 24 November 2006 (EST)

Yeah. I tell people to stop chatspeaking and leetspeaking, but at least I do so with a polite tone. Well, the first time, anyway. -Sylver (Joat’s pet robotic dog)

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