July 28th, 2011 - Grand Theft Tardis

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:17, 31 July 2011 by Binarywraith (Talk | contribs)
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[19:33] <NiteBrite> The group went back in time to a far off land to heal up Nods wound using the Time Stream. Because time heals all wounds B|

[19:33] <NiteBrite> This works, but then toaster raptors show up and battle happens.

[19:34] <NiteBrite> Time stream water, which reverses time, is the weapon of choice. It reverts the toaster raptors into baby toasters.

[19:35] <NiteBrite> The elder toaster raptor was turned into a smaller version of itself.

[19:35] <NiteBrite> WO got on of his wings wet with the water, and NB got a good soak too.

[19:36] <NiteBrite> So it turns out that Time Stream water has "horrible side effects" which DrMoon explains

[19:37] <NiteBrite> DrMoon knows someone who can help. The group makes it back into the TARDIS fighting off a few remaining hidden toaster raptors along the way

[19:38] <NiteBrite> The TARDIS takes off and lands somewhen in a spooky ominous mountain range.

[19:38] <NiteBrite> And that is the basic recap

[19:38] <NiteBrite> any questions/additions?


[19:46] <NiteBrite> And Begin:

[19:46] <DrMoon> *opens the TARDIS doors*

[19:47] * nod was asleep in a corner

[19:47] <DrMoon> Nar: Outside, the wind howls through the steep cliffs and valleys of the eerie looking Mountain range you have landed on.

[19:48] <DrMoon> Yes, this looks like the right place.

[19:48] <MarissaInaba> >:| your 'friend' had better be here.

[19:49] <DrMoon> *points up at the mountain peak* He lives just up there

[19:50] <DrMoon> Nar: There is a cave near the peak, barely visible due to the distance

[19:50] <Anthrax> So why didn't we land up there!

[19:51] <Anthrax> You're like an expert TARDIS pilot or whatever right?

[19:51] <DrMoon> Of course I could have landed up there. That's easy.

[19:52] <DrMoon> But no, we'll be climbing up the old fashioned way.

[19:53] <DrMoon> *Grabs some rope, and other climbing gear*

[19:53] <MarissaInaba> >:|

[19:54] <NiteBrite> This seems a bit pointless...

[19:54] * MarissaInaba is still in a cast

[19:58] <DrMoon> It's not pointless. We can't just break into somepony's home, and demand their stuff. He's the sort of guy who would totally fly of the handle about something like that, and believe me you don't want to make this hot head angry.

[20:00] <NiteBrite> I guess that kind of makes sense...

[20:01] <nod> *snore*

[20:02] <Anthrax> *whispers to Marissa* What say we have Sweetie pilot us up there while his back is turned?\

[20:04] <Anthrax> If we can deal with zombie manticore nightmare princesses, then why not just go up there, consequences be darned.

[20:04] * MarissaInaba whispers back. "Definately. I ain't climbing that mountain."

[20:06] <Anthrax> Okay, get Nite to go back inside, I'll distract him then make a break for it when he's not looking.

[20:07] <DrMoon> What are you waiting for, seize the day! Lets get climbing already, ey.

[20:07] <MarissaInaba> Right. *goes and grabs NB by the tail* c'mon back here, you.

[20:07] <NiteBrite> *is pulled* O_O what's up?

[20:07] * toaster_raptor bites nod

[20:07] <MarissaInaba> Just stay in here for a bit.

[20:08] <nod> hun wah im up

[20:08] <Anthrax> Hey DrMoon, there's something weird up there *points towards the moon*

[20:08] <DrMoon> What? Where? *looks up* What is it?

[20:09] <Anthrax> It's right *knocks his rope and gear over the cliff edge*

[20:09] <Anthrax> SHOOT.

[20:09] <DrMoon> Hey! My gear. *kneels over the cliff to check on it*

[20:10] <Anthrax> *flees inside* Doors! Doors!

[20:10] <MarissaInaba> Right! *door close button go*

[20:10] <DrMoon> Doors? DOORS! HEY WAIT! *gets up a little to late*

[20:11] <DrMoon> Nar: Doors close with DrMoon outside

[20:11] <NiteBrite> What.

[20:11] <nod> hey whats going on

[20:11] <NiteBrite> Did you just lock DrMoon outside?

[20:12] <MarissaInaba> Yes. I am NOT climbing a mountain.

[20:12] <NiteBrite> But what about making the only pony who can help us angry?

[20:13] <Anthrax> Bah! We can deal with whatever. We're the Elements of Friggin' Harmony.

[20:14] <MarissaInaba> Then we don't go into his house with the TARDIS? There's nothing stopping us from just goiung outside his door and knocking like a normal person.

[20:14] <Anthrax> Sweetie, take the helm.

[20:14] <nod> doent that meen we have to be nice as in not locking the doctor out of his own TARDIS

[20:15] <Sweetness> Aye aye. *takes her position at the control console* Ready and waiting.

[20:15] <NiteBrite> I kind of feel bad stranding him here like that.

[20:15] <MarissaInaba> He's a huge jerk.

[20:16] <Anthrax> Besides, he'll be fine.

[20:16] <MarissaInaba> It's not like he's trapped there forever. We'll be back for him after we fix his mess.

[20:17] <Anthrax> But even if we did, I have to say that if he can live on the moon for 100 years than he can certainly live on some dumb old rock.

[20:17] <MarissaInaba> Plus, he's a huge jerk. Can't emphasize that point enough.

[20:17] <Sweetness> Bad Anthrax, we will come back for him later.

[20:18] <Sweetness> *awaits the signal to start the flight*

[20:19] <MarissaInaba> Kick it, Sweetness.

[20:19] <Sweetness> *kicks it*

[20:19] <nod> but but

[20:20] <Sweetness> Tardis: Whir WHIR WHIR >: [

[20:20] <Sweetness> Nar: Tardis seems to object to leaving the doctor

[20:20] <Sweetness> 9_6 hmmm

[20:20] <Sweetness> *KICKS IT HARDER*

[20:21] <Sweetness> Tardis: *takes off*

[20:21] <Sweetness> There we go

[20:21] <Sweetness> Lift off ^_^

[20:21] <MarissaInaba> Right.

[20:21] <Sweetness> Tardis: BUMPIEST, RIDE, EVER

[20:21] <nod> sorry doctor

[20:22] <Sweetness> Nar: The group lands next to the cave at the top of the mountain

[20:22] <MarissaInaba> Don't appologize. He's a jerk. *to the door!*

[20:23] <NiteBrite> *looks a bit shorter and younger*

[20:24] <NiteBrite> Owie @_@

[20:24] <nod> maybe but he knew who could help and we dont

[20:25] <Anthrax> *opens the doors* GEEEZ TARDIS, GEEZ with that crazy ride.

[20:25] * MarissaInaba calmly heads over to the cave entrance. "Nonsense! Clearly it's whoever lives in this cave!"

[20:26] <nod> *calmly looks at MI* and there name is?

[20:27] <Sweetness> Nar: The giant cave it is too dark to see inside for a little ways, but the glow of a torch can be seen at the back of the cave, just as the cave turns hard to the right.

[20:27] <MarissaInaba> We can ask them when we find them. *turns on her hornlight* Hello?

[20:27] <NiteBrite> *follows Marissa to the cave*

[20:28] <Sweetness> Nar: The only reply is Marissa's voice echoed across the deep chamber's walls.

[20:28] <MarissaInaba> Right. Well, we did let him know we're here, so it's not tresspassing if we go to look for him... right?

[20:29] <Sweetness> Mare-rator: Marissa will see a narrow bridge with along a deep pitfall that was hidden in the dark. The pitfall ends just about at the edge of the torch light's reach at the far end of the cave.

[20:30] <NiteBrite> Watch that first step... It's a doozy

[20:30] <MarissaInaba> ...

[20:30] <MarissaInaba> Right. I've dealt with scarier.

[20:30] * MarissaInaba calmly and slowly makes her way across the bridge

[20:32] <nod> *nervously looks at bridge* we have bad luck when it comes to these things

[20:32] <Sweetness> Narrator: Inside the cave, it is very warm, which is odd because it was somewhat cold outside. Warm air blows gently up from below slightly lifting our ponys' manes.

[20:34] <Sweetness> This... feels odd *mane hair billowing upwards due to warm draft from below*

[20:34] * MarissaInaba keeps on going without looking down

[20:35] <NiteBrite> *Looks over the edge, can't see anything as it is too deep and dark.*

[20:35] <NiteBrite> I wonder how deep this pit is.

[20:35] <MarissaInaba> Please don't talk about how deep the pit is.

[20:36] <Sweetness> Nar: *nod suddenly shrinks a few inches as the time stream water exposure de-ages him a year*

[20:36] <MarissaInaba> We need to get going faster.

[20:36] <nod> why dose the grownd sudenly feal cloaser

[20:37] <NiteBrite> *is walking too* Maybe if I drop something down there and count the seconds until it thunks into the ground... *looks for something to drop*

[20:37] * MarissaInaba picks up the pace a little; she's actually being a little reckless.

[20:38] * nod walks along yawning as he does

[20:38] <NiteBrite> HEY slow up a bit! If you take the horn light away I can't see my footing

[20:39] <Sweetness> Nar: the narrow rock bridge isn't exactly straight, level, of a consistent width.

[20:39] <MarissaInaba> We don't have time to slow down! I'd rather avoid Nod shrinking to nothing and Whiteout's wing becoming a baby wing.

[20:40] <NiteBrite> I've shrunk too *picks up the pace* or did you forget I got splashed too (NB was always pretty short so the difference is hardly noticeable)

[20:41] <MarissaInaba> Yes, that too.

[20:41] <Sweetness> Nar: WO's wing is half size.

[20:41] <nod> yea *yawn* pluss i would like to get there before i fall asleep again

[20:41] <MarissaInaba> Now pick up the pace before you get un-alive'd.

[20:42] <Sweetness> And this blow drier from the deep is giving me major creeps. *hurries along*

[20:42] * nod dashes to keep up

[20:43] <Sweetness> Nar: The group gets to the back wall where the torch is. There is a small door like entrance next to it around a corner. On the door is a sign that reads, "Trespassers Beware!"

[20:44] * MarissaInaba knocks.

[20:45] <Sweetness> Nar: The knock sounds weird, like knocking against a solid wall.

[20:45] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[20:45] <NiteBrite> Well now what

[20:45] <Anthrax> We go inside. Duh

[20:45] <MarissaInaba> Excuse me? Is anyone there?

[20:46] * nod fell asleep

[20:46] <Sweetness> *Only echos respond*

[20:46] <Anthrax> One side. I'mma open it

[20:47] * MarissaInaba holds up a hoof. "Excuse me, but we were told you could help us? There was this river that flowed backwards and now our friends are de-aging."

[20:47] <Anthrax> *grabs the door handle in her mouth and pulls*

[20:47] <Anthrax> Grr. Thissh ish heavy. *the door moves slowly as Anthrax strains to pull it open*

[20:48] <MarissaInaba> And the person who told us about the river in the first place didn't tell us that it would do that to us and that you could fix us.

[20:49] <Anthrax> Nar: When the door is half way open, the ponies who are not Antrax may look inside and see that behind the door is a small recess and a solid wall behind it. The door leads no where. BUT WAIT WHAT IS THAT

[20:49] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[20:51] <Anthrax> Nar: Attached to the back of the door is a large rope that goes up into the roof of the recess through a rope sized hole. Apparently, whatever is on the otherside of this rope is the heavy thing that Antrax is struggling to pull against.

[20:51] * MarissaInaba turns up the light to see if she can get a better look at what's on the other end of the rope.

[20:51] <Anthrax> *doesn't see inside the door as she is pulling it open still* *continues to pull it open more*

[20:53] <Anthrax> Nar: The hole is too small to see much more than rope leading upward. Also it is close to the back wall so it is akward to try and crane your neck against the wall and look into it at any kind of decent angle.

[20:54] * MarissaInaba turns up the light more. "There's something tied to the door that's keeping it from opening. I'm going to try and break it."

[20:54] <Anthrax> I've almosh goh it all the way open

[20:55] <NiteBrite> Warn Anthrax before you do. WO, stand behind her. We wouldn't want a suddenly unburdened Anthrax to go backpedling into the doom pit.

[20:56] <NiteBrite> *backpedaling

[20:56] <MarissaInaba> Right. Careful, Anthrax, I'm about to break the rope.

[20:56] * MarissaInaba attempts to break the rope with magic.

[20:57] <Sweetness> Nar: The rope snaps easily. Anthrax is thrown back a little, but WO catches her.

[20:57] <Sweetness> Nar: The other end of the rope goes flying up into hole at a high speed.

[20:58] * MarissaInaba ducks her head out of there quickly in case something falls

[20:58] <Sweetness> Bells: GONG! GONG! GONG! GONG! GONG!

[20:58] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[20:59] <nod> *gonging woke nod up*

[20:59] <Sweetness> Nar: apparently it was, like giant church bells, on the other end of the rope. They are extremely loud and deafening.



[21:00] <Sweetness> Cave: *shakes quite a bit with the reverberation of the bell music* *some small pointy stalactites fall chip at the bridge as they fall into the pit below*

[21:00] <NiteBrite> WHAT

[21:01] <MarissaInaba> OH CRAP THE BRIDGE!


[21:01] * MarissaInaba frantically attempts to save the bridge using telekinesis


[21:02] <Sweetness> Nar: Marrisa is able to keep the bridge safe by redirecting more of the falling rocks into the pit below.

[21:04] <Sweetness> Nar: *the bells stop after a few more seconds and things calm down once again*

[21:04] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[21:04] <MarissaInaba> Well, that went well..

[21:04] <Sweetness> Nar: A cool breeze blows into the chilly cave

[21:04] <Sweetness> Indeed.

[21:05] <MarissaInaba> Still don't regret ditching Doctor Moon.


[21:05] <NiteBrite> WHAT DOES THAT MEAN

[21:05] <NiteBrite> *his ears are still ringing*

[21:07] <Sweetness> Cave: much cooler now that the pesky warm updraft has stopped blowing. Everypony's manes can rest easy as they aren't being blown upwards anymore.

[21:07] <MarissaInaba> Hello? Is there anypony in there?

[21:07] <Anthrax> There was no more cave. The doctor clearly flubbed again.

[21:08] <Anthrax> Like maybe we are a 100 years too late or something

[21:08] <MarissaInaba> Probably. *goes into the room to check just to be sure*

[21:09] <NiteBrite> *shrinks to young colt size and has a kiddy voice*

[21:09] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[21:09] <nod> oh dear thats not good

[21:09] <NiteBrite> Maybwe we hawe to cwimb down there? *point to the pit bottom*

[21:10] <nod> *trys to hide a snicker at NB's voice*

[21:11] <MarissaInaba> Right. Me and NB and Nod can stay up here because we are injured and de-aging, respectively.

[21:12] <Sweetness> I'll go down with WO and take a look see.

[21:12] <MarissaInaba> Right.

[21:12] <MarissaInaba> Anthrax, you can go down with them if you want, but you're an earth pony, so it'd be easier to stay up here.

[21:13] <Sweetness> *sweetness and WO give each other a nod.*

[21:13] <Anthrax> Shoot

[21:13] <Anthrax> We need more earth pony challenges, like lifting things.

[21:14] <Sweetness> > Sweetness and WO: Descend

[21:14] * Sweetness closes the RP

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