July 26th, 2011 - Interlude : The Doctor

From Egs Mayhem

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<NiteBrite> Okay, if I remember correctly, last time our little ponies fought NMM and caused her to explode leaving behind a confused and sad Luna.

<MarissaInaba> Who Marissa naturally tried to befriend because she is kind of a kiss-up.

<NiteBrite> The explosion bits, or rainbow spectrumy light thingies, scattered to the far corners of Equestria

<NiteBrite> The Tardis goes and gets DrMoon back, and he goes and gets the original Derpy back. They then show up on the roof and stuff

<NiteBrite> Then they talk or something and my memory forgets the rest

<Whiteout> The two derpy-eyed mares hug, and fail entirely to explode.

<NiteBrite> Any questions/comments/additions?

<Whiteout> Luna mentions missing her sister, prompting very confused ponies. A description of her mentions a 'sun', deeply confusing a certain pegasus who is quite familiar with what is and isn't in the sky.

<NiteBrite> *nod nod* anything more?

<nod> nod was still heavly indured in the fight and could not be healed by normal means

<NiteBrite> Oh yeah, and Marissa was in a wheel chair thing for broken ribs or whatever

<Whiteout> (Our cast is a bit on the beat up side just now.)

<NiteBrite> Plus, now that NMM never did get to unleash the zombies, TIME TRAVEL PARADOX ACTION


<NiteBrite> Okay, and begin:

<DrMoon> *Is being doctorly*

<MarissaInaba> Uh... nice to finally meet you face to face, Doctor Moon.

<MarissaInaba> Could you please explain who this is and how you know her and @_@

<DrMoon> Ah yes, right. You lot, this is Derpy Hooves, my assistant. Derpy Hooves, you lot.

<DrMoon> Derpy: Hi ^_^

  • nod was just lying on the grownd trying to keep his head up

<MarissaInaba> (She was refering to Luna, not Derpy. That's already been explained)

  • Whiteout gives the grey mare a tired but friendly nod before going back to eyeing the alicorn with confused worry.

<NiteBrite> No Doctor, I think Marissa meant this little filly here *points to Luna*

<DrMoon> Oh, you mean Princess Luna?

<MarissaInaba> Yes. You already said that was her name. Since when was there a princess Luna.

<Whiteout> And just what the hay is this 'sun' she's goin' on about?

<MarissaInaba> Yeah, that too.

<DrMoon> A good question, I've never looked into her exact birthday. Well she's been around at least 1000 years.

<MarissaInaba> What.

<Whiteout> o_O

<MarissaInaba> WHAT.

<MarissaInaba> Back up and explain please.

<DrMoon> Luna is over 1000 years old. Powerful magic users are able to slow the aging process

<DrMoon> Some say she can even halt it.

<DrMoon> Now, *turns to WO* what was your question again lad?

  • Sweetness hangs out with Derpy

<MarissaInaba> ._.

  • Whiteout shakes off his shock. "The, er, Princess here mentioned something 'bout having a sister, and something to do with a 'sun' that's in the sky?"

<NiteBrite> Halt aging??? How does that work?

  • MarissaInaba suddenly regrets giving up on her magic. "Uh... yeah, we're gonna need to know that to be able to find her sister..."

<DrMoon> AH yes, the sun. Its been far too long since I've seen its warmth and beauty glow.

<MarissaInaba> Yes but what IS it?

<Whiteout> Now call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure there's no such thing up there.

<DrMoon> How to explain it in a way you can understand. Well, the sun is basically, this big burning ball of gas

<MarissaInaba> D:

<Whiteout> Ooookaaay...

  • MarissaInaba turns to Luna. "And your sister had that as a cutie mark!?

<MarissaInaba> "

<DrMoon> So big in fact that you could stuff this planet into it over one hundred times and still have lots of room to spare

<Sweetness> Luna: *nods*

<MarissaInaba> ... 0_0

<Whiteout> ... Okay, ya lost me there, Doc. I'd have noticed somethin' like that.

<MarissaInaba> ... are you two just making fun of us? Or what?

<Sweetness> Well just a little. I mean I was underselling it a quite bit. Its more like a million planets would fit inside.

<MarissaInaba> What.

<DrMoon> Would you like to see it?

  • Whiteout raises an eyebrow at Marissa. "I think somepony's pullin' our legs."

<MarissaInaba> If it actually exists fot you to show it to us.

<DrMoon> *nods* Well, Luna could in theory raise it, but since she seems to be grieving there is another way

<DrMoon> *opens the TARDIS door* care to take a little trip?

<MarissaInaba> ...

<MarissaInaba> Well, first we should help Nod.

<DrMoon> Who?

  • nod nods

<MarissaInaba> He got stabbed by Nightmare Moon's horn.

<NiteBrite> The injured one.

  • Whiteout nods. "That's a lot more important than invisible balls of burning sky-gas."

<DrMoon> OH RIGHT!

<DrMoon> Come on hurry, lets get him inside.

<DrMoon> I know just the pony to help

<NiteBrite> You okay to move Nod?

  • nod strugels to stand

<NiteBrite> *helps*

<MarissaInaba> ... aren't you a Doctor?

<nod> a ... bit

<DrMoon> Not that kind of Doctor

Jul 26 19:38:47 <MarissaInaba> Okay.

<DrMoon> More of a scholar

<MarissaInaba> then let's go.

<DrMoon> *goes inside*

<NiteBrite> *helps Nod inside*

<Sweetness> *continues chatting away with her grandmare*

<nod> *is helped inside*

<Whiteout> *follows*

<Sweetness> *as they walk inside behind the others*

  • MarissaInaba also follows.

<DrMoon> Alright then! Off we go. *turns on the radio* I meant to do that.

<MarissaInaba> ... did you seriously forget how to pilot the TARDIS?

<DrMoon> Of course not, don't be silly. I- I just really like this station. It's my jam. *hits the right sequence of keys this time and off they goooo*

  • Whiteout just closes his eyes and leans towards Dusty, muttering under his breath. "We're doomed. Again."

<Sweetness> Derpy: *secretly is helping him fly*

<MarissaInaba> Suuuuure you do. *wooop*

<DrMoon> Aha, it feels great to be off that dusty old moon and to be out adventuring again.

  • nod lies down. walking is a lot harder then he remebered

<MarissaInaba> I'd rather you put all your focus on getting to wherever we're going faster.

<DrMoon> Right *throws a lever, the TARDIS seems to accelerate*


<DrMoon> *holds on to the control console mightily*

<MarissaInaba> ._.

<DrMoon> 5. 4. 3. 2. ...

<NiteBrite> *braces for impact*

<Whiteout> *hits the back wall with an entirely expected thump, followed by the softer thump of another pegasus landing on him*

<MarissaInaba> Agh! *krash*

  • nod slides on ground

<MarissaInaba> Ow.

<DrMoon> TARDIS: *Lands gently*

<MarissaInaba> X_X

<DrMoon> And we've landed! *turns* Oy, why are you all flopping around back there?

  • Sweetness is now known as Derpy
  • Whiteout just gives the Doctor a very flat look as he works his way back to his hooves. "For our health."

<MarissaInaba> X_X

<Derpy> Another smooth landing as always Doctor! ^_^ *seems to still be standing*

<Derpy> *has incredible balance*

<MarissaInaba> oh Celestia, I think I may have broken some more ribs there.

<Derpy> I especially liked all the loopty-loops

<DrMoon> But there were no loopty-loops

<Derpy> 9_6 oh right

<NiteBrite> @_@

<MarissaInaba> Ow.

<NiteBrite> @_@ *attempts to stand* Everypony okay?

<MarissaInaba> No.

<DrMoon> Relax, we've made it to the Time Stream.

<MarissaInaba> Ow.

<Whiteout> I think I'm actually getting used to being thrown into walls. @_@

<DrMoon> Get it, because time heals all wounds? Ey? Huh, time ^_~

<DrMoon> *is pleased with his pun*

<nod> ugh *bad pun was bad*

<MarissaInaba> So... who exactly are we looking for?

<MarissaInaba> Ow.

  • MarissaInaba is probably gonna need more attention from Anthrax later.

<DrMoon> Its basically what it sounds like, a beautiful stream in a magestic forest whose waters have extrodinary medicinal properties.

<Whiteout> Sounds handy.

<DrMoon> And you're lucky I was piloting. Who else but I could have landed you all so close? *flips the door switch open*

<MarissaInaba> (And we're exactly where we started)

<DrMoon> Narrator: Outside is a dust storm. They have very apparently landed in the middle of a desert wasteland.

<MarissaInaba> ...

<DrMoon> No need to thank me

<Whiteout> >_<

<MarissaInaba> uh...

<MarissaInaba> Are you sure that this is right?

<DrMoon> Of course. See, these are the coordinates and everything. *points to a display written in ancient Gallifreyan*

<DrMoon> Why do you ask?

<DrMoon> *has not looked outside yet*

  • Whiteout eyes Doctor Moon. "Because a blasted desert ain't gonna do us any good, and if you're messin' around for giggles while our friends are hurtin', I'm gonna stomp ya inta a puddle."

<DrMoon> What.

<MarissaInaba> Yeah, what he said.

<DrMoon> What. Desert? *walks outside* That's impossible.

<MarissaInaba> Sweetness, from now on you're our official Pilot, okay?

<Derpy> *checks the display* No, this is the right place.

<Derpy> Something is wrong.

  • Whiteout facehoof.
  • MarissaInaba remains skeptical

<DrMoon> There should be a forest here.

<MarissaInaba> This is stupid. We really don't have time to be futzing around when our friend is hurt.

<NiteBrite> Maybe there was a forest. But you've been gone like a long time right. Maybe something happened to it while you were away.

<NiteBrite> Couldn't we just go back a zillion years or however long ago you left and visit the forest then?

<DrMoon> Hey, I have an idea. Derpy, I've been gone a long time. What if we go back to a time when we know the forest was still here.

<MarissaInaba> >:|

  • Whiteout facehoofs harder.

<Derpy> An excellent idea Dr!

<NiteBrite> But that was my idea

  • MarissaInaba mutters to Whiteout “I don't think I like him”
  • Whiteout nods, hoof still pressed to his forelock.

<DrMoon> *punches up the TARDIS to 200 years ago*

<DrMoon> Okay, second time is the charm.

<DrMoon> TARDIS: *doesn't seem to move at all*

<MarissaInaba> ...

<DrMoon> There we go.

<DrMoon> *flips the door control open*

<MarissaInaba> ...

<DrMoon> Nar: Outside, this time is a beautiful forest*

<MarissaInaba> FINALLY.

<DrMoon> Nar: It is steamy and full of bizzare looking plants and trees.

  • nod glances outside

<MarissaInaba> Let's get him to that river or whatever.

<DrMoon> I present to you, the TIME STREAM! *It is right there just steps away*

<DrMoon> I told you I landed close.

<MarissaInaba> I thought you said we were going to a Pony.

  • MarissaInaba trots over anyway.

<Derpy> Anthrax: You call 200 years off course close?

<Whiteout> Well, it's definitely a stream. *moves to give nod some support to get him outside easier*

<NiteBrite> *helps nod towards the river*

<DrMoon> Ah well, that's more for phase two.

<nod> *is helped up and out*

<MarissaInaba> *well more like rolls over because she's still wheelchair bound for some reason how does that even help when she's got broken ribs*

<DrMoon> Nar: Observent ponies might notice the Time Stream is flowing gently uphill.

<DrMoon> *observant

<MarissaInaba> ... Okay. that's a little impressive.

<NiteBrite> *helps Nod into the river*

<DrMoon> The stream moves backwards through time. As do those submersed in its waters.

<MarissaInaba> ...

<DrMoon> Your body reverts back to an undamaged state.

<MarissaInaba> I think I'll just let my wounds heal naturally.

  • nod was rather shocked at the experience

<nod> woah

<DrMoon> Nar: Nod will get to feel the odd experience of reverse wounds. Its like his body forcefully expelled a unicorn horn and shoved itself back together where the wound once was. So weird.

  • MarissaInaba backs away

<DrMoon> It is the stabbing experience. REVERSED

<MarissaInaba> ... let's just go back.

  • Whiteout noses Marissa. "You sure about that? If we end up back in the kinda trouble that seems to be followin' us around lately, I'd rather not see you hurt yourself more gettin' away."


<MarissaInaba> ._.

  • Whiteout just sighs. "For example."

<Forest> *a velocitoaster appears, a cross between a velociraptor and a toaster*

<MarissaInaba> ._.

Forest> ROAR *toast pops out of it's back*

  • nod gets out of river at high speed

<Whiteout> So this is what madness feels like.

<NiteBrite> Um. Doctor. What is that?

  • MarissaInaba frantically rolls her way back to the TARDIS

<Forest> Nar: The TARDIS is in the direction of the Velocitoaster

<DrMoon> Bad news

  • MarissaInaba flails; falls backwards and out of her chair. "ow."

<DrMoon> There's a reason I land close to this river.

<MarissaInaba> Heeeeelp.

<nod> everypony back in TARDIS

  • Whiteout heads over to scoop up Marissa, then takes off riverward, away from the toaster!

<Velocitoasters> *Multi-Roar*

<Velocitoasters> *Herd the group towards the river*

<DrMoon> Clever creatures. They hunt in packs.

<MarissaInaba> That's nice! How do we get out of here!?

<Velocitoasters> *close in on the group*

<Whiteout> Swim for it?

<DrMoon> I'd rather not.

<MarissaInaba> Hell no.

  • MarissaInaba reeeeally doesn't trust that river.

<Velocitoasters> *push the group closer to the river*

<NiteBrite> Will they follow us?

<DrMoon> What into the river?

<NiteBrite> Yes, into the river?

<DrMoon> No. No of course not, Toasters and water don't mix well

  • Whiteout eyes the group, then griiiins. "Hey, Marissa?"

<MarissaInaba> Don't you dare.

<MarissaInaba> Way too many things that can go wrong with a river that sends you back in time.

<MarissaInaba> Like it'll turn me into a filly or something.

<DrMoon> Sweetness: Dare what?

<MarissaInaba> Or just straight up un-alive me.

  • Whiteout is still grinning. "Oh, I wasn't gonna throw you in. But how do you feel about a little water fight?"

<MarissaInaba> ...

<DrMoon> Nar: Nod should be feeling very good now. All healed up and such

  • MarissaInaba grins. "Oh. I see what you're doing here."

<nod> good idea

<NiteBrite> What? What is he doing? Does it have to do with using our necklace lasers?

<MarissaInaba> Not exactly.

<NiteBrite> *wants to zap the velocitoasters*

<MarissaInaba> Just follow our lead, okay?

<NiteBrite> okay

<NiteBrite> Sweetness and Derpy in unison: Right

<NiteBrite> 9_6 6_9

<MarissaInaba> WO, I'll let you have the honour of starting this.

  • Whiteout can't stop grinning as he gauges the distance to the velocitoasters. "Well, okay, but I don't move things around as easy as you do."

<MarissaInaba> True.

  • MarissaInaba readies her telekinesis

<Velocitoasters> One velocitoaster calls out in its electronic voice: RO-zz-OOO-z-OAR!

<Whiteout> That said... *dips an oversized wing into the river, throwing an arc of water at the nearest raptor*

  • MarissaInaba liiiiiiiifts some water from the river and moves it over the velocitoasters

<Velocitoasters> *this is the signal for the group to charge!*

  • MarissaInaba dumps the water.

<Velocitoasters> Nar: SPARKS FLY!

<Velocitoasters> NAR: Water splashes!

<Velocitoasters> Nar: Drenched velocitoasters revert to be ordinary toasters, but with built in radio!

<NiteBrite> *Is splashed*

<NiteBrite> Watch it!

<Whiteout> *laughs* That did it!

<DrMoon> Careful, its not over yet

<Velocitoasters> *are regular toasters*

<MarissaInaba> ...

<MarissaInaba> Looks pretty damn over.

<nod> dont understand it dont care anymore

<DrMoon> Stay close together. Don't let your guard down

<MarissaInaba> Or are there more waiting?

<DrMoon> *nods while looking around*'

<MarissaInaba> Right.

<MarissaInaba> Let's... just get out of here as fast as possible.

<Velocitoasters> *Some are laying in wait, clever pack hunters they are.*

<Whiteout> *shakes out his wing* Ick. Wet feathers. You alright, Nod?

<MarissaInaba> *lifts a little water just in case*

<NiteBrite> *is rather drenched, but otherwise okay*

<nod> *nod looks at where the hole was* suprisingly yea

<DrMoon> Nar: As the group makes their way back to the TARDIS, several well hidden velocitoasters watch hungrily. Only the occasional *POP* of toast gives away their location.

<DrMoon> We should hurry up and find that pony I mentioned earlier.

<nod> right

  • MarissaInaba tosses the water in the direction of the popping

<Velocitoasters> *pop*

<Velocitoasters> Rooar *is baby-fied*

<Velocitoasters> *baby toaster om nom nom Marissa's wheeled chair*

<MarissaInaba> ... That worked for the others. Why did it not work for this one?

<Whiteout> Dunno, but at least it's relatively harmless now.

<DrMoon> It must have been much older. Perhaps the pack elder?

<nod> *grabs toaster baby*

<MarissaInaba> Let's go after that Pony you mentioned.

<nod> well now its a pet if we can train it

<DrMoon> Right, before the horrible sideffects kick in, we should definitely find go.

<MarissaInaba> Wait what.

<DrMoon> I mean go.

<DrMoon> Find go sounds like we're playing Ponyopoly or something

  • Whiteout glares at the Doctor's back. "Nod. Leave it, or I'm sure it'll turn into something worse later. Let's just get out of here."

<MarissaInaba> >:|

<DrMoon> *totally thinks that was what Marissa was asking about.*

<DrMoon> Nar: They make it inside the TARDIS in once piece.

<MarissaInaba> Back up what side effects.

<nod> .... horrible side effects *the colour drained form nods face.*

<DrMoon> You know, reversed time.

  • nod cluches toaster tightly

<DrMoon> The river, it gets faster the further up hill it flows.

<Whiteout> Now let's just pretend that we're normal everyday ponies who have no ever-lovin' idea what the hay yer talkin' about and explain that last bit!

<MarissaInaba> Yeah what he said.

<DrMoon> The water reverses your time once you come in contact with it. The amount of water only affects the rate at which you reverse as does time after exposure.

<MarissaInaba> What.

<nod> so that meens what exactly

  • Whiteout looks to Marissa. "Mind translatin' that to Equestrian?"

<DrMoon> It works the opposite of what you would expect. You don't dry off over time. Think the opposite.

<MarissaInaba> Oh my god.

<nod> oh. ooooh

<MarissaInaba> What.

<nod> O . O

<MarissaInaba> Dammit, I knew this was a bad idea.

<DrMoon> That's where my friend comes into the picture.

<nod> yea lets find him and hurry

<MarissaInaba> Please.

<DrMoon> I'm certain he will help us. No doubt. Yes, he can almost certainly be convinced to help. I think.

<MarissaInaba> WHAT.

<Whiteout> >_<

<DrMoon> *walks over to the control panel* Don't worry.

<Whiteout> I am startin' to understand how you ended up banished to the moon, Doc.

<DrMoon> I'm sure when he sees his old pal in need he'll jump at the opportunity to lend us his treasure.

<MarissaInaba> Why do I have this horrible, ominous feeling.

<DrMoon> *Sets the coordinates for a long time ago and a spooky mountain range*

<DrMoon> Relax. I'm the Doctor. *Pulls a TARDIS lever*

<nod> *sits in a corner* first i was going to die now im going to be unborn i dont like this trip.

  • DrMoon closes the RP, cut log here
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