July 3rd, 2011 - Sunday Special 1: Elements of Harmony

From Egs Mayhem

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[19:08] <NiteBrite> Let's see. Last time... The doctor told our adventurous ponies about the magical element foci. hrm, Marissa, and SG, and maybe one other pony? My memory is fuzzy, but they stayed up all night studying. SG repaired a coupler. A food machine was found. Um, breakfast was had

[19:08] <NiteBrite> Anthrax was up and about.

[19:09] <DustyFeathers> (For a long session, we didn't have a lot done ^^; )

[19:09] <NiteBrite> Dusty did some exploring. NB colored in a coloring book for a while.

[19:09] <SolidGear> Nod helped with research in his unflappable way.

[19:09] <NiteBrite> ah yes. Nod was third research pony

[19:10] <NiteBrite> No we did stuff, I just have trouble remembering because it was too long for my memory to archive in one memory block

[19:11] <NiteBrite> Um, anyways, its the next morning and we are preparing to go to the Everfree forest

[19:11] <SolidGear> (True, the end result was that our two most cautious ponies are now feeling ready to head out.)

[19:11] <NiteBrite> Oh, whiteout gathered supplies from various places on the TARDIS.

[19:12] <SolidGear> Yesh, that he did.

[19:12] <NiteBrite> and that's about as much as I remember of that session before my brain overheated.

[19:12] <Whiteout> Also, Nite never gets coffee again.

[19:12] <NiteBrite> Oh, hahahaha

[19:12] <NiteBrite> forgot that

[19:12] <NiteBrite> x3

[19:13] <NiteBrite> Anyways. Everyone is in the control room now, or did the all-nighters go get some shut-eye?

[19:14] <NiteBrite> I think maybe we can just skip to the departure into the forest in either case

[19:14] <SolidGear> The all-nighters got some sleep, which was about a half hour for each....though a few hours were spent in cleaning up.


NiteBrite: Okay, and ... Begin:

DrMoon: Psssh Hello? It's me, the Doctor

NiteBrite: Hello, Doctor Moon. How are you?

Sweetness: Doctor? Is that The Doctor? As in the Doctor Doctor?

DrMoon: I'm about as well as can be expected for someone who is trapped on the Moon.

nod: sat down looking confused as to what was going on ... at least this time he wasn't asleep

DustyFeathers: looks surprised at hearing the Doctor's voice.

Whiteout: is listening as well, not quite sure what to think of this yet, but far far past the point of objecting when things get weird...er.

DrMoon: So what have you lot been up to? Discovered the Elements of harmony yet?

NiteBrite: Yes Sweetness, thats the same doctor your grandmare travelled with.

Sweetness: Doctor, we've all become friends just like this book says *holds up the reference guide*

DrMoon: Brilliant, now have.. Hold on here, Derpy? Derpy is that you? *Derpy is Sweetness's grandmare*

MarissaInaba: *listens intently* :|

Whiteout: ... *quiet aside* Are we sure he's not a bit mad?

nod: looks around for this 'drepy'

DustyFeathers: "All Doctors have some degree of madness, apparently..." Dusty jokingly whispers to White.

Sweetness: Actually, doctor, my name is Sweetness, Derpy was my Grandmare

DrMoon: Your grandmare... It has been a long time since I've had contact with Equestria. How is she these days?

Sweetness: She died of old age a while ago. I'm sorry Doctor.

Sweetness: She died of old age a while ago. I'm sorry Doctor.

DrMoon: I'm sorry to here that. She was a wonderful companion.

SolidGear_away is now known as SolidGear

NiteBrite: Um Doctor Moon, NB interrupts, "not to interrupt or anything, but about those Elements of Harmony?"

DrMoon: Right, right. Have you all become friends?

Sweetness: Check

NiteBrite: Check

DustyFeathers: "I'd like to think so, check."

nod: yea frome what i can tell

MarissaInaba: Well, I'd like to think so. Nothing builds friendship quite like running for your life with someone.

Whiteout: can't help but grin at Marissa's comment. "It sure helps."

DrMoon: And have you gathered the magical foci?

NiteBrite: The what now?

Whiteout: Huh?

DustyFeathers: looks confused. "You mean we need magic too?"

nod: the magical what now

MarissaInaba: ... NiteBrite, did you skim past that, too?

DrMoon: The foci. You know, the necklaces. Didn't you read the book? Look at page 53.

MarissaInaba: Oh, for the love of Celestia, you did. Give me that.

SolidGear: blinks at this, as she hadn't read through all the book. Thus, flips open to the page mentioned.

NiteBrite: *there is a large picture of necklaces and a caption* It reads:

MarissaInaba: You aren't allowed to use this anymore, NB.

SolidGear: (())

DustyFeathers: ()

SolidGear: (())

NiteBrite: The warriors of Harmony used these jewels to channel the energy of their friendship into magical energy

Whiteout: just facehoofs.

NiteBrite: Wow, it even had a picture

NiteBrite: my bad

MarissaInaba: Like I said.

nod: face hoof

SolidGear: Well, that's informative, but what's the rest say? she wonders aloud, looking around at the rest of the text for anything.

MarissaInaba: You are no longer allowed to do research.

DustyFeathers: "Oh bloody hell. How do we go about finding these then?"

MarissaInaba: Ever.

NiteBrite: : < why is everything I do always the last time I get to do it?

nod: do you realy want to know

SolidGear: I have no idea, Nite. But, at least you're not the one taking up three jobs at once for this.

MarissaInaba: Because you're terrible at everything you do.

SolidGear: is still looking through the book, hoping it'll reveal...something about where the foci come from.

NiteBrite: *rest of the text: The foci were last seen in the castle of the ancient pony sisters, in the Everfree forest during the Battle of DrMoons fall.*

DustyFeathers: "I'm sure you'll be useful if we have some mathmetical problems." Dusty remarked, trying to sound reassuring.

SolidGear: doesn't read this aloud, minorly quaking in her horseshoes.

NiteBrite: *they disappeared shortly after the battle eneded.*

MarissaInaba: heads over and joins in with the reading of the book.

NiteBrite: So, new researcher, SG, what does it say?

Whiteout: gives Solid a concerned look. "You alright? That's no a promising look..."

SolidGear: ...we...we won't be able to find them. she muutters quietly, instantly slamming the book shut with her hooves.

DrMoon: It says you have to go to the Everfree forest.

DrMoon: *rolls eyes*

DustyFeathers: Dusty gave her a stern look. "Solid, we need to be tough about this."

NiteBrite: O_O the the ever... *shakes too*

SolidGear: Yes...but they disappeared there. I will go all over Equestria's clouds, even scale mountains and swamps....but the Everfree forest? No.

MarissaInaba: ...

MarissaInaba: Erg... that could be problematic.

nod: umm i hate to brig this up but the ever free forest might be the least of our worrys if we dont fix this

Whiteout: sighs. "Oh, it'll be fine! It's just a pony-eating forest full of Celestia know what kind of horrible things -and- hordes of Lunar Republican Zombies! What could possibly go wrong?"

DrMoon: I know its dangerous, but the psssh fate psssh counting on pssh Equestria. *Static*

SolidGear: shivers lightly, then sighs and moves away from everypony else and over to the console, "We'll do our best, Doctor."

DustyFeathers: "Well, I can try to find them. After rescuing Sweetie from those zombies, that forest sure doesn't scare me."

NiteBrite: The everfree forest. That place just ain't natural.

SolidGear: shuts off the screen and radio, then turns to everypony gathered, "Dusty, how often have you been there?"

NiteBrite: Err even less so than roaming hordes of zombies

MarissaInaba: Does it really matter? We don't exactly have a choice, do we?

SolidGear: No choice, yes...but being prepared is our best bet. I won't run into something without some knowledge at hand.

NiteBrite: We could just... give up? I mean, at leastr as zombies, we wouldn't need to go into the forest.

DustyFeathers: Admittedly, not at all, but as Marissa says, we don't have a choice. I'll do whatever it takes, and this time it's not just for Dashy.

Whiteout: I don't want to go in there... but what I want to do and what we need to do are very different things. How can we prepare?

MarissaInaba: Yeah. We really need to be thoroughly prepared before even considering to move on.

nod: well what do we even have that we can use?

DustyFeathers: "I could scout the area, if that helps?"

Sweetness: What should I look for?

SolidGear: Well, in that case, I vote we take a look at the books here in the Tardis...assuming there are any. she looks aside to Sweetness, "Do you remember Derpy ever saying that there were books here, Sweetness?"

Sweetness: There should be an inventory, somewhere.

SolidGear: nods, "Good let's start there, then."

MarissaInaba: There's gotta be a library somewhere in here.

MarissaInaba: I'll handle finding the books.

NiteBrite: I'll help. I like books

MarissaInaba: activates her "finding things" magic.

SolidGear: Good, Mariss and Nite go find books, I'll look at the inventory with Sweetness.

Whiteout: Alright. I'm going to check on Anthrax. I'm not much for reading.

Tardis: *Marissa's powers lead her through the TARDIS and its many zany rooms to a Library*

Anthrax: *Is asleep in bed*

DustyFeathers: taps her hoof lightly. "Okay, fine. We'll do things the cautious way..." She muttered to herself.

MarissaInaba: And we have Library! Awesome!

Sweetness: Okay, SG, lets try to pull up that inventory.

nod: better then rushing intoi danger with just our whits dusty

NiteBrite: So we are looking for books on the forest right?

SolidGear: I'm not looking for a ton of information, Dusty...just a few things and that's it. Moment we have some devices prepared, we'll get going. I'll even build a few myself. Trust me, I'm as reliable as you can get for this. she states, turning to Sweetness and nodding to get started on the inventory.

Whiteout: will be quiet, so as not to wake her, just needed to know if she was okay.

Anthrax: *wakes up* Huh, what's been going on?

DustyFeathers: rolls her eyes and starts sorting out the cobwebs again.

MarissaInaba: goes looking for books on the Everfree Forest

DustyFeathers: "Well, once you need a scout, I'll be up here. I'm not so good with the whole preparation thing."

Whiteout: chuckles slightly. "So much for being quiet. How you feeling, Anthrax?"

SolidGear: notices Dusty Feathers cleaning up while the inventory goes on, though doesn't respond as she's paying attention to what's all in the Tardis.

Sweetness: *presses buttons, pulls up a list of Spare parts for TARDIS repair*

Anthrax: I'm feeling better. A bit thirsty.

SolidGear: That's a lot of spare stuff for self-repair...I wonder if anything's broken. she mutters, "Do you have a status screen for thee parts of the Tardis too?"

NiteBrite: Oh heres a book!

MarissaInaba: Gimme.

NiteBrite: *Pictures of Fire Engines*

DustyFeathers: starts getting bored already and perches on her favourite beam.

SolidGear: is rather relaxed now, as she's enjoying the chance to learn more about how the Tardis works.

NiteBrite: Its one of my favorites

MarissaInaba: grabs the book with her telikinesis.

MarissaInaba: ...

Whiteout: Good to hear it. I'm sure I can come up with something drinkable around here somewhere. We're working on finding a way to fix all of this...

MarissaInaba: Let's try for a book relevant to our situation, hon.

Sweetness: One sec, *pulls it up* *magnetic coupler fluid leak, explosion in 20 minutes*

NiteBrite: Okay. I'll just keep this one for later.

MarissaInaba: Yes. That works.

SolidGear: blanches at this revelation, "Oh great...well, I'm gonna rush off and fix that, Sweetness. Hopefully I can do it in the time left before it goes kaboom."

NiteBrite: *there is a section of books on the forest, titles like Flora and Fauna of the Everfree forest, Supernaturals, ancient maps, etc

NiteBrite: *

MarissaInaba: Here we go.

Sweetness: Its dangerous to go alone. *opens a drawer and pulls out a coupler* Take this

SolidGear: takes the coupler and nods her thanks, before trotting off to find it.

Anthrax: ()

SolidGear: ()

MarissaInaba: ()

Anthrax: Anything important going on I should know about?

NiteBrite: *has a stack of books*

MarissaInaba: Are any of those about the Everfree forest?

NiteBrite: Ummm, this one?

NiteBrite: *it is about the everfree forest, but its a children's coloring book*

SolidGear: is thus now hoping she'll find the coupling in time to fix it.

Whiteout: wanders out briefly in search of something drinkable, returns shortly with a cup of water balanced on one wing. He passes it to Anthrax while nodding. "It has been... well, crazy, actually. We ended up back at the school, appraently at the same time I was running around the woods with you, and accidentally caused an explosion. But we think we know what we have to do to fix all of this."

Sweetness: *the coupler is easy to spot due to the pool of leaked fluid it leaked.*

MarissaInaba: >:| *sigh* I've found a section with a bunch of maps and guides and such.

MarissaInaba: It should have what we need.

DustyFeathers: gets back down from her perch and decides to go exploring the TARDIS.

Whiteout: Heh. I'm not making much sense, I'm sure. But it comes down to magic, of some kind. Something that was supposed to have defeated Nightmare Moon a long time ago. And we've got to go into Everfree Forest to find it again.

Anthrax: What's that? what could possibly fix this?

DustyFeathers: "Well, I've not really explored this thing yet... I wonder how big it actually is."

nod: well it looks like we might have some time before we charge out in to certain doom. im going to take a nap

Sweetness: If you get lost give me a call. *pushes intercom button* The whole place is wired with intercoms.

SolidGear: blinks at all the leaked fluid, then facehoofs as she realizes she needs somepony with a mop to clean it up, "Durnit Dusty, where are you when I need you most?" she grumbles, setting the coupling down on a convenient box nearby and looking around for a mop.

Whiteout: From what the others were saying? Something about Elements of Harmony. I'm not much for ancient history, but anything's worth a try.

MarissaInaba: goes digging for books that might be helpful.

MarissaInaba: *using a bit of magical aid, though her magic actually isn't very good at finding specific things*

NiteBrite: *reads the coloring book, it has lots of pictures*

SolidGear: heard the intercom and looks at it, then decides to com back to Sweetness, "I need a pony with a mop and bucket here, the fluid's everywhere and making a big mess."

DustyFeathers: casually struts up to a door and opens it carefully. "Ah, there's the cleaning supplies..." She then looks around the TARDIS. "Looks like somepony forgot it was here."

MarissaInaba: Is there anything of use in there, by the way? Or is it just basic information we already know.

NiteBrite: Well, here is a picture of the statue of Harmony. See those orbs?

NiteBrite: This one is pale blue ^_^

NiteBrite: *colors*

MarissaInaba: Hon, it's a colouring book. the colours are provided by the reader.

NiteBrite: yay

MarissaInaba: So really it doesn't help us.

DustyFeathers: (I'm trying not to d'aaawww at NB and MI, but d'aaawww)

SolidGear: ((yeah, I agree.))

NiteBrite: And on this page, the statue is being used to create the original foci

MarissaInaba: Oooh, that might be helpful.

MarissaInaba: *trots over*

NiteBrite: *colors the warriors green*

NiteBrite: They ate too much spinach

DustyFeathers: takes out the mop and carefully hitches the buckets onto her back, minding for her wings.

MarissaInaba: ... that's nice.

DustyFeathers: "Now, let's see where needs a good scrub..."

MarissaInaba: rubs her temples, goes back to looking for useful texts

Whiteout: So, well, we're going to go and do something incredibly stupid an' hope it can fix this so everypony doesn't end up zombies. The one behind the 'Lunar Repblic' is gonna try an' stop us, but this is too important to worry about that.

Sweetness: *calls dusty on the Intercom* Dusty, SG needs clean up service, she's just around the corner

SolidGear: waits, fidgeting as she watches the fluid spread more, getting nervous as she counts down the minutes in her head.

DustyFeathers: "Ooh! Aye aye, Cap'n!" She dashes straight around the corner towards SG.

Anthrax: I - be safe.

Anthrax: I don't want to lose anyone else

SolidGear: is slightly startled by Dusty, but quickly moves aside to let her work, "Oh good, you're here. I was worried you wouldn't find it...." pauses, realizing she was just around the corner.

SolidGear: facehoofs.

MarissaInaba: has gathered a pretty big pile of books and maps that might be useful.

[16:07] <NiteBrite> Thats a lot of books. Planning on making a career out of this?

[16:07] <MarissaInaba> We need as much information as we can get. This is about as much as I can carry with my magic.

[16:08] * DustyFeathers quickly gets to mopping up the fluid. "Good thing I found out where the storage cupboard was just now."

[16:08] <NiteBrite> Maybe spend a few months writing a thesis?

[16:08] <MarissaInaba> We have a time machine. time is not an issue for us right now.

[16:08] * Whiteout smiles, noses Anthrax. "Ain't gonna happen. Too many good folks've already gotten hurt over this, and I don't reckon anypony's gonna let that stand."

[16:08] <NiteBrite> Right, but we still age in here right?

[16:08] <NiteBrite> And we only have so many muffins

[16:09] <MarissaInaba> There... might be food in here. I could find it with my magic.

[16:09] <Anthrax> *nods and goes back to sleep*

[16:09] <MarissaInaba> And the alternative is to go in blind and die a horrible death.

[16:09] <NiteBrite> I like that plan ^_^ b

[16:10] * SolidGear nods, "Yeah..." notes the way the buckets fit on Dusty, calculating how much easier it'd be if it fit her properly and such, "Say...Dusty. If you're so good at cleaning, why don't you have a personal mop and bucket set?"

[16:10] <NiteBrite> *hoof up instead of thumbs up*

[16:10] <MarissaInaba> Any plan where we don't die is a good plan.

[16:10] * MarissaInaba takes the books off to the main room.

[16:10] * Whiteout heads back out into the main chamber, oddly less apprehensive. "Hey, Sweetness, any help I can be?"

[16:10] <NiteBrite> Okay

[16:12] <Sweetness> The others are just repairing a minor coupler leak. *pulls up inventory* maybe you could gather anything useful for our trip?

[16:12] * MarissaInaba gets to the main room with the pile of books.

[16:13] * NiteBrite follows with the coloring book and a book on Fire Engines

[16:13] <NiteBrite> Hey guys, we're back.

[16:13] <MarissaInaba> I've got maps! Also bestiaries and a book of natural remedies for various potential injuries and ailments.

[16:14] <NiteBrite> I've got a book with lots of colorul pictures.

[16:14] <nod> *woke up* well im fully rested whats the plan?

[16:14] <Sweetness> *the inventory lists items like rope, saddlebags, flashlights, water, etc.*

[16:14] <MarissaInaba> And also a book on fire engines.

[16:15] <Sweetness> Actully I was talking about the fire engines. The coloring book is by definition, without color.

[16:15] <Sweetness> *rolls eyes at Marissa* That should have been obvious.

[16:16] <DustyFeathers> "I did have such a set m'dear, but it's at my home."

[16:16] <MarissaInaba> (I'm assuming that's NB and now somehow Sweetness)

[16:16] <MarissaInaba> *sigh* whatever.

[16:16] <Sweetness> (( shoot ))

[16:16] <Sweetness> ((my bad))

[16:16] * Whiteout nods to Sweetness. "Can do. Just point me towards what we want, and I'll go play fetch."

[16:17] <NiteBrite> actully I was talking about the fire engines. The coloring book is by definition, without color.[16:15] <Sweetness> *rolls eyes at Marissa* That should have been obvious.

[16:17] <MarissaInaba> Let's just get to reading.

[16:17] <SolidGear> "Ah....well, I'll make you a new set once we get some downtime. Seems you could use it." she says, carefully maneuvering around Dusty to start working on replacing the coupling.

[16:17] <MarissaInaba> *somewhat louder* Anyone who doesn't have a job already is on research duty except NB.

[16:18] <Sweetness> *prints a list of locations* *gives to Whiteout* just follow this.

[16:18] <NiteBrite> But then what am I supposed to do?

[16:18] <Whiteout> Can do! *glances over the list and heads off in search of saddlebags first, then the rest of the gear*

[16:19] <nod> okay then *grabs a book*

[16:19] <MarissaInaba> You can work on reading about fire engines and colouring in pictures, hon.

[16:19] <DustyFeathers> "Aww, really? You'd do that for lil' me? You're the best fillie ever!" She refrains from jumping with glee and keeps mopping.

[16:19] <NiteBrite> Yesss! This is a job I was born to do.

[16:19] <MarissaInaba> *sigh*

[16:20] <NiteBrite> *colors images of the manticore, the landslide cliffs, and the sorrowful seaserpent.*

[16:20] * MarissaInaba grabs the nearest book and begins researching.

[16:20] <NiteBrite> coloring is fun

[16:20] * SolidGear smiles lightly, also holding back the urge to give Dusty a hug, "Well, we've been friends for how long before all this? I figure it's about time I built you something that'll last a long while as a token of our friendship."

[16:21] <Sweetness> *the saddlebags are in a closet just past where SG and Dusty are. In the closet is also a bunch of costumes and historical clothing*

[16:22] <NiteBrite> *marissa learns about various dangers such as poison joke, and cockatrices*

[16:24] <nod> mkay i might as well make me some food too

[16:46] <NiteBrite> (()) And lets start again:

[16:47] <NiteBrite> Read anything useful Marissa?

[16:47] <Sweetness> *the saddlebags that Whiteout is looking for are in a closet just past where SG and Dusty are. In the closet is also a bunch of costumes and historical clothing*

[16:47] * nod is still reading

[16:47] * Anthrax continues to be the TARDIS

[16:48] <Anthrax> *asleep in

[16:48] <MarissaInaba> Yes. These books have lots of information on stuff we'll need to know.

[16:48] <MarissaInaba> (ANTHRAX STOP BEING THE TARDIS)

[16:49] <NiteBrite> *breaks a crayon* shoot.

[16:49] <DustyFeathers> "Awww, when we finish up with this thingymajig you're fixing, you're going to get the biggest hug you've ever known!" Dusty grinned to Solid.

[16:49] <MarissaInaba> Hrm. Sorry, I don't have any spare crayons on me.

[16:50] * SolidGear smirks lightly, "I'm prepared for that, Dusty. But for now, we need to get this working..."

[16:51] <Whiteout> *snags a set of saddlebags for himself, then pulls another few loose... sending a small avalanche of costumes tumbling down on himself. A couple later, and a snickering pony in old-fashoined aviator's goggles with a toga draped over him is dragging saddlebags back into the main room of the TARDIS.

[16:52] <NiteBrite> *snickers* nice costume Whiteout

[16:53] * Whiteout grins. "It kinda fell on me. Think I'm keeping the goggles, though. They're nifty!"

[16:53] <MarissaInaba> Hey, you doin' anything? 'Cause I could use some help combing through these books.

[16:53] * SolidGear thus waits a little bit more so she can replace the broken coupling with the working one, which takes all of a minute or so to do. Then she tosses the broken one into the empty bucket on Dusty's saddle buckets.

[16:54] <DustyFeathers> "Did you hear that?" Dusty looked around her like a confused deer.

[16:54] <SolidGear> "I did, but it sounded like a fwump, so it's just clothes, Dusty. Don't worry about it, I'm sure the others are tending to it."

[16:55] <Sweetness> They look good on you WO.

[16:55] <DustyFeathers> "If you say so..." She finishes up the last of the mopping.

[16:55] <NiteBrite> And she doesn't mean with a literal comb

[16:56] <NiteBrite> *iis being helpful*

[16:56] <MarissaInaba> Of course I don't. Books don't have hair.

[16:56] <NiteBrite> Some do

[16:56] * Whiteout drops off the saddlebags and goes back for more supplies from the closet over by Dusty and Solid.

[16:56] * SolidGear smiles to Dusty, then sidles up and lightly nuzzles Dusty's neck, "Thanks for the help. Now, let's go see what everypony else has gotten up to." she states, trotting off to the main area.

[16:57] <MarissaInaba> ... oh, whatever.

[16:57] <NiteBrite> *is bored* *Sees SG* Hey SG, you wouldn't happen to have some more crayons, I broke the blue one.

[16:57] * DustyFeathers spots White with his funky getup and starts giggling.

[16:58] <DustyFeathers> "So you're the one who's been making all sorts of noises by here."

[16:58] * SolidGear shakes her head lightly, "Nah, I think that's the only one. I don't keep crayons on me, just whatever I have in my metal leg." a pause, "Which I should check inventory of, actually."

[16:58] <Sweetness> *there is a shelf of adventuring/camping gear in the closet, but no weapons or the like*

[16:59] * Whiteout grins, a little sheepishly. "Yeah, I knocked over a stack of clothing trying to get some stuff out of this closet."

[16:59] * nod grabs a new book finding nothing of real youse in the last one

[17:00] <NiteBrite> I've learned all about the original creation of the element foci. In 12 easy pages.

[17:01] * SolidGear moves away from the cluster of ponies to a nice open area and lies down, starting to dump out the contents of her leg. Out comes two screwdrivers, a wrench, a hammer, some random bent nails, the muffin now with a few bolts stuck in it, and a small roll of paper that says 'To SG' on it and is tightly rolled up.

[17:01] <MarissaInaba> I've got my hands on a bunch of useful intel on Everfree Forest.

[17:02] <MarissaInaba> Could get MORE if I had some help.

[17:02] <DustyFeathers> "I see... The goggles look cool though." She kept smiling while calmly sorting out all the fallen costumes on the floor.

[17:02] <Sweetness> I think we could all use a rest. All this running around has got me beat.

[17:03] <nod> im trying to help but i cant find much usefull info

[17:03] <Sweetness> All in favor of parking in multidimensional time outside of the reach of NMM and getting some shut eye?

[17:04] <Sweetness> *raises hoof*

[17:04] <MarissaInaba> There should be plenty in there.

[17:04] <SolidGear> "I'm still rarin' to go. A bit of work is all I needed to convince me we've got more stuff to do." she says, packing up all her stuff excepting the muffin, which was now bolt-less.

[17:04] * Whiteout grins. "We should see if we can find you a pair in here. They'll be handy in case the weather gets crazy. I hate flying blind."

[17:05] <NiteBrite> Sleep sounds good to me. *wanders off to bedrooms*

[17:05] <MarissaInaba> No stoppin' now. Too much research to do.

[17:05] <nod> i was asleep alot already i'll be fine to keep studying

[17:05] <NiteBrite> Laters

[17:06] <DustyFeathers> "Despite what you've seen earlier, I don't actually do a lot of flying outside..." She packs some folded costumes away.

[17:06] <SolidGear> "Hmmm....I'll help you, Marissa. Everypony else, if you feel tired, just go sleep and the rest of us will wake you." she says, cantering to Marissa's stack of books.

[17:06] * Whiteout shrugs out of the toga and stashes it, then pitches in on the rest. "Really? You seemed comfortable enough in the sky."

[17:07] <SolidGear> "It's her wings, Whiteout..."

[17:08] <Sweetness> right, well, I'm going to take us out of the cafeteria for now. No point sitting around waiting to be discovered. *pushes intercom* Attention everypony, I'm about to move the TARDIS to a vortex dimension outside fo normal space. Brace yourselves

[17:08] * SolidGear braces herself, and a few book stacks so they don't go crashing all over the place.

[17:08] * nod drops his books ang holds on to the floor

[17:09] <Sweetness> *begins moving the piloting* *the Tardis shakes a bit like a minor earthquake, but this time is not so bad*

[17:09] * Whiteout blinks at the announcement, and sets his hooves, bracing against the closet doorway. "Here we go again!"

[17:09] <DustyFeathers> "Well, it's a bit of both. I tend not to fly outside because of the fact my wings are rather filthy, and scattering dust everywhere is just rude... But that's not to say it wears me down."

[17:10] * DustyFeathers quickly holds herself against the wall.

[17:10] * MarissaInaba braces the books with magic!*

[17:10] <NiteBrite> *is in bed* *hits self in face with fireengine book.* Ooof

[17:11] <NiteBrite> I shouldn't read in be-e-e-e-e-d

[17:12] <Whiteout> Oh.. wow. I'm sorry! I thought that was just from hanging out in the trashed out school. I didn't think...

[17:13] <Sweetness> *and the TARDIS stops* This is your captain Sweetness speaking, we have arrived at beautiful the middle of nowhen. A nice little dimension outside of time. please enjoy your stay and try to get some rest.

[17:14] <Sweetness> If you need me just call on the 'com *clicks off the intercom*

[17:14] <Sweetness> Welp, I'm out of here folks. G'night.

[17:14] * SolidGear smirks at hearing that, "Will do, cap'n." she responds, before returning back to the books.

[17:14] <nod> well she is getting better at drivin this thing thats for shure

[17:15] <NiteBrite> I bet I could drive good too

[17:15] <NiteBrite> *he says in his sleep*

[17:15] <DustyFeathers> "No need to apologise m'dear, after all, I have this cutie mark for a reason." She winked at White and quickly swept up a bit of dust next to her with her wing.

[17:16] <NiteBrite> *its as though Marissa was talking to his dreams or something and not a contrived coverup of his author forgot he went to bed*

[17:16] <SolidGear> "By the way, Dusty...why is it that your wings are the only ones I've seen on a Pegasus that actually work better with dust in 'em?"

[17:17] <Narrator> ((when ever everypony is finished with what they are doing and ready, lets skip to the next morning.))

[17:17] * Whiteout shrugs. "Well, I'm still gonna feel a bit awkward 'bout it, but good that you get to do what you love, at least!"

[17:18] <DustyFeathers> "Beats me, I never thought it would ever be a problem." She shrugged. "Anyway, let's get some sleep, yeah?"

[17:19] <Whiteout> "Good call. This can wait 'til morning."

[17:19] <SolidGear> "Sure, you guys can go sleep...I'm gonna stick here and help out as much as I can. We'll have a plan in the morning." she says, setting back into reading the books.

[17:20] <SolidGear> ((SG won't fall asleep for a good many hours and will get about an hour's worth of sleep. Why? because I say she does.))

[17:21] <MarissaInaba> (Marissa's pullin' an all nighter.)

[17:21] <nod> (during time jump to morning nod read noded off and read some more repeat untill morning)

[17:22] <Narrator> (( cool, also Equestria works on a 16 hour day FYI. Long session makes me tired. Okay, if ready to warp say ready))

[17:22] <DustyFeathers> "Uh, okay Solid... Oh wait!" She quickly pounced on Solid and gave her a tight squeeze.

[17:22] <Whiteout> (( Ready ))

[17:22] <DustyFeathers> "Almost forgot that! Okay, I'll see ya in the morning."

[17:22] <DustyFeathers> ((right, now I'm ready))

[17:23] <Narrator> ((SG, Nod, Marrisa? Ready?))

[17:24] <nod> ((yep))

[17:24] * SolidGear blinks at the sudden hug, then returns to the books with a slight blush on her face.

[17:24] <SolidGear> ((yesh, ready.))

[17:25] <Narrator> ((okay. Warp to the next morning in 3, 2, 1... Now))

[17:26] <Narrator> Its the next morning. Well whatever morning means in a timeless world inside a time machine. Feels like 8 or 10ish in the morning.

[17:26] <Sweetness> *wakes up with bad bedmane*

[17:27] * DustyFeathers woke up at about 6 -according to this timeframe anyway- and is already at even more dusting around the TARDIS.

[17:27] * MarissaInaba is still awake, fiddling with the books. She found a coffee machine!

[17:27] * SolidGear is awake, though bleary-eyed and still poring over books with Marissa nearby. She looks significantly more tired than last night, but stubbornly shaking her head to keep awake.

[17:27] <Sweetness> *looks in mirror* Sigh, its difficult to brush ones mane, when one isn't a unicorn.

[17:28] * nod is still reading. He is use to working though the night

[17:28] * Whiteout stumbles out late, seemingly still asleep while making a beeline for Marissa on smell alone. "Coooooffffffeeeeeee....."

[17:28] <MarissaInaba> Oh, no you don't. This cup's mine. I've set up the machine over there.

[17:29] * MarissaInaba gestures to where she's set up the coffee machine and a whole bunch of cups; more than they really need. Also, sugar and milk.

[17:29] <NiteBrite> *NB is wearing Pajamas* Happy Morning Happy Morning Morning People! *NB is full of perk and pep this morning*

[17:29] * Whiteout blinks blearily at Marissa, then turns to the coffee machine, staring at it blankly for a minute.

[17:30] <MarissaInaba> You aren't allowed any coffee, NB.

[17:30] <NiteBrite> : <

[17:30] <MarissaInaba> ... here, Whiteout, you need a hand with that?

[17:30] * SolidGear blinks at seeing NB, then groans softly as she returns to reading...which goes very slowly and she finally falls asleep at her book.

[17:31] * Whiteout turns the saddest face ever on Marissa. Nothing is more pathetic than a sleepy pegasus. "Please?"

[17:31] <Sweetness> *has rigged up a harness with pullies to comb her hair*

[17:31] * MarissaInaba heads over to help whiteout; she grabs a cup, pressses a few buttons. "Sugar?"

[17:31] * DustyFeathers starts giggling at all the commotion.

[17:31] * Whiteout nodnodnodnods.

[17:31] <MarissaInaba> That's a silly question. Of course you want sugar.

[17:31] <nod> *looks at SG* so thats what i lookk like from this side of being awake

[17:32] * SolidGear is facedown asleep in a book.

[17:32] * MarissaInaba pours a few spoonfuls of sugar into his cups before turning on the machine

[17:32] <DustyFeathers> "Well, it's a good thing one of us is an early riser."

[17:32] <NiteBrite> You fillies and colts didn't stay up ALL night did you?

[17:33] <MarissaInaba> I FOUND COFFEE. SLEEP IS MY BITCH.

[17:33] * MarissaInaba after saying this, she promptly collapses into a heap.

[17:33] <nod> i was as much awake as i normaly am

[17:34] <NiteBrite> Coffee is weak sauce, you should try caffeine pills.

[17:34] <Sweetness> *enters the main room* Stimulants are bad for you NB

[17:34] * MarissaInaba has joined SG in sleeping.

[17:35] <NiteBrite> I don't use 'em. I was talking about these fillys

[17:35] <Sweetness> Hmm, they do look tired. *pokes SG*

[17:36] <NiteBrite> *eats a blueberry muffin*

[17:36] * Whiteout rescues his precious from the coffee machine, and inhales deeply. "Mmmmmmm." With that, he takes a drink, sputtering for a second as his feathers stand on end, then coughing. "Mm. Strong."

[17:37] * MarissaInaba had it set up to make REALLY strong coffee

[17:37] * SolidGear gives a light groan in her sleep, not waking up at all right now...though she does move a bit.

[17:38] <NiteBrite> Dry. Need drink. *sees marissa is asleep* *sneaks towards the coffee*

[17:38] <Sweetness> Hmm, if they're going to sleep, I guess I call first bath.

[17:39] <Whiteout> All yours, Sweetness. This cup of coffee is growing on me.

[17:39] <nod> i should wake her .... but not right away *carefuly stacking books ontop of SG*

[17:39] <NiteBrite> *gets ready to drink coffee*

[17:39] <MarissaInaba> zzzzzzzzzzzz

[17:39] <NiteBrite> *drinks*

[17:39] <NiteBrite> ^__________^

[17:39] * MarissaInaba is apparently a bit of a snorer

[17:39] * Whiteout takes another sip, once again fluffing his wings at the bite.

[17:40] <NiteBrite> Woooooo! Coffee! Thisisgoingtobethegreatestmorningever!!1!

[17:41] <Sweetness> Right, now the door to the baths doesn't have a lock. So stay away.

[17:41] <SolidGear> ((hehe, yeah...SG is a silent sleeper, so she'll be out a while since she makes no noise.))

[17:42] * Whiteout nods to Sweetness, settling in in the main room. "So, Dusty, I take it you're a morning pony?"

[17:42] <NiteBrite> *is practically bouncing off the walls* Wee

[17:43] <Sweetness> *leaves for the baths*

[17:43] * nod has made a rather nice stack of books ontop of SG

[17:43] <DustyFeathers> "Well, I like making sure everypony wakes up to a clean room."

[17:44] * Whiteout eyes nod. "Nod, she's not a bookshelf..."

[17:44] <NiteBrite> Dusty-you're-a-morning-pony-too-wow-So-am-I-we-should-totally-go-cleanstuff-or-whatever-it-is-you-like-to-do

[17:45] * MarissaInaba is gonna be asleep for a while.

[17:46] <nod> i know but it will be hilarious when she wakes up

[17:46] <NiteBrite> I'llmovethebooks!*moves the books*theredone!WhatelsecanIdo?

[17:47] <Whiteout> Not if one of those falls on her... *blinks at Nite*

[17:47] * DustyFeathers smiles to NB nervously. "I think I'm just about done for now, actually. I'll grab myself a rose flavoured tea, if there's any around."

[17:47] <nod> .... wow

[17:47] <nod> that was fast

[17:48] <NiteBrite> *finishes his cup of coffe* ThiscoffeestuffisSuperSpecialAwesome! Isthereanymore?

[17:48] <Narrator> There is tea in the cupboard

[17:49] <nod> i hope not

[17:49] <NiteBrite> Awww

[17:50] * DustyFeathers searches through the various teas in the cupboard. "Somepony has a nice collection here... Now where's the rose-a ha! Got ya!"

[17:51] * Whiteout smiles, idly adding more sugar to his coffee.

[17:51] <NiteBrite> Well, whatstheplan? ArewegoingtotheForesttoday?

[17:52] <Sweetness> *has a nice relaxing Bubble bath.*

[17:52] <nod> you realy need to calm down night. at this rate you will tyre yourself out befor we even leave

[17:52] * DustyFeathers makes herself a quick drink of tea and perches on her favourite beam to relax.

[17:53] * MarissaInaba sleepins

[17:53] <NiteBrite> I'll try. *sits and twitches a little*

[17:53] <Whiteout> Well, we're going to -have- to go soon. We've ony got so many muffins.

[17:54] <DustyFeathers> "Hey Nite, I know what'll keep you busy.... What's 104 multiplied by 232 divided by the square root of 945?"

[17:54] <Sweetness> hmmm

[17:54] <Sweetness> this is a nice bath

[17:55] <NiteBrite> Lemme think lemme think *puts hoof to chin*

[17:55] * SolidGear starts to stir, as she'd finally caught up on just enough sleep to wake up, slowly getting to her hooves, "Ugh...sorry about that everypony. What'd I miss?"

[17:55] * MarissaInaba sleeeeeeeeeps

[17:56] <NiteBrite> 102*232 is 24128... and the square root of 945 is between 30 and 31ish.

[17:57] <nod> i think i will take yore word on that one

[17:57] <NiteBrite> soo with rounding, its 785.

[17:57] <NiteBrite> yay math!

[17:58] <DustyFeathers> "Darn, I thought it would be complicated enough to keep you busy for a good while."

[17:58] <NiteBrite> Oh, I know, I'll go read a math book in the library

[17:59] <NiteBrite> *leaves for the library*

[17:59] <DustyFeathers> "Good idea, I don't think we'll be going anywhere yet."

[17:59] <Anthrax> *enters the main room*

[17:59] * SolidGear notices that Marissa is asleep and lightly nudges the tired pony, "Hey...Marissa...wake up?"

[18:00] <Anthrax> H-hey everypony

[18:00] * MarissaInaba brushes away SG. "Gerroff"

[18:00] * SolidGear moves away from Marissa and then looks to Anthrax, "Heya...glad to see you're up. How'd you sleep?"

[18:01] <Sweetness> *dries off with a towel and drains the bathwater*

[18:01] * Whiteout smiles at Anthrax over his coffee cup, waves a wing. "Hiya!"

[18:01] * DustyFeathers gets down from her perch. "Good morning m'dear!"

[18:01] <MarissaInaba> Mrf. 'mawake. wha'dI miss.

[18:02] <SolidGear> "Uhm...well, not much, Marissa."

[18:02] <Anthrax> I needed that rest. I feel good enough to join yall

[18:02] <Anthrax> *takes a cup of coffee*

[18:03] <Anthrax> Is this real coffee? *sips* T_T oh how I've missed this

[18:04] <Whiteout> Oh, and how.

[18:04] <Sweetness> *Returns to the main room, clean and ready for the day.* Bath's free.

[18:04] <SolidGear> "I have no clue how any of you ponies can deal with that stuff. Tastes horrible to me."

[18:04] * DustyFeathers looks to Marissa and Solid with concern. "Are you sure you two fillies don't need some more rest? You were up all night...."

[18:05] * SolidGear smiles lightly at Dusty, "I just needed an extra half hour, really. I don't sleep much, Feathers."

[18:05] * Whiteout shrugs at Solid. "Aquired taste. All the delivery stallions that work with my family can't seem to live without it, and I have to agree there's not much else that'll get you into the sky in midwinter.

[18:06] <Anthrax> I used to order coffee at the local diner and hold a table all night long.

[18:07] <MarissaInaba> ... where's NB?

[18:07] * nod is disappointed that dusty didn’t realise he has been up all night too

[18:07] * SolidGear shrugs at Whiteout, "I drink melted chocolate in winter, keeps ya warm and if you add a bit of sugarcubes to it you'll go for hours on a single job without needin' a break."

[18:07] <MarissaInaba> Please tell me you didn't let the morning person have coffee.

[18:07] <nod> they did im sorry

[18:07] <Anthrax> Just me and Dysentery. Staying up when no one else was, being rebels, enjoying punk rock. *sighs*

[18:08] * SolidGear looks aside to Marissa, "Well....guess we're gonna be carrying Nite along with us then?"

[18:09] <NiteBrite> *Nitebrie, in the library, with the math books*

[18:09] <NiteBrite> *NiteBrite

[18:09] * SolidGear pauses as she realizes Nod hasn't fallen asleep yet, "Uhm...whoa, Nod. You're still awake, even now?"

[18:09] <MarissaInaba> Oh celestia.

[18:09] <nod> i have been napping between books all night

[18:09] <MarissaInaba> That... wasn't bright.

[18:10] <Sweetness> I prefer tea to coffee actually. Do we have any?

[18:10] <nod> im good for a while

[18:11] <DustyFeathers> "What?" She looks to Nod. "You were up all night too?! How many insomniacs do we have here?" She immediately changed her tone as she looked to Sweetness. "There's loads of tea in the cupboard, different varieties too."

[18:11] <Sweetness> *nods and goes to bre some*

[18:11] <Sweetness> *Brew

[18:12] <MarissaInaba> Bluh. I'm not an insomniac, I'm just taking our survival really seriously.

[18:12] <MarissaInaba> Really... really seriously.

[18:12] * Whiteout finishes his own cup and stretches, coming to his full wingspan for a bit with a massive yawn. "Mmmm. Okay. Think I might actually live."

[18:12] * SolidGear shrugs at Nod's answer, figuring it won't be much issue for him. She then watches everypony else, and chimes in with Marissa, "Yeah, but I think we're done preparing now."

[18:13] <NiteBrite> *returns to the kitchen type place*

[18:13] <nod> *nod smiles* acctualy im narcaleptic. i sleep alot so im kinda use to being up at random hours

[18:14] <NiteBrite> Hey guesswhat! I'vefinishedthenextthreeweeksofMathhomework! I'llbesofaraheadwhenSchoolstartsupagain! TimeTravelRules!

[18:14] <NiteBrite> *waves math papers*

[18:14] <MarissaInaba> I think we've got a handle on it oh god you are never allowed coffee again.

[18:14] <MarissaInaba> Ever.

[18:14] <DustyFeathers> "Well, alright, I'm just worried about you all. The last thing we need is for you to be worn out before we do anything exciting today."

[18:15] <NiteBrite> : < AgainwiththeNeverallowedStuff

[18:15] <MarissaInaba> With good reason.

[18:15] <MarissaInaba> >:|

[18:15] * SolidGear blinks at the speed-talking NiteBrite, then looks to Dusty, "I'll be fine, just need to grab some apples if we ever find any. Just a couple of those little sweets and I'm golden." she laughs lightly, "heh...Golden. Those are tasty..."

[18:16] <Sweetness> NB, try eating some bread or something to absorb that coffee out of your system. *offers a muffin*

[18:16] <MarissaInaba> Oh, right. Food.

[18:16] * DustyFeathers laughs with Solid. "Heh, you silly filly."

[18:16] <nod> you pluss coffee ... is ... scary. hmm ihold that thought

[18:17] <MarissaInaba> I found a coffee machine last night, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a kitchen of some sort.

[18:17] <NiteBrite> Hmm, Ialreadyate onemuffintoday, Whileit maywork Idon'twant toeatmore thanmyfairshare

[18:17] <Whiteout> Well, let's get cleaned up and grab a bite, then you studious types can fill the rest of us in so we know what we're walking into?

[18:18] <MarissaInaba> Which is why I'm gonna look for a kitchen. Odds are there's food in here somewhere.

[18:18] <nod> do we have any travle mugs in here for the rest of the coffee

[18:18] <Sweetness> Just eat it. You're calming down is more important than rationing

[18:19] <Anthrax> I'll help look for a proper kitchen.

[18:20] * SolidGear starts to pack up a few maps into a saddlebag, then grabs the book Supernaturals to take along, placing it in the other bag of the saddlebag.

[18:20] <MarissaInaba> Right. And you can help cook, too. And help eat considering your situation.

[18:20] <Anthrax> *If you look hard enough, there is no food, but there is a device that makes food. It has a button that says food, a button that says water, a slot where both are distributed from, and a slot that says Insert mass here*

[18:21] <MarissaInaba> Huh. Surprisingly easy... Hrm.

[18:25] <Anthrax> So how does this thing work? *pokes device with face*

[18:27] <Anthrax> *device is the size of a small refrigerator and looks like a stainless steel box on square metal legs.*

[18:27] <MarissaInaba> I... we press the buttons and food comes out? I think?

[18:27] * DustyFeathers finishes up the last of her tea and looks around the TARDIS.

[18:27] <MarissaInaba> *poke poke*

[18:27] <Anthrax> *the machine whirs and makes some grinding noises, then stops. No food comes out*\

[18:28] <Anthrax> huh, didn't work. Maybe its empty?

[18:28] * SolidGear finishes her packing, then goes to find where Marissa and the others went.

[18:28] <Anthrax> *a light blinks next to the insert mass here slot*

[18:29] * Whiteout shrugs as the rest take off. "While they figure that out, I'm going to grab a bath."

[18:29] <NiteBrite> *eats the muffin*

[18:29] <MarissaInaba> I'm guessing that's the case? What does "mass" mean, anyway?

[18:29] <NiteBrite> *it helps slow him down a bit*

[18:30] <Anthrax> *shrugs* I never did pay attention in class much. Maybe SG knows.

[18:30] <MarissaInaba> Prolly. Wanna go get her?

[18:30] <Anthrax> Yeah,

[18:31] <nod> anypony. travle mug. coffee. i have an idea.

[18:31] <Anthrax> *goes looking for SG*

[18:31] * nod was getting rather excited

[18:31] <NiteBrite> I'll take one Nod

[18:31] * MarissaInaba joins Anthrax in the search

[18:31] * SolidGear and thus appears to the group as Anthrax is about to leave, "Huh, hey there. What's that big box?"

[18:32] <Sweetness> Ah ha. You've slowed to normal speak. Thus is the power of muffins

[18:32] <Sweetness> But Nod, I recommend you don't give NB anymore coffee.

[18:32] <MarissaInaba> Heeeeeelp.

[18:33] <nod> not right away no

[18:33] <MarissaInaba> I think it makes food but we can't figure out how it works and also it might be broken.

[18:33] <MarissaInaba> It wants "mass", whatever that means.

[18:33] <Anthrax> *points to the flashing light*

[18:34] <Anthrax> It says, insert mass here.

[18:34] <NiteBrite> I can handle coffee

[18:34] * SolidGear trots over to look at the machine, then blinks at the 'insert mass here' bit, "Uhm...did any of you take a science course before?"

[18:35] <NiteBrite> just not in the morning it would seem

[18:35] <nod> you can just not well

[18:35] <MarissaInaba> I know what 'mass' means >:|

[18:35] <MarissaInaba> But I don't know what the machine wants with it!

[18:35] <Anthrax> *gives a look* I never go to class.

[18:35] <nod> we can use it as an emergancey weapon of sorts

[18:36] <Anthrax> Class isn't punk like Dysentery and me.

[18:36] * SolidGear takes a look at the buttons, "Well...let's give it a test, shall we?" she pulls out a few bolts from her arm, just two and feeds them into the slot, "Now, push a button."

[18:36] <MarissaInaba> ... okay?

[18:36] <Sweetness> Feed him coffee and fling him to the wolves eh, Nod?

[18:36] * MarissaInaba presses the food button

[18:36] <SolidGear> ((er...right leg, that is, not arm.))

[18:36] <MarissaInaba> (enh same thing)

[18:37] <MarissaInaba> (You wanna get technical, right front leg)

[18:37] <SolidGear> (yeah, true.)

[18:37] <Anthrax> *the machine whirs and this time two small waifers the same size as the bolts are produced from the machine*

[18:38] <Anthrax> Hey, that looks edible.

[18:38] <MarissaInaba> Huh.

[18:38] <MarissaInaba> Let's go get something bigger that we can afford to lose.

[18:38] <Anthrax> Who wants to test the food?

[18:39] <Anthrax> *is hesitant about eating something that was once bolts*

[18:39] * SolidGear takes the wafers and tries a test-bite of them.

[18:39] * MarissaInaba tries the other one

[18:40] <Anthrax> *the waifers restore your energy, but you are still hungry*

[18:40] <MarissaInaba> ()

[18:40] <Anthrax> (())

[18:40] <SolidGear> ()

[18:40] <Anthrax> (())

[18:41] <Anthrax> Well?

[18:41] * SolidGear finishes her wafer, "Well...it's like any other wafer, good energy, doesn't fill you up."

[18:41] <NiteBrite> *Sigh* who all is ready for the day ahead?

[18:41] <MarissaInaba> Hrm. We're gonna need more of these :/

[18:42] * SolidGear looks around the current area, "So...let's find something a little more solid, eh?"

[18:42] <MarissaInaba> Yeppers.

[18:42] <Anthrax> heh, oh solid, are you volunteering?

[18:42] <nod> i guess

[18:43] * SolidGear blinks, "What? No, I'm not volunteering to be turned into food..."

[18:43] <Anthrax> x3

[18:43] <MarissaInaba> >:|

[18:43] <MarissaInaba> No killin' friends.

[18:44] * SolidGear sighs, shaking her head, "Silly filly...we need something better than bolts. Like...hey, what about that broken coupling?"

[18:44] <Anthrax> No worries, it was just a pun. 'look for something more soild'.

[18:44] * SolidGear wanders off to go find where Dusty put the saddle buckets.

[18:44] <Anthrax> Coupling?

[18:44] <MarissaInaba> Hrm. That might work? Iunno.

[18:44] <Anthrax> What's a coupling?

[18:45] <SolidGear> "One of the magnetic couplings broke, so I replaced it. It was pretty sturdy and had a bunch of liquid with it...so we have water and maybe some food."

[18:45] <DustyFeathers> "Hmm, what's this?" Dusty notices something by the coffee maker.

[18:46] * SolidGear returns back to the main area, positively smirking as she sees Dusty, "Hey, Feathers...remember where you put the bucket saddle?"

[18:48] * NiteBrite closes the RP, Cut log here.

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